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Web monitor Internet key numbers June 2013.

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1 Web monitor Internet key numbers June 2013

2 June 2013: highlights A Giugno 2013 gli italiani online sono 13,5 milioni su base giornaliera e 27,4 milioni nel mese, facendo registrare una leggera contrazione (-3%) rispetto all’omologo 2012, riconducibile a un naturale travaso del traffico verso i mobile device (al momento non rilevati da Audiweb). Fanno eccezione gli utenti over 55 anni i quali mantengono un trend in crescita (55-64 y.o. +4%; +65 y.o. +10%). La penetrazione è pari al 53% della popolazione, con un picco del 70% sui e del 69% sui il Tempo Speso si mantiene stabile sia su base mensile che nel giorno medio. Su base giornaliera gli utenti dedicano in media 1 ora e 20 minuti al web. I più attivi si confermano i con 1 ora e 34 minuti. Risulta in aumento il tempo speso online dai target over 35, l’incremento più consistente si registra sui Silver Surfer (+7%). La leggera contrazione dell’utenza si riflette anche sulle principali categorie, con l’eccezione dell’ambito Music (+3% Audience; +50% tempo), dove continua a crescere Spotify e del Betting che si mantiene stabile. Mentre sono più numerose le aree che mostrano una crescita del tempo speso: Communities (+1%); News (+4%); Travel (+2%); eCommerce (+13%); Sport (+5%) e Automotive (+39%). Il settore Automotive conferma il trend positivo del tempo speso registrato durante tutto il primo semestre 2013, con una crescita mensile media del 25% (vs. primo semestre 2012). La categoria viene guidata dai leader in ambito usato: – Veicoli (+44% audience; +57% tempo) e (+22% audience), i quali catalizzano rispettivamente un terzo e un quinto dei minuti totali spesi sulla categoria. Segue in termini di utenza (+13% audience) sito di riferimento per notizie, recensioni e listini. A partire da giugno 2012 all’interno del Web Monitor è disponibile anche un’analisi di Audiweb Object Video, l’estensione del sistema di rilevazione che consente di misurare la fruizione dei contenuti video presenti su internet (vedi metodologia pag. 33) .

3 Agenda Quanti sono i surfers? Quanto tempo passano on line?
Target diversi, consumi diversi Che cosa fanno i surfers in rete?

4 June 2013 – Key numbers Audience register a smal decrease, while Time is stable
MONTHLY Jun 2013 Var % vs Jun 2012 Active Internet Users .000 27.414 -3% Time per person (hh:mm) 19:43 -1% Active Users % pen vs pop* Tot Individuals +2 51 2-11 33 12-17 53 18-24 69 25- 34 68 35-44 70 45-54 60 55-64 39 over 65 17 Adulti 66 Men Women 49 Women 25-54 DAILY Jun 2013 Var % vs Jun 2012 Active Internet Users .000 13.517 -4% Time per person (hh:mm) 1:20 stable Audience Trend .000 Universe: la popolazione italiana 2+ (per quanto riguarda gli individui +74 anni, si fa riferimento esclusivamente agli individui che vivono in nuclei familiari dove c'è almeno un componente tra gli anni). Aggiornato solo la pen tot L’universo tra gen e feb 2011 è rimasto uguale June 2013: *Italian Pop. 2+ years (over +74 anni, are considered only if living with at least one person aged between years). Source: Groupm elaborations on Audiweb data

5 June 2013 – Web & App – Audience and Time spent Website are performing better than web applications
Main Web Sites – apps excluded TOT WEBSITES (app excluded) 26,8 mio Unique Audience (-3% vs Jun ‘12) 17h 50 min time per user (stable vs Jun ’12) APPLICATIONS 22,3 mio Unique Audience (-4% vs Jun ‘12) 2 h 48 min time per user (-6% vs Jun ’12) Audience .000 Main Applications Audience app escluse Source: Groupm elaborations on Audiweb data

6 June Audience and time spent per day type and day part During the weekend less users are online; internet prime time confirms all day long Day Type Average Day Active Audience .000 Average Day Time per Person h:min Day Part Applicazioni incluse Source: Groupm elaborations on Audiweb data

