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Autorità di Bacino Autorità di Bacino DEI FIUMI ISONZO, TAGLIAMENTO, LIVENZA, PIAVE, BRENTA-BACCHIGLIONE (Eastern Alps Hydrographic District) Ing.Francesco.

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Presentazione sul tema: "Autorità di Bacino Autorità di Bacino DEI FIUMI ISONZO, TAGLIAMENTO, LIVENZA, PIAVE, BRENTA-BACCHIGLIONE (Eastern Alps Hydrographic District) Ing.Francesco."— Transcript della presentazione:


2 Autorità di Bacino Autorità di Bacino DEI FIUMI ISONZO, TAGLIAMENTO, LIVENZA, PIAVE, BRENTA-BACCHIGLIONE (Eastern Alps Hydrographic District) Ing.Francesco Baruffi Dalla cultura del rischio alla direttiva 2007/60EC From a new water related KULTUre RISK to the 2007/60 Flood Directive Trieste, May 2012

3 The initial considerations of the directive 2007/60 The solidarity principle is very important in the context of flood risk management. In the light of it Member States should be encouraged to seek a fair sharing of responsibilities, when measures are jointly decided for the common benefit, as regards flood risk management along water courses

4 Ma ascolta le mie parole: la conoscenza infatti accrescerà la mente Come infatti già prima ho detto preannunciando i limiti delle mie parole, duplice cosa dirò: talvolta l’uno si accrebbe a un unico essere da molte cose, talvolta di nuovo molte cose si distinguono da un unico essere fuoco e acqua e terra e l’infina altezza dell’aria e la Contesa funesta da essi disgiunta, ugualmente tutt’intorno librata, e l’Amicizia tra essi, eguale in lunghezza e larghezza Ma tu ascolta l’ordine che non inganna del mio discorso. Tutte queste cose sono eguali e della stessa età, ma ciascuna ha la sua differente prerogativa e ciascuna il suo carattere, e a vicenda predominano nel volgere del tempo. E oltre ad esse nessuna cosa si aggiunge o cessa di esistere: se infatti si distruggessero del tutto, già non sarebbero più; e quale cosa potrebbe accrescere questo tutto? E donde è venuta? e dove le cose si distruggerebbero, dal momento che non vi è solitudine di esse Ma esse son dunque queste e passando le une attraverso le altre, divengono ora queste ora quelle sempre eternamente eguali. The philosopher Empedocles asserts that the reunification of natural elements like water, air, ground and fire occurs through friendship Agrigento 490 a.c. circa-430 a.c. circa

5 THREE KEYWORDS - information - consultation - partecipation which path should we take? Member States shall encourage active involvement of interested parties in the production review updating of the flood risk management plans……….. DIRECTIVE 2007/60 - art.10

6 Fiume Tagliamento - sponda sinistra evento di piena novembre 2000 many people know the danger, but are not prepared to face it What is the need to inform, consult, partecipate?

7 da: S. Simonetti (Rischio Ambientale) few people know how to read information from the available tools What is the need to inform, consult, partecipate? FORECAST DAMAGE (Vulnerability * Element Value) HAZARD from: S. Simonetti (Environmental Risk) (Structural Intervention) (Civil Protection)

8 Piano per l’Assetto Idrogeologico del fiume Livenza …. …. this hazard map.......... What is the need to inform, consult, partecipate?

9 many people forget the past dangers What is the need to inform, consult, partecipate?

10 - build a common awareness - share the common glossary - understand the available tools Are important tools for: -information -consultation -partecipation

11 rev use of territory to build a common awareness entrophia and disorder

12 entrophia and disorder !


14 E >0 irr disorder !

15 entrophia and territory……………..

16 modifications, causes and effects

17 entrophia and territory……… modifications, causes and effects A few years later…

18 entrophia and territory….. modifications, causes and effects more years after

19 Map of 1833Orthophoto 1998 (Brenta river) Cartigliano Nove entrophia and territory……… modifications, causes and effects

20 Structural interventions in Tagliamento river changes between 1805 and 2001 1805 1954 2001

21 We could ask a few questions: to build a common awareness will we remember in the future that this area was part of the river?

22 Do we know whether the river has a memory and if it could return to his old river- bed? to build a common awareness Break on ancient riverbed Adige river

23 INFORMATION – CONSULTATION – PARTECIPATION to build a common awareness E >0irr What happens downstream ? entrophia and disorder !

24 historical analisis and morphology why is it so important to build a common awareness? Historical syntesis of Rivers dynamics in the middle and low Tagliamento Flood events from 1400 to date Inhabitated centres flooded 13 times Routes re-used 10 times Inhabitated centres flooded 7 times to build a common awareness

25 to remember…..

26 to build a common awareness Not to forget …… in the land planning!

27 to build a common awareness entrophia and disorder ! rev ? Often NO!

28 to involve the people in the planning process Livenza Laboratory documents to decide information consultation partecipation

29 to consolidate a common awareness planning

30 Agrigento 490 a.c. circa-430 a.c. circa From a new water related KULTUre RISK to the 2007/60 Flood Directive THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION !

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