INFN-E e implicazioni sul trasferimento tecnologico M. Ripani – INFN Genova LNF, 15 febbraio 2013 IV Incontro con i Referenti Locali per il Trasferimento Tecnologico
La missione dell’INFN è di sviluppare programmi scientifici nell’ambito della conoscenza delle leggi fondamentali dell’universo D’altra parte, le vaste competenze dell’Ente su Aspetti teorici di base Progetto, costruzione e operazione di acceleratori Progetto, costruzione e operazione di rivelatori di radiazione e particelle possono essere applicate a Siti di stoccaggio di rifiuti radioattivi Sicurezza industriale e pubblica, sicurezza ai varchi Monitoraggio dei reattori Sistemi a fissione di nuova generazione (ADS e reattori veloci) Programmi sulla fusione nucleare Misure di neutronica Quindi, oltre ai contributi tecnologici in ambito medico e nello studio del patrimonio culturale, l’INFN può dare un contributo anche in questi campi
Prospettive in Italia La ricerca sui reattori di generazione futura a fissione e fusione e sulle relative tecnologie continua ad un livello di eccellenza confrontabile (e competitivo) con gli altri principali paesi industrializzati L’INFN è coinvolto nella ricerca sulla fusione tramite la partecipazione al Consorzio RFX (CNR, ENEA, Università di Padova, l’INFN è entrato nel 2005) e al progetto IFMIF nell’ambito del cosiddetto “Broader Approach” La gestione delle scorie nucleari e la sicurezza nucleare possono pure beneficiare della ricerca per sviluppare soluzioni innovative Da tutto questo è nata la Convenzione tra INFN e ANSALDO NUCLEARE SpA per ricerca su Fissione & Sicurezza (2006)(*) e il “libro bianco” RIACE (Rivelatori e Acceleratori per l’Energia) La formazione e l’addestramento professionale di giovani fisici e ingegneri dev’essere mantenuta ed espansa per preservare la competenza delle generazione future nella scienza e tecnologie nucleari L’INFN può dare un contributo a questi settori grazie ai suoi campi di ricerca storici (fisica nucleare fondamentale, rivelatori, acceleratori) In base a queste considerazioni, nel 2008 è stato lanciato il progetto strategico INFN-E Budget tipicamente 200 kEuro/anno per finanziare R&D e attività specifiche (*) rinnovata nel 2011 per altri 5 anni L’energia nucleare non è attualmente una scelta del Paese, ma:
Sicurezza nucleare: siti di stoccaggio, industrie, varchi, mappatura della radioattività ambientale
No repository with online monitoring (to our knowledge) The problem... On-line monitoring could minimize the need of human operators inside (ALARA) radioactive waste is produced worldwide and generally packed into special drums the storage site should be monitored for leaks or breaks to prevent possible contamination of the environment and/or people Waste monitoring at storage facilities INFN Laboratori Nazionali del Sud, Catania
INFN-E DMNR project: Detector Mesh for Nuclear Repositories wireless network Data wired network local data storage remote data storage Web
test with real radwaste drums preliminary test with real radwaste drums in a storage site inside the former nuclear power plant of Garigliano (SOGIN S.p.a.) 4 detectors (+geiger) on a pushcart moved at several positions with increasing dose rates left in one position overnight then quickly removed
Un’Accordo Quadro tra INFN e SOGIN SpA, la Società a cui è stato affidato lo smantellamento di tutti i siti nucleari in Italia, è stato siglato il 7 Novembre 2012 L’Accordo Quadro è stato accompagnato da un Accordo Attuativo che prevede l’installazione e operazione presso l’ex centrale del Garigliano di un prototipo comprendente 15 torri con 3 fusti ciascuna SOGIN coprirà i costi del materiale necessario a realizzare la strumentazione, viaggi e parte del personale dedicato al progetto per un periodo di 2 anni, fino a 216 kEuro Iniziata discussione su brevetto INFN/Ansaldo Nucleare/SOGIN per elaborare una proposta da portare poi in CNTT
Out-of-core reactor zone monitoring Waste and spent fuel monitoring in place and/or during transportation Why neutrons? Extension: neutron detection - HELNED many cheap thermal neutron detectors might be useful detection of possible diversion of a fuel assembly from a Castor(*) container (see P.Peerani, M.Galletta, Nuclear Engineering and Design 237 (2007) 94-99) Elaborato brevetto INFN tramite CNTT deposito brevetto in corso Collaborazione con JRC-Ispra (*) cask for storage and transport of radioactive material
