P HRASAL VERBS M ATCH THE VERBS WITH THE CORRECT DEFINITIONS 1) They set off at 6.30 in the morning. 2) The car broke down, so I phoned the mechanic. 3) The tour went on for two hours. 4) We were tired of walking, so we carried on by bus. 5) We’ll start off in the High Street. 6) My friend put me up for two nights. 7) Get off the bus at the big supermarket. You can’t missit. 1)To continue. 2)To give (someone) temporary accomodation. 3)To stop working (a machine). 4)To begin a journey. 5)To finish a part of a journey (by bus, train, boat, etc.). 6)To begin a journey in a particular place. 7)To last (time something takes)
V OCABULARY : HOW TO TRANSLATE THE WORD ‘ VIAGGIO ’ INTO E NGLISH Trip Excursion Tour Journey Travel Voyage Cruise
M ATCH THE ADJECTIVES AND DEFINITIONS Breathtaking, dull, lively, off the beaten track, overcrowded, overrated, picturesque, spoilt, touristy 1) with a better reputation than it really deserves. 2) boring. 3) Designed to attract a lot of tourists. 4) Changed for the worse. 5) Full of life and energy. 6) Far away from other people, houses, etc. 7) with too many people or things in it.
8) very impressive or surprising, spectacular. 9) pretty, especially in a way which looks old fashion
T HE S IGMUND F REUD T OUR V IENNA The Sigmund Freud Tour Vienna is a specialised TOUR about Sigmund Freud regarding the main places and buildings in Vienna in connection to the relevant facts in the life of Sigmund Freud. Il tour “Sigmund Freud” a Vienna è una visita guidata incentrata sui principali luoghi ed edifici viennesi che sono in relazione con gli eventi rilevanti della vita di Sigmund Freud.
T HE S IGMUND F REUD T OUR V IENNA Professional guides will embed you completely, for about 2 hours, in the daily life of Dr. Sigmund Freud and his social, cultural and political environment as it was at the turn of the 20th century.. Per circa due ore verrai immerso completamente nella vita quotidiana del Dr. Sigmund Freud e nel suo ambiente sociale, culturale e politico, come se fosse l'inizio del ventesimo secolo, e accompagnato da guide professionali.
T HE S IGMUND F REUD T OUR V IENNA The TOUR is conducted by an accredited Austrian guide with special Sigmund Freud training. The TOUR is composed from a psychologists's and psychoanalyst's point of view and is backed up by scientific references. Furthermore special events can occur during the TOUR and a brochure will be available. Il tour è diretto da una guida austriaca accreditata, con una particolare formazione su Sigmund Freud. La visita presenta un punto di vista psicologico e psicanalitico, sostenuto da fonti scientifiche; inoltre, durante il percorso, possono accadere eventi speciali e una brochure sarà disponibile.
T HE S IGMUND F REUD T OUR V IENNA At the end of the TOUR you will have an overview of the life of Sigmund Freud in Vienna at the turn of the 20th century and have an expert insight in the most relevant Viennese places connected to Sigmund Freud (University, his clients, his living places,...). Al termine del giro avrai una panoramica della vita dello studioso nella Vienna degli inizi del ventesimo secolo e una visione approfondita dei luoghi viennesi più significativi collegati a Freud, come l'università, i posti dov'è vissuto, i suoi pazienti.
T HE S IGMUND F REUD T OUR V IENNA At the end of the TOUR you will also experience the vast human and intellectual emptiness created by the wiping out of the Vienna Jewish community by Nazism in Tra l'altro, percepirai l'immenso vuoto umano e intellettuale provocato dalla deportazione della comunità ebraica di Vienna ad opera del Nazismo nel 1938.
T HE S IGMUND F REUD T OUR V IENNA The TOUR will end at the Sigmund Freud Museum, on Berggasse 19. Which is a MUST on its own. It is the place where Sigmund Freud lived and worked for more than 47 years and wrote his most memorable books and papers. This Tour will guide you to the most important Viennese buildings and places of Sigmund Freud's university and professional life. This is the 'classic' Freud Tour: where it all happened. L'ultima tappa sarà il Museo di Sigmund Freud, in Berggasse 19, comunque da non perdere. È il luogo in cui egli ha vissuto e lavorato per più di 47 anni e dove scrisse i suoi libri e articoli più memorabili. Questo tour ti guiderà attraverso i più importanti edifici e luoghi della città di Vienna presenti nella vita universitaria e lavorativa di Freud. Questo è il classico Freud Tour: dove tutto avviene.