Recent GWIC is now an IUPAP Working group (WG11) 2 GWIC thesis Prizes, one is named after Stefano Braccini (and published in the Springer Theses series).


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Transcript della presentazione:

Recent GWIC is now an IUPAP Working group (WG11) 2 GWIC thesis Prizes, one is named after Stefano Braccini (and published in the Springer Theses series). Stefano Braccini Prize emphasizes the novelty and innovation of the research. GWIC Chairs

2 Springer Theses is a book series in which exceptional Ph.D. theses in the physical sciences are published in their entirety. A strictly limited number of theses are accepted into the series, based on the recommendations of supervisors from the world's top universities and research institutes. GWIC has been invited to nominate two Thesis Prize winner each year for this series. The task was a difficult one, with a total of 17 nominated theses, from 6 different countries. The strength of the pool of nominated theses is one indication of the growth of our Community. The winner of the 214 Stefano Braccini Thesis Prize is Tjonnie Li for his thesis "Extracting Physics from Gravitational Waves: Testing the Strong-Field Dynamics of General Relativity and Inferring the Large-scale Structure of the Universe". Tjonnie received his Ph.D from de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and was nominated by his adviser, Chris Van Den Broeck. Tjonnie's thesis focuses on an innovative Bayesian framework for performing hypothesis tests of modified gravity using ground-based GW data. After developing the framework, Li simulates a variety of General Relativity deviations and demonstrates the ability to measure them.

ROG Collaboration 2015 LNF: Giordano Marini Ronga ROMA Tor Vergata: Bassan Coccia D ’ Antonio Fafone Minenkov Rocchi Visco ROMA: Astone DTZ2Bonifazi Frasca FTE fisici 2.5 FTE tecnici

NAUTILUS LNF - FRASCATI Bar Al 5056 M = 2270 kg L = 2.91 m Ø = 0.6 m A T = 3 K Equipped with a cosmic ray detector

Coldest massive detector 2.5 tons at 90 mK Europhys. Lett.16, 231 (1991) First acoustic detection of cosmic rays Proving the Cabibbo thermo-acoustic theory Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 14 (2000) Longest science run for GW detectors 10 years continuous data taking Phys. Rev. D 82, (2010) Phys. Rev. D (2013) The three Records of NAUTILUS

Peak sensitivity strain displacement

NAUTILUS 2014 NAUTILUS ha raccolto dati in modo continuativo come da molti anni a questa parte. Il duty cycle è limitato essenzialmente dalle operazioni di manutenzione criogenica e supera il 90%. I dati hanno qualità costante e non sono influenzati dalle normali attività naturali e umane. Temperatura di rumore ~ 1 mK

8 Phys. Rev. D87 (2013) ICRC 2013

9 Phys. Rev. D87 (2013) April June 2010

Nautilus as a particle detector Cabibbo – De Rujula theory: Interaction of a particle with a bar: ionization energy lost is converted in thermal heating and therefore pressure wave. The detection mechanism is quite simple, no threshold in β “calorimetric measurement” Upper limit for nuclearite flux from the Rome GW resonant detectors Phys.Rev. D47: , 1993 Cosmic rays observed by NAUTILUS Phys.Rev.Lett. 84:14-17, Detection of high energy cosmic rays with NAUTILUS Astropart.Phys. 30: , Nautilus is able to detect energy releases as low as eV ( J) by measuring the excitation of the longitudinal mode of vibration. Cosmic rays: observed Exotic form of matter: observable Nautilus is equipped with streamer tubes particle detectors

Thermo-acoustic effect and Cosmic ray detection in Nautilus and Explorer “enhancement at T=0.14Kelvin” an “event” in the antenna language --> signal many sigma above noise (~10 mKelvin or more) adding the antenna output for many cosmic ray signals and subtracting the background out of time we have sensitivity for very small signals (~0.01 mKelvin) In this plot you see directly the enhancement due to superconductive state. The RAP experiment using a particle beam has confirmed the thermo-acoustic model for T>Tc. For T<Tc RAP has measured an enhancement similar to Nautilus. This is due to superconductive effects K 3 K 445MeV 44.5MeV In Nautilus T=0.14 K >1 order of magnitude in energy



Data Taking 14´06´07´08´09´10´11´12´13´14´15´16´17´18´19´20´21´22Virgo GEO LIGO LISA E.T. Virgo+ LIGO+ Advanced Virgo GEO HF Advanced LIGO DSPCP Construction Commissioning Hanford Livingston Launch Transfer data data We are here Window of opportunity for AURIGA and NAUTILUS AUNA AURIGA - LNL NAUTILUS - LNF

15 ATTIVITA’ 2015 NAUTILUS continua la presa dati, coordinandosi con AURIGA nell’ambito dell’accordo AuNa per tutto il 2015 Correlazioni previste di AuNA con Geo in conseguenza di trigger astrofisico Richiesta ROG 2015: 135 kEuro (Elio ed Azoto per Nautilus, turni, rivelatori di cosmici)


Accordo di collaborazione tra i gruppi Auriga e ROG AuNa Obiettivo dell’accordo è quello di facilitare la ricerca delle onde gravitazionali impulsive negli anni in cui Auriga e Nautilus saranno gli unici rivelatori in presa dati continuativa. A questo fine due gruppi Auriga e ROG si scambieranno e analizzeranno i dati relativi a trigger astrofisici di rilevante interesse (per le Sn > LVD et al.) Supernova (rate ~ 3/100 anni; in 5 anni la probabilità è ~ 1/6, non trascurabile) e possibili sorprese, come una Magnetar vicina. Si intende rispondere unitariamente anche per la ricerca di impulsi brevi da trigger astrofisici con altri gruppi (es. GEO).

AuNa Attività e persone di riferimento Coordinare la presa dati di AU e NA. Scambiare i dati h(t) calibrati con Data Quality per circa una giornata intorno al tempo di trigger. Analizzare i dati con algoritmi diversi, ma concordando le metodologie generali comuni. Coordinamento dei runs (Taffarello - Fafone) Calibrazioni (Zendri - Rocchi) Selezione dei trigger astrofisici (Cerdonio - Coccia) Analisi dei dati e redazione di reports (Prodi, Vedovato - Giordano, Visco)

19 Gabriela Gonzales (Spokesperson of the Ligo Scientific Collaboration): We know that the AURIGA and Nautilus bars are operating in "astrowatch mode" until advanced detectors come online, and as you may know the GEO detector is operating in a similar mode. In discussing the classification of collaborations, we thought that it would make scientific sense to have an agreement for joint analysis and publications of observations if GEO and one or both bars are operating at the time of an observed core collapse supernova in the Milky Way or in the Magellanic Clouds. This is why we have classified AUNA as a "potential data sharing collaboration", indicating we (LSC) at least interested in pursuing a conversation and an agreement - we hope you agree!