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The COASTGAP Joint Action Plan DEVELOPING CONDITIONS FOR THE BLUE GROWTH IN THE MEDITERRANEAN Links between the Joint Action Plan, the implementation of.

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Presentazione sul tema: "The COASTGAP Joint Action Plan DEVELOPING CONDITIONS FOR THE BLUE GROWTH IN THE MEDITERRANEAN Links between the Joint Action Plan, the implementation of."— Transcript della presentazione:

1 The COASTGAP Joint Action Plan DEVELOPING CONDITIONS FOR THE BLUE GROWTH IN THE MEDITERRANEAN Links between the Joint Action Plan, the implementation of the MSP directive in the Mediterranean sea, and links with the Barcelona Protocol on ICZM- Key relevant priorities 23 March 2015 – Brussels Directorate General of Environment, Soil and Coast Protection Roberto Montanari

2 Roberto Montanari - JAP links with ICM & MSP - Key relevant priorities - 23 March 2015, Brussels Signature in Brussels, 21 March 2013, within the MAREMED Project final event, by the European Parliament Preparation of the Joint Action Plan for the Macro-Project outlined in the Bologna Charter...participated process Adhesions in the period 2013-2014 Adhesions Bologna, Feb 2014 Montpellier, Jun 2014 Rome, Nov 2014 Bologna Charter Coordination Board A Policy Paper and a participated process...capitalising more than 10 years of regional cooperation Brussels May 2014 meeting EU DGs Barcelona Sept 2014 meeting UfM

3 Roberto Montanari - JAP links with ICM & MSP - Key relevant priorities - 23 March 2015, Brussels 4 Strategic Themes in the Joint Action Plan coastal and maritime knowledge network (platform, standards, interoperability) existing local observatories (national, regional, sub regional Structures) erosion phenomena and coastal risks on Med coasts littorals sedimentary balance (estimation methods, best management practices) coastal and off-shore stocks of sediments suitable for coasts nourishment integrated Mediterranean Interoperable Spatial Data Infrastructure Theme n. 1 - Developing knowledge, network-based monitoring and data management systems - KEY TOPICS ICM & MSP coordinated implementation (land-sea interaction, D 2014/89/EU) ‘littoralization’ process mitigation and risks management (D 2007/60/EC) concept of coastal territory and sediments as a “strategic resources” concept of the beach as first “defence structure” for the internal territory governance and adaptation to climate change of coastal zones quantification of ecosystem services of coastal areas Theme n. 2 - Sustainable use of strategic resources for the Blue Growth of the Med coasts - KEY TOPICS remote sensing techniques (drones, submarine devices, LiDAR, satellite apps) integrated modeling tools, monitoring systems, data management and DSS analysis and forecast of local climate change and sea level rise scenarios sediment moving and handling systems, management techniques and equipment innovative solutions, technologies, materials for coastal protection cooperation between PA, Scientific Community, International Organisations, SMEs adaptive management, innovative solutions for coastal structural works “building with nature” approaches for coastal interventions public – private cooperation in interventions and periodical management Theme n. 3 - Supporting Research & Innovation, clusters and implementation - KEY TOPICS Theme n. 4 - Response to challenges driven by climate change (Major Coastal Project) - KEY TOPICS

4 Roberto Montanari - JAP links with ICM & MSP - Key relevant priorities - 23 March 2015, Brussels Major Coastal projects Monitoring infrastructures and Management Plans Network, Studies, Integrated Planning Research & Innovation Increase cross-border cooperation between EU countries, through the strengthening of the role and cooperation between coastal Regions and Administrations Increase coordination between Administrations in each Country, vertical and horizontal integration Protect the environment through early identification of impacts and opportunities for multiple use of space Encourage investment in Research & Innovation and new jobs creation in the field of coastal protection, coast -marine monitoring and adaptation to climate change Encourage investment in interventions for coast-marine environment protection, creating conditions for the safety and the sustainable development in the Med space a JOINT ACTION PLAN on Med coasts adaptation to climate change Developing conditions for the Blue Growth in the Mediterranean