7 June 2013 –Internet Audience Composition Women online are increasing; over 60% of web pop. Is made of y.o. Sex % Composition Age % Composition Female +1% vs. ‘12 Male -1% vs. ‘12 Source: Groupm elaborations on Audiweb data

8 June 2013 – Unique Users by target Users over 55 y. o
June 2013 – Unique Users by target Users over 55 y.o. register a relevant growth Average: -3% Kids: 2-11 1,768 mio UU -2% vs Jun ‘12 -11% vs May ‘13 Teen: 12-17 1,763 mio UU -15% vs Jun ‘12 -6% vs May ‘13 Post Teen: 18-24 2,992 mio UU -3% vs Jun ‘12 -3% vs May ‘13 Young adult 25-34 4,780 mio UU -9% vs Jun‘12 -3% vs May‘13 Uu mese Adult anni 6,615 mio UU +1% vs Jun ‘12 -3% vs May ‘13 Mature Adult anni 5,193 mio UU -5% vs Jun ‘12 -3% vs May ‘13 Senior anni 2,909 mio UU +4% vs Jun ‘12 -4% vs May ‘13 Silver Surfer +65 1,395 mio UU +10% vs Jun ’12 -5% vs May ‘13 Source: Groupm elaborations on Audiweb data – applications included

9 June 2013 – Time spent by target on daily average Time spent is growing on targets over 35 y.o.
h:mm Average: stable Kids: 2-11 0:46 -6% vs Jun ’12 -3% vs May ‘13 Teen: 12-17 1:01 -20% vs Jun‘12 -8% vs May‘13 Post Teen: 18-24 1:34 -3% vs Jun ‘12 -5% vs May ‘13 Young Adult 25-34 1:29 -1% vs Jun ‘12 -9% vs May ‘13 Adult anni 1:22 +4% vs Jun ‘12 -5% vs May ‘13 Mature Adult anni 1:19 stable vs Jun ‘12 -6% vs May ‘13 Senior anni 1:15 +6% vs Jun ‘12 -5% vs May ‘13 Silver Surfer +65 0:59 +7% vs Jun ’12 -9% vs May ‘13 Source: Groupm elaborations on Audiweb data – applications included

10 June 2013 – Top 10 websites All top website register a decrease in audience
Time per Person TOT WEBSITES (app excluded) 26,8 mio Unique Audience (-3% vs Jun ‘12) 17h 50 min time per user (stable vs Jun ’12) Bubble size = Page Views = Audience increase Audience stable Audience decrease Applicazioni escluse Audience .000 Source: Groupm elaborations on Audiweb data – applications excluded

11 June 2013 – Top 10 applications Windows Media Player is still leader by Audience, but Skype is fast growing Time per Person APPLICATIONS 22,3 mio Unique Audience (-4% vs Jun ‘12) 2 h 48 min time per user (-6% vs Jun ’12) Bubble size = Page Views Solo applicazioni = Audience increase Audience stable Audience decrease Audience .000 Source: Groupm elaborations on Audiweb data

12 June 2013– Most visited categories Most top categories show a decrease
∆% vs Jun 2012 Audience .000 Subcategorie’s weight Average: -3% -4% -5% -8% 2% -3% Search: % Portals: % Communities: % Video/Broadcaster/Music: 37% Games/Betting: % Sport: % Others: % Travel services/info: % Holiday Planner: % * Servizi Internet = la categoria comprende tutto quello che è nell’ambito dei servizi Internet : provider, servizi , adsl, compagnie telefoniche, ecc. Source: Groupm elaborations on Audiweb data

13 June 2013– Time spent on categories News, eCommerce and Automotive show the best performance
Time per Person h.min.sec -2% -4% 10% 4% 13% -7% 2% -1% 39% 0% -3% 7% 9% Average: -1% ∆% vs June 2012 * Servizi Internet = la categoria comprende tutto quello che è nell’ambito dei servizi Internet : provider, servizi , adsl, compagnie telefoniche, ecc. Source: Groupm elaborations on Audiweb data

