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I verbi rifelssivi GIOCARE E SAPERE.

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Presentazione sul tema: "I verbi rifelssivi GIOCARE E SAPERE."— Transcript della presentazione:

1 I verbi rifelssivi GIOCARE E SAPERE

2 Cos’è un verbo riflessivo?
A verb is reflexive when the action carried out by the subject is performed on the same subject. A reflexive verb takes the form of the infinitive, drop the e and the pronoun si. For example, pettinare (to comb) becomes pettinarsi (to comb oneself) in the reflexive. Si is an additional pronoun, known as the reflexive pronoun, which is needed when conjugating reflexive verbs. GIOCARE E SAPERE

3 Comuni verbi riflessivi
VERBO VERB addormentarsi to fall asleep laurearsi to graduate alzarsi to get up mettersi to put (clothing) on arrabbiarsi to get angry pettinarsi to comb one's hair chiamarsi to be named radersi to shave coprirsi to cover oneself sedersi to sit down divertirsi to have fun, to enjoy oneself sentirsi to feel farsi il bagno to bathe oneself spogliarsi to undress farsi la doccia to take a shower sposarsi (con) to get married farsi male to get hurt, hurt oneself svegliarsi to wake up innamorarsi (di) to fall in love with vestirsi to get dressed GIOCARE E SAPERE

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