S ilicon D rift D etectors technology Technology developed for ALICE experiment at CERN Can be applied to detection and identification of low level contamination: large surface, high energy resolution for soft X ray at room temperature read out of scintillating crystals by SDD structures, gamma spectroscopy Evolution of SDD technology at Bruno Kessler Foundation (FBK) CMM Trento INFN Trieste, XDXL collaboration
T=+18°C Gaussian fit of the right side of the peaks gives: Fanout to adapt anode pitch to the FE X-ray Detector eXtra Large : spectroscopic performance of one of the “golden” ALICE-D4 fabricated in the final phase of the mass production (mean I leakage ≈ 3.2 nA/cm 3 at t = 20°C) Front-end electronics AIM: develop large area silicon drift detectors and front-end electronics for soft X-ray spectroscopy applications Starting point: ALICE-D4 SDD (designed for the ALICE experiment at LHC) read-out by a dedicated low-noise front-end electronics Very large sensitive area of 53 cm 2 covered by a single detector Works at room temperature !!! Characterization at the IASF/INAF X-ray facility (X-ray polarized source based on Bragg diffraction at nearly 45°) in Rome
New prototype for INFN-E developed by FBK detector back side (where n + readout anodes are placed) Detector front side (where X-rays enter the detector sensitive volume) Mounted detector
55 Fe spectrum measured at -16 ◦ C Energy resolution for Mn K α line is 209 eV FWHM Recentemente, la proposta di una rete nazionale sui rivelatori al Silicio ha dato origine al progetto premiale SIDENET (SIlicon DEtector NETwork, PI A. Vacchi), che è stato selezionato dall’INFN tra quelli da presentare al MIUR Interesse industriale ? Gilardoni, Ansaldo ?
PROJECT TITLE :"Muons scanner to detect radioactive sources hidden in scrap metal containers Research Fund for Coal and Steel GRANT AGREEMENT No RFSR-CT The Consortium 1.TECNOGAMMA 1.UNIVERSITA’ DEGLI STUDI DI PADOVA (Physics Dept. & Information Engineering Dept.) 2.ISTITUTO NAZIONALE DI FISICA NUCLEARE 1.UNIVERSITA’ DEGLI STUDI DI BRESCIA (Mechanical Engineering Dept. ) 2.S.R.B. COSTRUZIONI SRL 1.AFV ACCIAIERIE BELTRAME SPA INFN and University of Padova Budget: Total: 1.32 M€ UE Contribution: 660 k€ INFN Total: 478 k€ INFN UE Contribution: 287 k€
The “orphan sources” problem Sometimes, radioactive sources are present in recyclable scrap metal. For this reason foundries are equipped with radiation monitors at the material entry point However, if the source is shielded it goes undetected and ends up being melted in the furnace, with severe consequences for the workers, the infrastructure and the environment. The purpose of the MuSteel project is to provide means to detect the shielding, complementing the radiation detectors. Some known events
Muon detector prototype (based on CMS detectors) Design compatible with modularity of the Inspection System Construction just finished. Data taking is beginning
Recostruction speed Test case: – Pb block (~10 dm 3 ) buried into scrap metal over a solid iron slab – Total Fe thickness equivalent to 2.5 m of scrap iron Time to recostruct a sample of – 500 k-muons – 500 k-voxels Previous package: ~15 min. Present package: ~30 sec
A realistic case: 250 k μ (5÷10 min exposure time) Technique proposed to inspect Fukushima cores (K. Borodzin et al., LANL and LBNL, accepted by PRL)
Detection and identification of radioactive sources and Special Nuclear Material (HEU and WGPu) is one of the highest priorit tasks in the field of counter-CBRN(*) programs Connected with contrast to terrorism actions and monitoring of contaminated merchandise Screening normally performed with RADIATION PORTAL MONITORS that detect gamma ray by using high efficiency but low resolution plastic scintillator detectors (PVT) providing an alarm based on excess counts only. Similarly, 3 He based proportional counters have been used so far to detect neutrons RPM represent first level screening. In case of alarm, a second level inspection is operated by using portable systems providing gamma-ray spectroscopic information by using inorganic scintillators (NaI(Tl) or LaBr(Ce)) or even HPGe detectors Today’s problems: 1) NORM ( ) discrimination (false alarm rate) 2) 3 He crisis for the production of detectors 3) need to improve neutron detection to search for SNM (*) Chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear( ) Normally Occurring Radioactive Materials