14 June 2013 – Portals The category loose part of its time spent
Time per Person PORTALS 24,0 mio Unique Audience (-2% vs Jun ‘12) 51 min time per user (-9% vs Jun ’12) Bubble size = Page Views = Audience increase Audience stable Audience decrease Audience .000 * Il dato di Google risulta più elevato del totale categoria di appartenenza perchè si riferisce al totale brand e quindi comprende la sezione Search, che è esclusa dalla sub category General Interest Portals Source: Groupm Elaborations on Audiweb data – applications included

15 June 2013 – Communities The category register a small decrease in audience
Time per Person Bubble size = Page Views COMMUNITIES 22,3 mio Unique Audience (-7% vs Jun ‘12) 6h 56 min time per user (+1% vs Jun’ 12) Linkedin: +30% Google+: +21% = Audience increase Audience stable Audience decrease Audience .000

16 June 2013 – Entertainment Times spent and audience register a small decrease
Time per Person ENTERTAINMENT 23,7 mio Unique Audience (-4% vs Jun ‘12) 4 h 47 min time per user (-4% vs Jun ‘12) Bubble size = Page Views William Hill +21% = Audience increase Audience stable Audience decrease Audience .000 Source: Groupm Elaborations on Audiweb data – applications included

17 June 2013- Video & Broadcaster Broadcaster perform better than video
Time per Person BROADCASTER (Entertainment’s Subcategory) 11,4 mio Unique Audience (-9% vs Jun ’12) 14 min time per user (-2% vs Jun’12) Bubble size = Page Views VIDEO (Entertainment’s Subcategory) 19,1 mio Unique Audience (-7% vs Jun ’12) 1 h and 18 min time per user (-17% vs Jun ’12) MyMovies: +10% StaserainTV: +44% = Audience increase Audience stable Audience decrease Audience .000 Source: Groupm Elaborations on Audiweb data – applications included

18 June 2013 – Focus on online tv broadcaster Rai
June 2013 – Focus on online tv broadcaster Rai.TV confirms the best performance on time spent stable Delta Audience -20% Delta Time -12% Delta Audience +94% Delta Time -26% Delta Audience +22% Delta Time -10% Delta Audience -17% Delta Time Source: Groupm Elaborations on Audiweb data – applications included

19 June 2013 – Sport The category registers a good increase in time spent
Time per Person SPORT 11,0 mio Unique Audience (-14% vs Jun ‘12) 52 min time per user (+5% vs Jun ‘12) Bubble size = Page Views = Audience increase Audience stable Audience decrease Audience .000 Source: Groupm Elaborations on Audiweb data – applications included

20 June 2013 - Betting Good increase in time spent
June Betting Good increase in time spent. William Hill is still leader Time per Person BETTING 8,2 mio Unique Audience (stable vs Jun ‘12) 54 min time per user (+9% vs Jun ‘12) = Audience increase Audience stable Audience decrease Bubble size = Page Views Lottomatica: +9% Audience .000 Source: Groupm Elaborations on Audiweb data – applications included

21 June Music The category registers a strong increase in audience and time spent. Spotify has the largest amount of time spent Time per Person MUSIC 10,0 mio Unique Audience (+3% vs. Jun ‘12) 18 min time per user (+50% vs. Jun ‘12) = Audience in crescita Audience stazionaria Audience in calo Bubble size = Page Views Leonardo Musica: +121% Audience .000 Source: Groupm Elaborations on Audiweb data – applications included *Rumblefish servizio che consente di inserire una colonna sonora ai video di YouTube

22 June 2013 – News Good performance on Time spent
June 2013 – News Good performance on Time spent. Most top player show a positive sign Time per Person Bubble size = Page Views NEWS 21,3 mio Unique Audience (-5% vs Jun ‘12) 1 H 28 min time per user (+4% vs Jun ‘12) = Audience in crescita Audience stazionaria Audience in calo Audience .000 Source: Groupm Elaborations on Audiweb data – applications included

