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Atlas status report. Status of the Atlas detector The detector is fully installed (leaving out only parts staged according to 2004 plan : TRT wheel C,

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Presentazione sul tema: "Atlas status report. Status of the Atlas detector The detector is fully installed (leaving out only parts staged according to 2004 plan : TRT wheel C,"— Transcript della presentazione:

1 Atlas status report

2 Status of the Atlas detector The detector is fully installed (leaving out only parts staged according to 2004 plan : TRT wheel C, EE muon chambers) The magnets are at the magnetic field nominal value The commissioning with cosmic rays has been completed for almost all the detector The number of dead channel is very limited All the problems found have been solved

3 What remains critical to be done before starting (Marzio Nessi, Bern Atlas Week, beg. July) Bake out of all beam pipes at 200C to bring down pressure from 10 -7 mbar to 10 -11 mbar  need pixel cooling running stableDONE Restart the Pixel/SCT commissioning with the detectors on DONE Fix in sector 13 LAr LV power B-shielding. This probably means running at 15KA field …. Impact on mu-spectrometer trigger system to be understood FIXED, NO PROBLEM Once the End-cap Toroid A is cool, test it and then start the overall magnets tests, including force balancing between barrel and end-caps DONE Get TGCs to run stable with n-pentane DONE Have the RPC connection work in the cavern finished DONE Do an overall ventilation test establishing the final pressure conditions everywere. Lower the temperature by 2-3C DONE General clean up and UX15 in restricted access mode, LHC access system tests DONE M.Nessi 3

4 LHC start-up The most relevant new fact is the LHC start-up on Sept. 10th. First beams have circulated in LHC successfully. Events produced from beam interactions have been observed by the Atlas detector


6 Solenoid Fully tested BT possible interference ruled out with a dedicated test Ready to go, we will not be allowed to have it on during beam tuning and first injections Recent Solenoid test with Barrel Toroid on

7 Toroids Repair on the He line of ECT-A done (cooling process re-started beg. July) Testing the system performed starting in the last week of July Final balance of forces between end caps and barrel toroids ok

8 Inner Detector All detector installed (but the TRT wheel C according to 2004 staging plan) Commissioning well advanced (after delays due to cooling problems) Pixel, SCT, TRT integrated in the Atlas DAQ SCT and TRT are on with the initial beams Pixel needs stable beams

9 9 Barrel-tracks TRT in the run 22-25 August: another event Shower

10 ID-silicon Evaporative cooling system repair, upgrade (more filters, more sensors), cleaning and stand-alone tests ended July 28 th.  Cooling fluid purity checked after 12&48 hrs operation  ok  Control programs updated including beam pipe bake-out option (to favour pixel safety) Beam pipe bake-out successfully done (end July). Tuning of “difficult” Pixel cooling loops done using external temperature sensors  ok (1 st week of August) Pixel & SCT commissioning ongoing since then:  Leaks appear (mostly around compressors) and are repaired. This makes progress less rapid and costs some kg/day of coolant.  It will also require to change some parts (pipes, manifolds) as soon as available (actual parts not meeting specs).  Cooling operation has been stable (apart for leak hunting and minor hic-ups).  Detector parts are switched on and (re-)commissioned as soon as the corresponding cooling loops are operated. Now 200 (out of 204) cooling loops in operation and most of Pixel and SCT commissioned (first pass).

11 SCT Green loops ok (112). 4 missing loops (3 leaky, 1 electronics fault). The barrel leaky loop will be operated and the ECA electronics fault will hopefully be solved this week. Fraction of SCT dead channels in 2008 data taking (hardware faults).

12 Pixel Results below for 73% of modules, now above 90% operational All 88 pixel loops in operation (green: ok, yellow: warning) # of dead pixel remains low Noise ~170 e, as expected

13 First cosmics in SCT + Pixel

14 LAr Calorimeters Detector fully installed Cryogenics working fine (damage on cryo line repaired) FE electronics and LV power refurbishing finished HV problems are stable (hospital suppliers). Solved the new recent problem with LVPS (about half of the LV power suppliers of the end caps could not operate with the Barrel Toroid on at full field) The Barrel Toroid can now be at full field

15 Lettura di tutti i 183,296 canali Calor.Elettromagnetico < 0.1% di singoli canali morti Non ci sono regioni morte HV <1% di canali con HV inferiore a quella nominale (corrette in DSP) Forward Calorimeter (Fcal) 1.7% canali rechiede qualche correzione Stato del rivelatore: LAr ● Hadronic End-Cap (HEC) ● <0.1% di canali morti uniformente distribuiti,<1% canali con HV inferiore a quella nominale

16 LVPS Durante i tests con campo magnetico del BT a giugno/luglio era risultato che circa i 2/3 dei LVPS dei calorimetri EC A/C non avrebbero potuto operare con il campo magnetico nominale “20. K A”. Risultati di una simulazione dettagliata hanno portato alla comprensione delle misure dell’elevato campo osservato nella posizione dei LVPS (che possono operare a <150 gauss). Sono stati ridisegnati gli schermi con nuova geometria e spessore maggiore. A fine agosto in condizioni di accesso molto difficili, su tutti i LVPS critici sono stati aggiunti i nuovi schermi. Adesso tutti i LVPS possono operare al campo magnetico nominale. Durante lo shutdown sara’ operato l’intervento definitivo sugli schermi.

