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The combined approach in water protection policy: new water protection standard affecting the authorization/permit process and the environmental quality.

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Presentazione sul tema: "The combined approach in water protection policy: new water protection standard affecting the authorization/permit process and the environmental quality."— Transcript della presentazione:

1 The combined approach in water protection policy: new water protection standard affecting the authorization/permit process and the environmental quality of water resources. Effects on the Central and Local Water Offices operational relationships Elena Porro - Provincia di Torino Monica Cartello – Provincia di Torino ACEL Agenzia Cooperazione Enti Locali Twinning Project SK05/IB/EN/01

2 AIMS of new European policy for sustainability of water resources EC Directive 2000/60 Protect and improve the quality of water-based ecosystems. Promote sustainable use based on long-term integrated management of water resources. Gradually reduce/eliminate pollution, especially high-priority toxic substances. Guarantee availability of the right amount of water when and where it’s needed. Contribute to lessen the effects of flooding and droughts. Involve stakeholders and citizens in defining policies and putting them into effect. BY 2015 Good environmental status of surface water.

3 INTEGRATION  between the use of the water resources and protection of the natual ecologic state of the water environment  the management of the surface and ground water  between the aspects connected to the quantity of water and the ones related to its quality  between the actions and the environment objectives Art. 3 Water Framework Directive 2000/60/CE COORDINATION of administrative arrangements within river basin districts EC Directive 2000/60

4 Piani di gestione e Programmi di misure adeguate per ciascun distretto (definiti ed adottati in modo integrato e coordinato) Autorizzazione preventiva e controllo di tutti gli scarichi nelle acque superficiali (artt. 10 e 11)

5 DPSIR Scarichi Autorizzazioni The metodology

6 The metodology: risk assesment Categoria di pressione OrigineAttività antropiche Sorgenti diffuse Acque da dilavamento urbano Zone industriali Aree urbane Agricoltura Risaie Vigneti Frutteti Terre arabili non irrigate Aree agricole eterogenee Zootecnia Allevamento Sorgenti puntuali Acque reflue Scarichi urbani Scarichi industriali Suoli contaminati Siti di bonifica Discariche Prelievi idrici Riduzioni del flusso Derivazioni per uso irriguo, idroelettrico, industriale Morfologia Regolazioni del flusso Dighe Gestione idraulica dei fiumi Rettificazioni Arginature Difese spondali Dragaggi RISCHIO, NON A RISCHIO, PROBABILMENTE A RISCHIO

7 Per il rilascio delle autorizzazioni è essenziale: INTEGRARE/COORDINARE * DATI di conoscenza sui corpi idrici * COMPETENZE TECNICHE all’interno degli uffici che rilasciano gli atti * COMPETENZE ISTITUZIONALI necessario coinvolgere / responsabilizzare tutti gli enti che hanno informazioni necessarie al rilascio delle autorizzazioni e hanno possibilità di esprimere un proprio parere nell’ambito dell’struttoria tecnica The authorization process like an environmental instrument

8 Application for Authorization Application for Authorization Production cycle Row Materials Production cycle Row Materials Water Resources Treatment Technology Self Control- Monitoring PRP Measures PRP Measures Legislation & Regulations BAT Company Information Company/Plant Public Administration AUTHORIZATION/ Permit release Monitoring Environment Quality Monitoring Environment Quality USEFUL DATA and PHASES ANALYSIS Economic resources

9 REMARK Manual – Chapter 7 I.The authorization for discharges release (as well as the planning of control activites) requires that all involved competent authority and offices share a common view of the territory. II. The shared territorial knowledge should integrate data from: * Monitoring of the ecological and chemical status of water bodies * Control on existing Pressures * Technical documentation provided by the applicant requiriing the permit For an effective sharing of data aiming to assess the effectiveness of measures adopted to reduce pollution, requires the adoption of a system for data quality verification and validation III. Information and data flows on the authorization release process and the Environmental Integrated Permit should be in place within all the subjects involved in the District River Basin Management Plan

10 The Institutions involved InstitutionFunction Regional environmental offices, District environmental offices Municipalities issue permit impose measures; impose penalties. Inspection executes controls; imposes penalties; approves emergency plans; imposes measures in case of emergency; supervises self-monitoring of operators. Others SHMU provides data on water bodies monitoring River Basin Authorities collecting data on controls and self-control

11 The Implementation of legislation and the PRP could require the updating of official forms to make it easier the compliance with the combined approach. The process is circular (see the regulatory chain) : from passed difficulties and lessons learned the SWA offices should adopt a proactive actitude and suggest changes to the Central Authority. This actitude will improve activities to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of measures adopted for DS pollution reduction REMARK Manual – Chapter 7 Policy Planning Objectives Legislation Assessment § Feedback Permitting Enforcement Compliance Promotion Compliance Control Regulatory Chain


13 Registers Monitoring Territorial database DATA THEIR ORGANIZATION INTO AN INTEGRATED INFORMATION SYSTEM & KNOWLEDGE REMARK Data and information should have shape and formsuitable both for feeding DBs on: permits, DS, water quality (Water Register), reporting on control activities Water Resource Informative Instrument

14 RELATIONSHIP RELATIONSHIP Some examples about instruments to assure competent bodies relationship and coordinated authorization processes * Da individuare attraverso un atto ufficiale che ne legittimi le attività * Partecipazione politica degli Enti coinvolti nella gestione delle risorse idriche * Supportata da un Comitato Tecnico Sharing institutional activities * Water Resource Institutional Conference Public involvment * Water Forum Sede di concertazione permanente. Necessario al fine di coinvolgere i soggetti sociali, economici e culturali direttamente interessati alla protezione, gestione e all’uso delle risorse idriche e per acquisire le loro osservazioni e istanze

15 Instruments for the shared management and conservation of water bodies: Governance PARTICIPATIVE PROCEDURE … also for implementation of the WPP "THE RIVER AGREEMENTS"

16 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!! Elena Porro Monica Cartello

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