23 June 2013 – Focus on News Online Corriere
June 2013 – Focus on News Online shows the best performance on time spent Monthly Audience: 8,7 mio Daily Audience: 1,3 mio Monthly Audience: 7,4 mio Daily Audience: 1,0 mio -4% Delta Audience -11% Delta Time -12% Delta Audience -2% Delta Time Monthly Audience: 5,0 mio Daily Audience: 561 mila Monthly Audience: 4,1 mio Daily Audience: 361 mila -4% Delta Audience -16% Delta Time -4% Delta Audience -14% Delta Time Source: Groupm Elaborations on Audiweb data – applications included

24 June 2013 - Travel Travel area shows a little decrease
June Travel Travel area shows a little decrease. Tripadvisor register a good growth Time per Person TRAVEL 17,2 mio Unique Audience (-8% vs Jun’ 12) 42 min time per user (+2% vs Jun’ 12) Bubble size = Page Views TripAdvisor: +35% eDreams: +33% = Audience in crescita Audience stazionaria Audience in calo Audience .000 Source: Groupm Elaborations on Audiweb data – applications included

25 June 2013 e-Commerce Audience is stable, while Time is fast growing.
Time per Person E COMMERCE 19,3 mio Unique Audience (-4% vs jun ’12) 1 H 15 min time per user (+13% vs Jun ’12) Bubble size = Page Views Trova Prezzi: +25% Kijiji: +51% = Audience in crescita Audience stazionaria Audience in calo Audience .000 Source: Groupm Elaborations on Audiweb data – applications included

26 June 2013 - Finance/Insurance The category shows a decreasing trend
15,4 mio Unique Audience (-4% vs Jun ’12) 43 min time per user (-7% vs Jun ’12) Time per Person Bubble size = Page Views = Audience in crescita Audience stazionaria Audience in calo SoldiOnline: +72% Audience .000 Source: Groupm Elaborations on Audiweb data – applications included

27 June 2013 - Family and Lifestyles Pianetadonna is still leader, followed by Donna Moderna
Time per Person FAMILY AND LIFESTYLES 17,0 mio Unique Audience (-4% vs Jun ’12) 40 min time per user (-1% vs Jun ’12) Bubble size = Page Views = Audience in crescita Audience stazionaria Audience in calo Leonardo Donne: +12% Audience .000 Source: Groupm Elaborations on Audiweb data – applications included

28 June 2013 - Automotive The category register a relevant growth on Time Spent
Time per Person AUTOMOTIVE 9,3 mio Unique Audience (-3% vs Jun ’12) 36 min time per user (+39% vs Jun ’12) Bubble size = Page Views Quattroruote: +13% +173% GmbH offers online search services for buying and selling vehicles. It provides information related to new and used cars, as well as motorcycles, trucks, commercial and utility vehicles, motor homes, and caravans. The company also involves in financing and insurance deal activities, as well as online advertising services. It serves car dealers and private customers. The company was founded in 1996 and is based in Kleinmachnow, Germany. As of April 1, 2004, GmbH operates as a subsidiary of eBay Inc. = Audience in crescita Audience stazionaria Audience in calo Audience .000 Source: Groupm Elaborations on Audiweb data – applications included

29 June 2013 – Audiweb Object Video Audiweb lauched a new measurement, dedicated to video streaming consumption, among considered websites Time per Person = Audience increase Audience stable Audience decrease Bubble size = Stream Views AUDIWEB OBJECT VIDEO – Unduplicated Audience 5,7 mio Unique Audience (-5% vs Jun ‘12) 36 min time per user (+14% vs Jun ’12) = Applicazioni escluse Audience .000 Source: Groupm elaborations on Audiweb data – applications excluded

30 Mobile Browsing

31 La navigazione mobile Il trend positivo continua, quasi tutti gli smartphoner navigano
14,3 mio di utenti smartphone navigano da mobile, pari al 70% del totale smartphoner Mobile Browsing H Mio di adulti Base: pop web + smartphone = 20,6 mio H Mio di adulti Base: pop mobile = 26.2 mio +27% vs. H1 2012 +131% vs. Q1 ‘11 Fonte: Elaborazioni GroupM su dati Mobile Next H1 2013

32 Il profilo del mobile browser Studente o lavoratore giovane/adulto, con un livello di istruzione medio alto % comp; Base: 14,3 mio Index vs tot mobile pop Mobile Browsing Fonte: Elaborazioni GroupM su Dati Mobile Next H1 2013