17 Un nuovo problema su HEC-C Dal 21 agosto non funziona uno dei 4 alimentatori LV che alimentano i PA a freddo del calorimetro adronico HEC-C. Il fault e’ su 2 DC/DC converters ridondanti ( non e’ uno dei LVPS delle FEB di cui abbiamo parlato prima !! ) Il problema e’ sotto investigazione a MPI (Monaco), difficile accedere al modulo. Quasi certamente non sara’ riparabile prima dello shutdown di dicembre. Conseguenza ¼ del calorimetro HEC-C e’ off HEC-C Regione OFF

18 Stato HV Milano e ’ responsabile del software HV per tutta la calorimetria Lar (barrel/endcap e EM/HAD) e del DCS Garantita l ’ operativita ’ HV Numero di problemi (<1%) stabile, i canali con corti sono su linee separate e operanti a tensioni piu ’ basse Il software e ’ disponibile e in uso per tutto il calorimetro LAr dalla fine dell ’ anno scorso. E ’ nella forma finale per affrontare la prima parte del data taking Si sta lavorando sulla preparazione del Configuration – DB. per portare nella FSM le operazioni (on, off,ramp,reset) dei moduli HV ( prioritario per Fcal) Durante lo shutdown invernale saranno apportati aggiornamenti (su ISEG-OPC sever)

19 Tile Calorimeter All installed, including MBAS scintillators All drawers have been refurbished All LV powers repaired Very few unusable-for-physics cells in Tilecal Calibration procedures well advanced and redundant Tools for data quality assessment working well

20 TILECAL HARDWARE STATUS Each module corresponds to 0.1 in phi. From M8 Over about 5000 cells: -43 masked cells (ignored in the reconstruction) (< 1%): 23 from a LBA module, 14 from a EBC module, 6 scattered cells. -20 cells have one masked channel (information can be recovered using the other channel) -The masked LBA cells can be recovedere by cleaning the TTC fibre

21 Low TTC light level : dust covering the TTC fiber. MASKED LONG BARREL LBA53 Picture of TTC fiber in USA15 Cladding Dust Dirty TTC fibre generated a large fraction of trasmission errors on LBA53 After fibre cleaning in USA15 the situation Is much better

22 No problems with front-end electronics and power supplies during current ramp-up and to full magnetic field. PMTs gains look stable (further checks with the Laser calibration) Observe an ~1.5% increase in the tiles’ light response when solenoid field is on, this confirms previous studies. Correction to the calibration constants due to B field will be introduced Ratio of cell response with/without solenoid on Eta of outermost Cells TILE WITH THE MAGNETIC FIELD ON Cesium scan

23 PMT Electronics DSP/ROD Tile Cell Charge Injection (CIS) (taken daily/weekly) Laser (Pisa) (taken daily/weekly) Cesium Source (taken when no beam for > 8hours) Calibration constants start to populate the database For monitoring stability, plan to take Laser and CIS events (fixed intensities and charges) in the long bunch gaps during beam running TILECAL CALIBRATION Optic checks and Cell response equalization ADC to MeV conversion factors (together with testbeam) Timing and PMT gain stability Online energy calculation Also pedestal runs to monitor the detector and to extract noise values

24 Muon spectrometer Muon tracking : All muon chambers installed (a part the staged EE chambers) Commissioning completed for most of the detector The number of problematic channels is very small Most alignment rays are operational, showing excellent results

25 Stato Sistema Gas RPC Chambers Il sistema è attualmente completamente realizzato salvo il terzo stadio di purificazione (PUR3) Le funzioni del PUR3 sono ad oggi assolte dal PUR2, ove è stata posta una miscela di filtranti che comprende anche la componente prevista per il PUR3 Questo accorcia un po’ i tempi di rigenerazione che sono comunque ragionevoli 10/06/2016Riccardo de Asmundis. INFN Napoli Sistema semiaperto a ricircolo con immissione costante di frazione di miscela di gas fresco Miscela 94.7 % ;134A; 5.0 % Isobutano; 0.3 % Esafluoruro di Zolfo; + acqua al tasso di umidità relativa (RH) del 50% circa, pari a 5500-6000 p.p.m.. Volume complessivo: 18 m3 compreso tubazioni Flusso di ricircolo massimo: 14 m3/h riducibile fino a circa 1/4 di questo valore Ammontare di miscela pura previsto: entro ~ 5 % del flusso totale, pari dunque a 0.23 – 0.70 m3/h  5.6 – 16.8 m3/d Consumo massimo giornaliero previsto al 5% (con 134A :: 4.4 kg/m3; Isobutano :: 2.82 kg m3; SF6 :: 6,64 kg/m3): SUVA134A: 70 kg Isobutano: 2.4 kg SF6: 0.3 kg Massa di gas in circolo: 74 kg Ammontare di isobutano in circolo: ~3.7 kg Ammontare di acqua in circolo al 50% RH: ~200 g Pressione di pompaggio verso il ritorno: ~100 kPa Pressione di fornitura in rete: ~10 kPa Pressione di mandata verso i rivelatori: 7-10 hPa Caduta di pressione sui capillari di equalizzazione: ~2-5 hPa Pressione di ritorno dai rivelatori al modulo di distribuzione: da 0 a 2 hPa max. Protezione da sovrapressioni: trappola in olio + circuito backup di equilibrio

