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CAMPAGNA FUNDRAISING 2014 Aedibilia Good Food for Good living Association follow us.

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Presentazione sul tema: "CAMPAGNA FUNDRAISING 2014 Aedibilia Good Food for Good living Association follow us."— Transcript della presentazione:

1 CAMPAGNA FUNDRAISING 2014 Aedibilia Good Food for Good living Association follow us

2 METODO DI LAVORO Monitoraggio e analisi dei risultati Acquisizione Know-how Analisi dei potenziali donatori e delle variabili psicografiche Definizione piano di FR e marketing Sviluppo campagn e CF, eventi community e corporate- bandi. implementazione attivita’ di FR Consolidazione relazioni presenti sul territorio

3 CREAZIONE DATABASE RELAZIONALE E CANALI INFORMATIVI Sito web dell'organizzazione Social Media Blog & Forum Siti web di informazione/portali tematici magazine al femminile / ecologia Stampa

4 GENERAZIONE DI CONTATTI E RACCOLTA FONDI Aedibilia 5x1000 DONA ORA! Eventi Pubblici/ presenza ai mercati e alle fiere Campagne di Crowd Funding

5 Key PartnersKey Activities Key Resources Value PropositionsCustomer Relationships Customer Segments Channels Cost Structure Revenue Streams Who are our Key Partners? Who are our key suppliers? Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners? Which Key Activities do partners perform? What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue streams? What value do we deliver to the customer? Which one of our customer’s problems are we helping to solve? What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment? Which customer needs are we satisfying? What type of relationship does each of our Customer Segments expect us to establish and maintain with them? Which ones have we established? How are they integrated with the rest of our business model? How costly are they? For whom are we creating value? Who are our most important customers? Web site Crowdfunding campaign Social Networks Cause interested “Friend’s” pages and partners The Business Model Canvas Canvas for Fundraising segmentato (differenziato) Designed for:Designed by: On: 02/01/2013 Iteration # LOCAL COMMUNITY (potential target ) -Cluster : 1.local market regular client (over 50) 1.Parents (30-40) Donor association / pre buying LOHAS (leading target ) Cluster 1.web generation (30-40) Public Event (relationship keep in the future trough the HUB & direct mailing) direct face to face during markets and presentation events informal / frontall - app based - innovation in the way of live, produce and consume. - Healty food. - good fresh and cheap food - labour placement healty food and a better environmental situation in the future for their sons Local Gas a good brand - a good media production - recognizable logo and enterprise image trough social network use and packaging - knoledgeable staff - aquaponics products = tangible value evidence - perk choice - campain making - event place research - advertise - local agriculture fair - local schools - local councillor for social affair Web tematic groups(as Akuaduulza) - business incubators 2 variable: 2.1 leaflets production 2.2 gadjet 2.3 posting 2.4 rewards backing 1 fixed: 1.1 media 1.2 event management and needed stuffs 1.3 web advertising support / free donation

6 2 target per 2 relazioni Lohas - leading target 30-40 web generation Informal and indirect Web fundraising Local Community over 50 regular client & parenst Formal and direct Public Event

7 info Budget CampagnaBudget Campagna CrowdFunding Campaing Budget Explanation A tomato, a fish and a warehouse: the little fairy tale of a tangible dream Ob. Economico Ob. Non Economico * Tesseramento e versamento quota sociale * Pre-Vendita di prodotti * Raccolta fondi per Start-up attività * stringere relazioni di partenariato sul territorio * Visibilità e accreditamento sul territorio/ identificazione clientela * Sviluppare il network locale e internazionale

8 When ? jun -feb 2014/2015 Entrate Previste Oneri Previsti Roi Implementazion e campagna IRL 43502487 Implementazion e campagna ON.Line 22.9002662 TOT 27.250€5.194€ 5.25

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