33 - Audiweb Object Video: metodologia - Schede categorie
Allegati - Audiweb Object Video: metodologia - Schede categorie

34 Audiweb Object Video – una novità
Il 17 luglio 2012 Audiweb annuncia la pubblicazione dei primi dati relativi alla fruizione dei Video Online La rilevazione dei video è il primo step di un progetto che prevede vengano misurati anche altri Object di natura diversa dai video (applicazioni, widget, etc) non misurabili con le classiche metriche di Audience e Pagine Viste Il nuovo dato sulla fruizione dei video è disponibile in Aw View, dove in una ‘finestra’ dedicata (sezione Video, separata dalla sezione Internet) sono già presenti le nuove metriche, relative alla fruizione di contenuti Video: I dati sono relativi ai mesi del 2012 finora pubblicati (gen-dec) e si riferiscono ad un numero limitato di editori/siti: SITI EDITORI La Repubblica TV Gruppo Editoriale L'Espresso De Agostini by Day e Sky Il Sole 24 ore Rai Tv Rai Corriere della Sera, Gazzetta dello Sport e Lei Web RCS La rilevazione infatti è legata all’inserimento ‘volontario’ di un tag speciale all’interno dei player video, che permette al meter di leggere le metriche di fruizione; al momento hanno aderito solo 7 editori, ma il numero è auspicabilmente destinato a crescere Unique Audience (contatti netti) Stream Views (contatti lordi) Time spent (tempo speso)

35 Audiweb Object Video - warning
Audiweb comunica in modo corretto il nuovo dato disponibile: Tuttavia una tabella come la seguente, pubblicata senza il dettaglio del testo, potrebbe dare adito ad equivoci: il dato definito come All Media è infatti solo il totale parziale, ovvero l’audience netta dei (pochi) siti misurati Solo 7 siti

36 Attached – Top 10 Websites and top 10 Applications
TOT WEBSITES (app excluded) 26,8 mio Unique Audience (-3% vs Jun ‘12) 17h 50 min time per user (stable vs Jun ’12) APPLICATIONS 22,3 mio Unique Audience (-4% vs Jun ‘12) 2 h 48 min time per user (-6% vs Jun ’12) # Description Audience .000 Time per person Delta Audience Delta Time 1 Google 24.559 -5% 9% 2 Facebook 20.353 -8% 1% 3 YouTube 17.335 -9% -19% 4 Virgilio 13.480 -6% -1% 5 Wikipedia 13.067 16% 6 Yahoo! 13.038 -11% 7 Libero 12.933 -3% 8 Blogger 10.260 9 MSN/WindowsLive/Bing 9.823 -20% 3% 10 8.986 -17% -2% # Description Audience .000 Time per person Delta Audience Delta Time 1 Windows Media Player (App) 11.177 -5% 5% 2 Skype (App) 9.815 15% -2% 3 VLC media player (App) 5.166 -1% 4 Windows Live Messenger (App) 5.050 -39% -74% 5 iTunes (App) 3.678 -9% -23% 6 uTorrent (App) 3.411 11% 47% 7 Windows Live Photo Gallery (App) 3.365 35% 12% 8 iminent Messenger (App) 2.168 291% -37% 9 Dropbox (App) 1.596 77% -6% 10 Picasa (App) 1.465 -16% -10% applications excluded Applications only Source: Groupm Elaborations on Audiweb