5 What’s going on … developing JAP projects lines BLUEMED initiative (Blue Growth) “Improve observing systems and operational oceanography capacities in the Mediterranean” Coastal Mapping: a project proposal for the DG MARE call on Coastal Mapping Major Coastal Projects (15) most of them included in national programs and/or candidate for EU co-funding (eg. LIFE) and for UfM support, national structural funds on priority 5 “adaptation to climate change” ENPI MoU for the constitution of a Mediterranean Network of coastal Observatories already signed in Rome on 12/11/2014 between 7 coastal Administrations «Bridging the Legal-Institutional Gap in the Med Coastline Management» “Integration of climate variability and change into National strategies for the implementation of the ICZM Protocol in the Mediterranean” Coast NoBlame : project proposal for the ESA call "Thematic Platform Exploitation" GEF project ClimVar Roberto Montanari - JAP links with ICM & MSP - Key relevant priorities - 23 March 2015, Brussels Innovative Governance Models of Sand Resources in Coastal and Marine Zones for a Strategic Defence of Mediterranean Littorals sustainable management of coastal and marine sediments, dedicated legislation Central Europe next call, project proposal on Governance and Protection of coastal zones, coastal and marine protected areas,

6 Roberto Montanari - JAP links with ICM & MSP - Key relevant priorities - 23 March 2015, Brussels MAJOR COASTAL PROJECTS (overall 495 M€ of investments needs)  Larnaca North Coastal Redevelopment Project (CYPRUS- 01)  Protection du Lido de Maguelone à Frontignan (Herault-02)  Fanari beach rehabilitation, East Macedonia-Thrace/Greece (REMTH-01)  Eco-Friendly Marine Structures for Coastal Protection Solutions (Israel-02)  Restoration of Kaštela Bay Coastline, Split-Dalmatia/Croatia (Split-Dalmatia-01)  Linenas Hersonisou coastal defense and renovation project, Crete/Greece (DAC-01)  Recupero litorale tra Albenga e Ceriale /Regione Liguria – Provincia Savona (Liguria-01)  Beach nourishment of sandy coasts in Herault Departement / South of France (Herault-01)  Tiber Major Project: environmental restoration of Tiber river course and mouth coastal area (Lazio-01)  Protection and restoration of the area Foce Reno – Bellocchio – Lido Spina, Emilia-Romagna (RER-01)  Extraordinary nourishment intervention on Emilia-Romagna coast with off-shore sand deposits (RER-02)  Exploitation of deep-waters sand deposits for beach nourishments along the Valencian coast /Spain (Valencia-02)  ICZM for the northern Tel-aviv to Hertzeliya coastal zone, restoration and requalification interventions (Israel-01)  Development and implementation of the shoreline management plan for the northern coast of Valencia /Spain (Valencia-01)  Intervento di riequilibrio di un tratto di litorale di particolare pregio naturalistico situato sottoflutto ad un centro abitato difeso con opere tradizionali, Marina di Cecina, Livorno / Italy (Toscana-01) Monitoring infrastructures and Management Plans projects (overall 5 M€) ICZM Plan for the Dubrovnik-Neretva County/Croatia (DNC-M01) The XIOM: a regional coastal observatory for the Catalan coast (Catalunya-M01) Region of East Macedonia and Thrace Coastal Management Master Plan (REMTH-M01) Towards a sustainable management and protection of the Tordera delta coast (Catalunya-M02) Crete Integrated Coastal Zone Management Master Plan, Observatory implementation (DAC-M01) Common Implementation of tools for enhancing the integration among ICZM, MSP, MSFD in the Puglia Region (Puglia-M01) Monitoraggio per la valutazione della risposta di una spiaggia urbana all’abbassamento di scogliere parallele emerse e ricadute sulla qualità dell’arenile e sulle acque di balneazione, Follonica, Grosseto/Italy (Toscana-M01) about 500 M€ for a 6-7 years need of coastal interventions, individuated in this phase Toscana 01 - M01 The Infrastructural part of the JAP 15 Major Coastal projects and 7 Monitoring and Management projects