26 Timing and noise test Trigger electronics test Commissioned Sector commissioning with cosmics (end of July) 26 After power-up, the procedure is 1. both LV and HV currents are monitored 2. Trigger electronics is tested in situ (CAN control system, optical fibers) and internal parameters are optimized 3. Take cosmics data for timing alignments of trigger signals, cabling mapping, noise studies, overall efficiency Status 10 Sectors (S1 to S10) fully commissioned and used for long time in common ATLAS run. 2 sectors (S15-S16) under timing adjustments (phase 3) 1 sector (S11) under test for trigger electronics (phase 2) 3 sectors (S12, S13, S14) under power test (phase 1) Plans At the cavern closure 13/16 sectors will be commissioned Remaining sectors will be commissioned during first shutdown

27 Commissioned Sector commissioning with cosmics (now) 27 Status 13 Sectors (S1 to S12, S15, S16) fully commissioned and used in common ATLAS run. 3 sectors (S6-S13-S14) under timing adjustments (phase 3) 2 Sector (S9-S10 ) partially equipped for lack of CAEN Boards  Not all 380 Trigger tower operational ( few broken fiber and some missing HV)

28 28 Sectorrackscablingpower-onLVL1 Testcosmics Timing Align. commis- sioned 1ok 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ok 11ok On-goingTo do 12ok on-goingTo do 13okon-going To do 14okon-going To do 15ok on-goingTo do 16ok on-goingTo do End of july (referee meeting)

29 29 Sectorrackscablingpower-onLVL1 Testcosmics Timing Align. commis- sioned 1ok 2 3 4 5 6 On-going 7 ok 8 9 10 ok 11ok 12ok 13ok On-going 14ok On-going 15ok 16ok And now.......

30 LUCID:Present status and next steps The LUCID detector has been installed with the ATLAS beam pipe at the beginning of June despite the initially not favorable working conditions THE LUCID DETECTOR IS IN ADVANCED STATUS OF COMMISSIONING in ALL ITS PARTS Signals from calibration are of very good quality Bake out of the beam pipe at 220 C successfully passed by LUCID Full integration in ATLAS TDAQ and DCS Procedures for a reliable on and off-line luminosity measurement under preparation Coordinated activity with LHC about to start dry run preparation & Van Der Meer scan and detector calibration with beam parameters. FIRST MONITOR EVENTS DETECTED DURING THE LHC MACHINE STARTUP! 30

31 FIRST LUCID HITS ON Sept. 10 th ! Lucid With BEAM 1 LUCID With BEAM 2 MBTS LV1C

32 Lucid activities for 2009 Normal detector maintenance Integrate fibers readout with MAROC chip Participation to “Forward Detector” shifts R&D for LUCID phase II with test beam  Why LUCID phase II ? =>LUCID has been designed for working for few years also at max. luminosity Starting now studies to design an upgraded version of the detector for LHC high luminosity - The PMT behavior in the 7 Mrad/year environment is hard to predict  Investigate different detector configurations - Possible participation to diffractive physics is possible only providing a full coverage of rapidity region where LUCID is deployed 32

33 To be done before next shutdown Prepare an improved version of the round scaffolding to access calo region Do a full engineering study for a fast removal/substitution of the Be pipe in case of a major problem. Start preparing the tools Make a plan for consolidation/substitution of the present evaporative cooling proximity plant Prepare a plan for fixing all B-problems related to the LV Lar endcap power Make a plan for changing the MDT BW fibers. Plan and preassemble for EE chambers insertion. Prepare a few new EIL4 TGC chambers to substitute the broken one M.Nessi

34 During the next shutdown Open and test the new improved access/scaffolding system Before opening get all radiation protection procedures/tools operational Open calo to fix LV-Lar B-shielding, to fix tiles drawers, to check id-endplate leaks + ….. Open ID-shielding to eventually gain few cm in Z for the next closing (change shims on top fingers) Open MDT BW to change radiation resistant fibers ? Fix and substitute EIL4 TGC broken chambers Start installation of the EE chambers ? M.Nessi



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