37 Attached – Top Categories Portals and Communities
24,0 mio Unique Audience (-2% vs Jun ‘12) 51 min time per user (-9% vs Jun ’12) COMMUNITIES 22,3 mio Unique Audience (-7% vs Jun ‘12) 6h 56 min time per user (+1% vs Jun’ 12) # Description Audience .000 Time per person Delta Audience Delta Time 1 Google 24.582 -5% 9% 2 MSN/WindowsLive/Bing 13.782 -17% -34% 3 Virgilio 13.563 -6% -1% 4 Yahoo! 13.069 -11% 5 Libero 12.947 -3% 2% 6 8.986 -2% 7 Ask Search Network 6.852 13% 99% 8 Tiscali 3.539 -13% -22% 9 1.617 -10% 10% 10 Tuttogratis 1.546 -40% 11 AOL Media Network 1.132 -19% 12 Kataweb tvzap 1.131 -26% 13 888 52% 14 514 93% -14% 15 392 1% 98% # Description Audience .000 Time per person Delta Audience Delta Time 1 Facebook 20.386 -8% 1% 2 Blogger 10.260 -11% -3% 3 5.182 -16% -17% 4 LinkedIn 3.525 30% 25% 5 ForumFree 3.367 N.A. 6 Google+ 3.357 21% 94% 7 Virgilio Community 3.333 -44% -27% 8 ForumCommunity 3.134 9 Libero Community 3.072 -37% -75% 10 Leonardo Community 2.821 -10% -7% 11 2.643 -20% 106% 12 1.664 13 Tumblr 1.658 17% 66% 14 Tweetmeme 1.493 7365% 126% 15 Badoo 1.263 49% Source: Groupm Elaborations on Audiweb data – applications included *Google+ lanciato a luglio 2011

38 Attached – Top Categories Entertainment; Video&Broadcaster
VIDEO (Entertainment’s subcategory) 19,1 mio Unique Audience (-7% vs Jun ’12) 1 h and 18 min time per user (-17% vs Jun ’12) ENTERTAINMENT 23,7 mio Unique Audience (-4% vs Jun ‘12) 4 h 47 min time per user (-4% vs Jun ‘12) # Description Audience .000 Time per person Delta Audience Delta Time 1 YouTube 17.335 -9% -19% 2 2.602 10% -8% 3 VideoMediaset 2.297 0% -20% 4 Rai TV 2.159 -12% 94% 5 Vube 2.059 N.A. 6 1.936 121% 14% 7 ComingSoon TV 1.826 -13% 8 Now Video 1.661 9 Dailymotion 1.588 -55% 10 Italia-film.Com 1.472 3% -25% 11 CineBlog01 1.310 101% -4% 12 ViTv 1.192 13 Ivid 1.185 -7% 137% 14 VideoPremium.NET 942 177% 266% 15 IMDb - Internet Movie 778 -15% # Description Audience .000 Time per person Delta Audience Delta Time 1 YouTube 17.335 -9% -19% 2 VEVO 4.792 -1% -20% 3 Rai 3.853 -16% 21% 4 iTunes 3.783 -11% 5 William Hill 3.374 -7% 6 3.315 -10% -17% 7 La Gazzetta dello Sport 3.301 -21% 3% 8 Leonardo Musica 2.740 -6% 9 2.701 42% 10 2.602 10% -8% 11 SPIL Games Network 2.474 -12% 12 VideoMediaset 2.297 0% 13 Vube 2.059 N.A. 14 Fanpage Spettacolo 2.014 2113% 370% BROADCASTER (Entertainment’s subcategory) 11,4 mio Unique Audience (-9% vs Jun ’12) 14 min time per user (-2% vs Jun’12) # Description Audience .000 Time per person Delta Audience Delta Time 1 Rai 3.853 -16% 21% 2 3.315 -10% -17% 3 La Repubblica TV 1.856 -19% 4 1.498 -14% 23% 5 Corriere TV 1.432 -26% 6% 6 1.193 44% 4% 7 1.157 -18% 8 Fanpage Youmedia TV 856 N.A. 9 Gazzetta TV 804 0% -21% 10 Mediaset Premium 743 -22% 15% 11 Livestream 672 11% -24% 12 Radio Deejay 647 -3% 13 Il Fatto Quotidiano TV 539 14 Radio 105 536 3% 15 LA7 520 22% Source: Groupm Elaborations on Audiweb data – applications included