UE-SCINTILLA Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Sezione di Genova Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/ ) Grant Agreement n INFN Genova Project scope: Development of detection capabilities of difficult to detect radioactive sources and nuclear material Project Type: Collaborative project (FP7-SEC ) involving CEA, JRC, INFN, ANSALDO, IKI, FhG INT, ARTTIC, SAPHYMO, SYMETRICA Project Duration: 36 months (1/1/ /12/2014) INFN Development of a neutron detector based on Gd-Lined plastic scintillators for usage in Radiation Portal Monitors Budget: Total: 3.86 M€ UE Contribution:3.03 M€ INFN Total: 396 k€ INFN UE Contribution: 299 k€
RPM for container inspection Fissile material (Uranium or Plutonium) hidden in cargo containers can be detected by measuring gammas and neutrons from spontaneous fission Standard requirement is to measure 2.5 counts per ng of Cf252 In our proposed technology, gamma/neutron discrimination is obtained from event topology Simulations with GEANT4 indicate that for “Weapon Grade” materials: 1 Kg Pu (95% 239 Pu - 5% 240 Pu ) neutrons/min 10 Kg HEU (92% 235 U – 8% 238 U) 20 neutrons/min For enriched U detection it is critical to determine the background; an interrogation technique based on an accelerators may be necessary
Prototype Test Initial detector calibration completed in Genova in Fall 2011 First test campaign at JRC (Ispra) in December 2011 Second test campaign in Genova in Spring 2012 Third test campaign at JRC (Ispra) last week Detector mounted in pillar-like configuration Measurement of rates and deposited energy spectra for prompt and prompt-delay coincidence Detailed measurement of environmental background Detector response to 252 Cf sources and gamma ( 60 Co, 137 Cs) sources of various activity to determine detection efficiency and neutron/gamma discrimination capability Brevetto INFN/Ansaldo Nucleare elaborato con CNTT in dirittura d’arrivo
MODES_SNM Modular Detection System for Special Nuclear Material FP7-SEC University of Padova
Topic SEC Development of detection capabilities of difficult to detect radioactive sources and nuclear materials As underlined in the EU CBRN action plan, efficient and reliable detection of difficult-to-detect radioactive sources and nuclear materials, including masked and shielded sources, is still a challenge. The research project should look specially into solutions for the improvement of detection and enhancing the portability and mobility of detection solutions, which could among other be used also by emergency responders in the field or for the detection and location of a radiation source in large crowds. The solutions proposed should facilitate reliable and correct assessment of the detected signal for subsequent launching of appropriate response. 1) fast relocatable solution 2) end-user oriented 3) detection and localization of sources 4) improve the detection capability of “difficult sources” 5) identification of the source MODES_SNM PROJECT IS SUPPOSED TO MEET REQUIREMENTS AND EXPECTATIONS
BASIC FACTS / NEEDS Detection of radioactive sources: False gamma-ray alarms generated by NORM Need of spectroscopic capability Detection of SNM: Pu isotopes are prolific fast neutron sources Specific gamma-ray signatures U samples: very low neutron emission Specific gamma-ray signatures Need of spectroscopic capability Need of very good capability to distinguish weak fast neutron signal from background Masked sources: Spectroscopic capability Need of detecting neutrons in a very high gamma background Shielded sources: Need of very good capability to distinguish weak fast neutron signal from background Thermal neutron detection Pu HEU LEU
CALL SEC-2012 TAWARA_RTM project TAp WAter RAdioactivity _ Real Time Monitor University of Padova