7 Roberto Montanari - JAP links with ICM & MSP - Key relevant priorities - 23 March 2015, Brussels Giunta Regionale - Agenzia di Informazione e Comunicazione Prot. N. 200/2015 Data 17/03/2015 All'attenzione dei - Capi redattori Difesa della costa - Dal ministero dell'Ambiente apprezzamento per il progetto interregionale "Coastgap". L'assessore Gazzolo: "Molto positivo il sostegno del sottosegretario Velo. È un piano utile al lavoro in rete tra Regioni e Ministero per contrastare insieme il fenomeno dell'erosione costiera" Bologna - Il sostegno da parte del ministero dell’Ambiente al progetto “Coastgap”, che vede impegnate le Regioni Emilia-Romagna, Lazio, Liguria e Toscana per il contrasto al fenomeno dell’erosione costiera, è molto positivo. Lo sottolinea l’assessore regionale alla Difesa del suolo Paola Gazzolo, che ha incontrato oggi a Roma, assieme ai rappresentanti delle altre Regioni, il sottosegretario all’Ambiente Silvia Velo. “L’apprezzamento e il sostegno espressi dal sottosegretario - afferma Gazzolo - ci convincono del buon lavoro di cooperazione che abbiamo svolto con le altre Regioni. Il piano d’azione ‘Coastgap’ nasce dalla Carta di Bologna 2012, alla quale aderiscono già dieci Regioni costiere italiane e quindici del Mediterraneo”. Il piano prevede azioni comuni per la difesa e l’adattamento delle coste ai cambiamenti climatici e mette a sistema studi, conoscenze e interventi. “Si tratta di un piano utile al lavoro in rete tra Regioni e Ministero - conclude l'assessore - che prevede l’attivazione di fondi comunitari, nazionali e regionali. Con questo piano, che nelle prossime settimane presenteremo a Bruxelles, il Governo potrebbe dar vita a un programma unitario di interventi di difesa a livello nazionale, ottenendo grandi economie di scala”. /EC Involvement National levels… of Italy, France, Greece, Spain, Croatia, Cyprus, Israel Letter of interest and support by the Greek ENV Ministry The Italian Ministry consider the JAP and its regional network (10 IT coastal regions) as a core asset for the National Board on erosion and strategic management of the Italian coastline that is going to be started…..and moreover as a strong contribution for the implementation of other important actions of the Ministry (eg. CAMP-Italy), of EU directives on Flood risk, and MSP, and for the implementation of the EUSAIR strategy -Pillar 3 Letter of interest and support by the Italian ENV Ministry Press releases after the meeting by the Italian ENV Ministry on the 17 of March Letter of interest and support by the French ENV Ministry Support to BC-JAP and invitation / involvement in COP21 conference December 2015 (Paris) and in MEDCOP21 in June 2015 (Marseille)

8 National board on coastal erosion in Italy A technical board with MATTM and Regions representatives basing on the content and the regional network of the BC-JAP On Initiative of the (MATTM) Italian Ministry of Environment, Sea and Land Protection, with the participation of all the 15 Italian coastal Regions and the collaboration of ISPRA and CNR*, it is starting a “National Board on Coastal Erosion” (first meeting 22 of April 2015) Main topics and objectives (at national level) State of art – Littoral dynamics and needs related to erosion phenomena Analysis of applied measures for coastal adaptation and/or mitigation of erosion phenomena Estimation and research of sediments resources available / compatible for beach nourishment Formulation of “National Guidelines for the management of littoral dynamics” Expected products in 6-12-18 months, further than the Guidelines, are National catalogues, Databases, GIS, on the above topics, making interoperable existing regional information systems and fostering the networking * ISPRA: Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e Ricerca Ambientale * Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche

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