39 Attached – Top Categories Sport and Betting
11,0 mio Unique Audience (-14% vs Jun ‘12) 52 min time per user (+5% vs Jun ‘12) BETTING 8,2 mio Unique Audience (stable vs Jun ‘12) 54 min time per user (+9% vs Jun ‘12) # Description Audience .000 Time per person Delta Audience Delta Time 1 La Gazzetta dello Sport 4.205 -21% 3% 2 La Repubblica Sport 2.509 -10% -27% 3 Yahoo! Sports Websites 1.954 -50% -16% 4 Corriere Sport 1.634 -35% -24% 5 Sportmediaset 1.543 -8% -14% 6 Corriere dello Sport 1.504 -33% 26% 7 1.459 -9% 8 TuttoSport 1.331 -23% 29% 9 1.295 -12% 9% 10 1.242 16% 11 1.052 308% -46% 12 1.027 34% 13 Virgilio Sport 933 -47% 14 Blogo Sport 879 -17% 14% 15 Libero Sport 854 N.A. # Description Audience .000 Time per person Delta Audience Delta Time 1 William Hill 3.374 21% 9% 2 1.837 38% -7% 3 Sisal 1.097 -39% 74% 4 Lottomatica 1.027 5 873 16% 6 857 326% -4% 7 Gioco digitale 830 -14% -66% 8 PLANET49 638 61% 219% 9 453 47% -32% 10 BetClic 360 -36% -51% 11 358 198% -22% 12 SNAI 252 -31% 135% 13 StarVegas 227 N.A. 14 223 15 194 Source: Groupm Elaborations on Audiweb data – applications included

40 Attached – Top Categories Music and News
10,0 mio Unique Audience (+3% vs. Jun ‘12) 18 min time per user (+50% vs. Jun ‘12) NEWS 21,3 mio Unique Audience (-5% vs Jun ‘12) 1 H 28 min time per user (+4% vs Jun ‘12) # Description Audience .000 Time per person Delta Audience Delta Time 1 VEVO 4.792 -1% -20% 2 Leonardo Musica 2.740 -6% -9% 3 Fanpage Spettacolo 2.014 N.A. 4 rumblefish 1.056 5 Spotify 849 6 Virgilio Musica 504 -33% 40% 7 CBS Interactive 450 -8% 8 Jango Music 411 6% 37% 9 AOL Music Websites 360 -45% 63% 10 327 -53% -22% 11 326 27% -49% 12 Sony Music 304 -44% -91% 13 Universal Music 248 80% -51% 14 Warner Music 235 104% -56% 15 Dailymotion Music 230 -13% 267% # Description Audience .000 Time per person Delta Audience Delta Time 1 La Repubblica 8.738 -4% -11% 2 Corriere della Sera 7.439 -12% -2% 3 Libero Notizie 5.916 12% -67% 4 5.687 -7% 13% 5 TGCOM24 4.959 -16% 6 4.782 -15% -1% 7 La 4.075 -14% 8 Citynews 4.062 20% 48% 9 Nanopress 3.853 -10% 10 Fanpage 3.847 22% 174% 11 Virgilio Local 3.803 12 Affari Italiani 3.301 N.A. 13 ANSA 3.124 -19% 7% 14 Liquida 3.049 -25% 15 Lettera43 2.946 243% 84% Source: Groupm Elaborations on Audiweb data – applications included

41 Attached – Top Categories Travel and eCommerce
17,2 mio Unique Audience (-8% vs Jun’ 12) 42 min time per user (+2% vs Jun’ 12) E COMMERCE 19,3 mio Unique Audience (-4% vs jun ’12) 1 H 15 min time per user (+13% vs Jun ’12) # Description Audience .000 Time per person Delta Audience Delta Time 1 Google Maps 11.557 -14% 9% 2 TripAdvisor 4.943 35% 0% 3 3.943 7% 4 eDreams 3.563 33% -13% 5 Trenitalia 3.516 -12% -4% 6 Volagratis 1.764 3% 7 1.739 -10% 17% 8 ViaMichelin 1.699 -28% -15% 9 trivago 1.566 -1% -41% 10 Expedia 1.335 -32% 27% 11 easyJet 1.173 6% 29% 12 Opodo 1.159 2% 31% 13 Google Earth 1.052 -22% 14 Telepass 1.044 12% 37% 15 Alitalia 1.015 -26% # Description Audience .000 Time per person Delta Audience Delta Time 1 eBay 8.399 -4% 10% 2 Groupon 6.613 2% 20% 3 6.403 42% 40% 4 Amazon 6.284 45% 61% 5 eBay Classifieds 4.095 1% 25% 6 Trova Prezzi 3.713 18% 7 Kijiji 3.433 51% -17% 8 Lidl 3.014 58% -2% 9 2.515 6% -18% 10 Ciao. 2.434 N.A. 11 Media World 2.288 0% 12 Vivastreet 2.178 9% -11% 13 Pixmania 2.168 21% -38% 14 Privalia 2.002 3% 15 IBS 1.942 26% 33% Source: Groupm Elaborations on Audiweb data – applications included