Topic SEC Topic SEC Improving drinking water security management and mitigation in large municipalities against major deliberate, accidental or natural CBRN-related contaminations - Capability Project Current situation: Today’s laboratory-based contaminant testing systems coupled with the current practice of the use of contingency plans are impractical for daily monitoring usage. They operate too slowly for incident control and prevention since the full extent of the event can be rarely determined timely for efficient mitigation measures. Requirements: Developing monitoring systemts that ….will provide water supply managers with reliable tools to efficiently support: i) integration of innovative CBRN-sensors in intelligent monitoring systems; ii) identifying bio-contamination risks and system vulnerabilities; iii) classifying the severity of the contamination event; iv) evaluating the consequences and the propagation rate of the contaminated zones; v) identifying the most effective response and mitigation measures
GOAL OF TAWARA_RTM Realization of a real-time system for monitoring and activity in water from Warsaw’s aqueduct with the capability of: 1) issuing alarm in case activity will exceed limits for distribution (100 Bq/l e 300 Bq/l for infants and general population, respectively) 2) activate radioisotope analysis system to determine type of contamination and corresponding countermeasures 3) send real-time information to aqueduct management and public authorities Specific motivation: one of the pumping stations draws water from a lake connected with the Chernobyl area and the Polish waste storage site
Goal: production of a natural radioactivity map of Veneto Region Main source of data: gamma-rays emitted by 40 K, 238 U e 232 Th - In mountainous areas, measurements have been performed on samples of rock and soil - In flat areas, an Airborne Gamma-Ray Spectrometry (AGRS) system was used, installed on an ultra-light aircraft Rad_Monitor Project Mountainous areas Total samples: 613 Rock samples: 488 Soil samples: 127 The map is expected to be ready by the end of 2013 AGRS system (NaI) INFN-Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro and INFN Padova
AGRS_16.0L aluminum structure constrained to the plane Inverter 12/220 V 350 W AGRS_16.0L on board of Autogyro 1L NaI(Tl) upward looking detector Digibase ORTEC MCA 1024 channel Questa attività ha dato origine al progetto premiale 2011 ITALRAD, finanziato con 1.5 MEuro
Tecniche innovative di monitoraggio dei reattori
_ antineutrino energy spectrum reveals the reactor core isotopic composition ( 235 U and 239 Pu) ~ m 3 P=3GW D=20m flux proportional to power energy spectrum related to isotope decay Antineutrinos are directly produced in fission (~10 20 /s) Integrated counts allow to monitor the reactor power Counts/day in organic scintillator detector (water-like) _ _ _ CORMORAD: COre Reactor MOnitoRing by an Antineutrino Detector INFN Genova
CORMORAD prototype CORMORINO scale (1:3) 3 ~3% m 3 Size: 40 x 30 x 30 cm 3 Prototype cell 4 30x5x5 cm 3 NE110 bars 1 5x10x10 cm 3 NE110 block 12.5 m Gd foils wrapping Light read-out: 18 Photonis XP2312 3” PMTs
Cernavoda (Ro) Test run in Cernavoda (Ro) SNN nuclear power plant during outage/restart in May 09 Test Goals In-situ measurement Experimental set-up optimization Background rates Reactor On/Off change MC validation Data analysis optimization 2 GW reactor off/on for maintenance ~30m far from the reactor core In-truck movable detector Unit 2 Test runs Reactor off ~1 week; natural bg Reactor on ~3 weeks; max power Reactor on + B-shield ~2 weeks; bg nature Detector Shield building Truck Remotely controlled using a modem/phone connection (VM/HV) Smooth running Cosmic ray runs for calibration
Event Rate and plant power Rate atteso di antineutrini: Hz Rate totale a reattore acceso misurato: 8Hz R A T E (Hz) Recorded DAQ rate Reactor restart Reactor ON: full power Reactor OFF Reactor ON: with B- shield Reactor power (from SNN) Calculated from DAQ rate assuming: R single ∝ Power R double = 2 R single R single Provided by SNN Expected anti-nu rate: Hz Measured rate (Reac-ON): 8Hz Rate dominated by background Reac-OFF: natural bg, cosmic , n Reac-On: reactor and n
Nuclear physics of next Gen-IV/ADS reactor systems Significant combustion cycle improvement would result by burning not only U and Pu but even most of waste material (including long-lifetime actinides) produced by current thermal (Gen II-III) reactors: Np, Am, Cm series. Most minor actinides have a fission threshold (~ 1 MeV) To burn nuclear waste fast reactors (or ADS systems) are needed Gen IV fast breeder reactors fulfill a fuel closed cycle (better use of U fuel minimizing waste production) About 2 orders of magnitude increase in output power per unit mass of U 1 MeV Typical neutron spectrum in fast (Gen-IV/ADS) like reactors Neutron cross-sections (with threshold) Fissile isotopes (without threshold) The development of Gen IV fast reactors requires cross section data for several actinides in a wide energy range, mainly in the fast region (E n >100 keV)
