By Teacher Carmine Celentano Benvenuti al.. Articles in italian  Definite articule  The definite articles, called Articoli determinativi, refer to.


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Transcript della presentazione:

By Teacher Carmine Celentano Benvenuti al..

Articles in italian  Definite articule  The definite articles, called Articoli determinativi, refer to a person, an animal o something definite and known by who is speking and listening. For example:  The cat is on the table  Il gatto è sul tavolo  The cat indicates a cat that we know. Maybe our cat or a cat that we have already talked about.  Indefinite article  The indefinite article refers to a person, an animal or something that is not definite but generic, which is not known by who is speaking and listening.  There is a cat is in the kitchen  C’è un gatto in cucina  The cat refers to an unknown cat, a cat that I have never seen or that I have not talked about already. A generic cat.

What are the definite articles? I SingularPluralUse Male 1°iliIn front of names that begin with consonant (except for z, s +consonant, x,y,ps,gn,pn) 2° 3° logliIn front of names that begin with the consonants z,s +, x,y, ps,gn,pn l’gliIn front of names that begin with vocal Female 4° 5° laleIn front of names that begin with consonant l’leIn front of names that begin with vocal

Male and female Singular Il, lo and la IL pesce LO spazzolino LA macchina ____televisore ___computer ___tavolo ___ casa ___cugino ____pianta ____ponte ___scienziato ___frutto Fill in the gaps! 1.____cane è sporco 2.____ mio vicino è molto cordiale 3.Quando vedi Luca, digli che si è dimenticato ___ zaino a casa di Maria. 4.____ libro è sulla tavola 5.____mamma di Carlo è bella 6.____ sport è interessante 7.____ strada è bagnata Let’s make a few sentences together! 1._

Male y female Plural Fill in the gaps! 1.___ errori che fai sono gravi 2.Non vado d’accordo con ___ miei vicini di casa 3.___ stadi spagnoli sono sempre pieni 4.___ mani della bambina sono pulite 5.___ occhi di Maria sono meravigliosi Let’s make a few sentences together! 1._ i, gli, and le i cani LE case GLI spinaci ___libri ___matite ___penne ___occhiali ___fratelli

What are the indefinite articles? SingularUse Male 1°unIn front of names that begin with consonant (except for z, s +consonant, x,y,ps,gn,pn) 2° 3° UnoIn front of names that begin with the consonants z,s +, x,y, ps,gn,pn unIn front of names that begin with vocal Female 4° 5° unaIn front of names that begin with consonant un’In front of names that begin with vocal

Indefinite articles Un, Uno and Una Let’s have a look! - They are only singular - Uno, un are used with male names - Una is used with female name ___ cane ___ straniero ___ gioco ___ casa ___animale ___unghia ___orso ___amica -Fill in the gaps! 1.C’è ___ uomo in cucina 2.E’___ casa molto bella 3.C’è ___ lago vicino a casa mia 4.C’è___ anatra in giardino 5.Let’s make sentences together! WIth c’è (There is) 1.C’è un piatto sul tavolo – There is a plate on the table 2._

Names that begin with Vocals THE APOSTROPHE L’ and Un’  The articocle L’ is used with singular male and female names starting with vocal. For example: L’albero, l’uomo Why is that? To avoid this double sound difficult to pronounce we use the apostrophe to cut the first vocal, the one on the article: La albero, lo uomo You now would pronounce the two words as they were one word Lalbero, luomo  la sound and lu sound We use the apostrophe to get this sound. We use it with all the vocals, so: L’albero (la), L’uomo (lu), L’india (li), l’oca (lo), l’erba (le)

 We do the same with the indefinite article un’, but just with female names. Un’oca, un’amica  When we encounter a male name that starts with vocal, we do not use the apostrophe, but just the article un Un albero, un uomo, un osso It is just a graphic difference, because we still pronounce the two words as one. Unalbero, unuomo, unosso So, whereas in defnite article we use L’ with all the singulars, in the indefinite articles, when the vocal is a female word, we use the apostrophe, when is a male word, we do not use the apostrophe. L’albero, l’uomo, l’osso BUT un albero, un uomo, un osso - Singular male names L’oca, l’amica, l’anatra as well as un’amica, un’oca, un’anatra - Singular female names

Pay attention! 1.In italian, the use of the definite article is huger than in english. This is because in italian a noun comes hardly ever without article. For example: I like__ animals  Mi piacciono gli animali __Animals are beautiful  Gli animali sono belli 2.Where in english you do not use the definite article because you are talking in general, in italian is to be used unless it falls on the use of the indefinite article. For example: Horses are traditionally seen as noble animals; Here, you mean all horses and not one in particular, that is why you consequently will not use the definite article. Italian is a bit irregular that way, because the article is to be used! On the same example: i cavalli sono tradizionalmente visti come animali nobili 3.So you simply must choose between using the definite or the indefinite article 4.A horse is a very noble animal  Horses are very noble animals 5.Un cavallo è un animale molto nobile  I cavalli sono animali molto nobili 6.You will never see in italian things like : cavalli sono nobili or mi piacciono cavali. In all these cases, in Italy we use the article


Conversazione 1 Saluto – Mi presento CIAO Ciao, io sono Luca, sono italiano. Ciao, io sono Ana, sono Russa.

2.Mi chiamo Paola. E tu? 1.Ciao! Come ti chiami? 3.Ciao Paola. Mi chiamo Luca. 4.Piacere Luca. 7.Io di Napoli. Che fai nella vita? 5.Di dove sei, Anna? 6.Io sono di Milano, e tu? 8.Io sono una studentessa.

Let’s practice with conversations Ciao, Io sono Carmine. ___ chi sei?, Io ___ Luca. Piacere Luca. ___ _____sei ? Io ____ __ Barcellona. Tu __ dove __? 1. 2.

Io sono di Salerno. ___ ___ nella vita?, Io ___ ____ studente. E tu? ___ _____ ____ _____? Io lavoro in un negozio. _____ un commesso. Capisco. Ora devo proprio andare. A presto

Introduce yourself with your teacher  I  Ciao___  Teacher

See you next time!