42 Attached – Top Categories Finance and Family&Lifestyle
FINANCE/INSURANCE 15,4 mio Unique Audience (-4% vs Jun ’12) 43 min time per user (-7% vs Jun ’12) FAMILY AND LIFESTYLES 17,0 mio Unique Audience (-4% vs Jun ’12) 40 min time per user (-1% vs Jun ’12) # Description Audience .000 Time per person Delta Audience Delta Time 1 Il Sole 24 ORE 3.765 -16% -13% 2 Gruppo Intesa Sanpaolo 2.678 -8% -14% 3 UniCredit Banca 2.687 -5% 7% 4 Banco Posta 2.103 -17% -3% 5 PayPal 2.577 50% 16% 6 Leonardo Economia 1.552 -36% -21% 7 Yahoo! Finance Websites 1.325 -10% -28% 8 1.479 72% 15% 9 Corriere Economia 1.222 -33% 10 ING Direct 1.150 54% 11 La Repubblica Economia 1.072 -39% 12 CartaSi 967 -2% 13 1.173 41% 5% 14 Genertel 850 88% -74% 15 Direct Line 1.351 35% -11% # Description Audience .000 Time per person Delta Audience Delta Time 1 5.646 7% -14% 2 Donna Moderna 4.834 31% 6% 3 4.421 -6% +35% 4 Leonardo Donne 2.775 12% 22% 5 Leiweb 2.503 -13% 6 Nanopress Donna 2.123 -9% -23% 7 2.062 -11% 8 DiLei 1.911 N.A. 9 Blogo Donna 1.825 0% 9% 10 La Stampa Salute 1.509 -2% 19% 11 Medical News Reporter 1.503 12 1.482 -30% -22% 13 D - la Repubblica 1.450 -16% 14 - Casa e Persona 1.378 59% 57% 15 Disney Online 1.235 -29% Source: Groupm Elaborations on Audiweb data – applications included

43 Attached – Top Categories Automotive
9,3 mio Unique Audience (-3% vs Jun ’12) 36 min time per user (+39% vs Jun ’12) # Description Audience .000 Time per person Delta Audience Delta Time 1 - Veicoli 2.715 44% 57% 2 2.065 22% -8% 3 Quattroruote 1.191 13% -7% 4 1.072 173% 50% 5 Fiat 962 15% -23% 6 Virgilio Auto e Moto 821 -12% 24% 7 Trovit Cars 695 -3% 66% 8 Volkswagen 674 51% 9 Blogo Motori 647 19% 10 635 0% -18% 11 Gazzetta Motori 628 3% 12 La Repubblica Motori 580 -51% -2% 13 Corriere Motori 561 -11% 14% 14 Ford 534 30% -25% 15 519 -43% 71% Source: Groupm Elaborations on Audiweb data – applications included

44 Attached – Object Video
AUDIWEB OBJECT VIDEO – Unduplicated Audience 5,7 mio Unique Audience (-5% vs Jun ‘12) 36 min time per user (+14% vs Jun ’12) # Description Audience .000 Time per person Delta Audience Delta Time 1 La Repubblica 2.386 -10% 46% 2 Corriere della Sera 2.065 -7% 16% 3 Rai 1.417 -28% 29% 4 494 23% 170% 5 La Gazzetta dello Sport 925 0% 11% 6 DeAbyDay 879 162% 28% 7 Libero Quotidiano 176 N.A. 8 Il Sole 24 ORE 79 9 Quimamme TV Source: Groupm Elaborations on Audiweb data – Object Video


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