Purpose: an accelerator-based neutron facility able to provide, in a proper irradiation chamber, a GenIV-like fast neutron spectrum to perform cross sections integral measurements on actinides, fission fragments and structural materials Proposed for Legnaro National Laboratory Proposal: Using the SPES cyclotron proton beam (40-50 MeV) on a (Be,W o Pb) neutron converter and a proper neutron spectrum shifter system Project goal: Neutron source level: Sn ~2∙10 14 s -1 Total neutron flux expected: Φ n = ~ cm -2 s -1 1 μgr 238 Pu (87 y, 0.6 MBq) σ(n,f) ~ 1 b Expected Transmutation Rate = 20 c/s SPESCyclotrondriver FARETRA FAst REactor simulator for TRAnsmutation studies FARETRA FAst REactor simulator for TRAnsmutation studies INFN-Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro
A low power ADS based on enriched U fuel and solid Lead Motivation Availability of 70 MeV, 0.5 mA proton cyclotron purchased by INFN as driver for SPES project on radioactive ion beams Collaboration with Ansaldo Nucleare, leader in technology for fast reactors based on Lead coolant (also, one of the proposed technologies in the EU) Choice of Pu-free fuel to minimize security issues UO 2 w/ 20 % 235 U Low thermal power kW to limit safety issues but sufficient to study some aspects of dynamics Temperature < 300 C o solid Lead matrix k eff 0.95 (limit for storage facil’s) Relatively low beam energy Target: Beryllium (weakly bound n) Broad collaboration between INFN, Ansaldo Nucleare, ENEA, Engineering Faculty of Genova, Polytechnic Universities of Milan and Turin, LENA-Pavia Parallel activity: preliminary studies for possible fast configuration conversion of existing subcritical thermal assembly at LENA-Pavia Prodotta Bozza di Conceptual Design Report + partecipazione a progetto UE FREYA (INFN TO, GE, 72 kEuro) + task in proposta UE CHANDA (INFN BA, GE)
INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro INFN gives important contribution to dpa/year IFMIF International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility DEMO < 150 dpa Neutral Beam Injection
ITER: auxiliary plasma heating techniques NBI
INFN (LNL, Padova, Turin, Bologna)
Rivelatori per misure di neutronica
For fusion, necessary assessment of: Performance of neutron shielding Flux after First Wall must be reduced by several orders of magnitude to avoid magnet overheating and quenching port activation with impact on human intervention Neutron flux on Test Blanket Modules used to study Tritium breeding INFN Genova
neutrons Clear fiber coated with neutron absorber and scintillator powder mixture photomultiplier Radiation Hardness Excellent neutron/gamma rejection ratio Fast Response Can be conveniently employed in ADS/Reactor environment/high flux neutron facilities Coated non-scintillating plastic optical fibers (INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro, Bologna) Ongoing R&D CVD (Chemical Vapor Deposition) Diamond detectors Radiation hardness -> no frequent replacements High mobility of free charges-> Fast response Compact volume solid state detector Room temperature operation-> No Cooling Resistivity ~5 orders of magnitude > Silicon Low leakage current -> No need for pn junction Cooperation with University of Torino and also with University and INFN Tor Vergata, ENEA, CNR
Triple GEM detectors: application on plasma diagnostics and neutron detection GEM foil 70 µm140 µm Gas Electron Multiplier (F.Sauli, NIM A ) 50 m thick kapton foil, copper clad on each side and perforated by a high surface-density of bi-conical channels Several triple GEM chambers have been built in Frascati in the LHCb Muon Chamber framework Working with different levels of gain it is possible to obtain high level of gamma- neutron discrimination 128 pads 6x12 mm 2 INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
Fast Neutron Monitor (ISIS) Monitor for a fast neutron beam with energies ranging from a few meV to 800 MeV Tested at neutron beam of the Vesuvio facility at RAL-ISIS. Beam profiles and intensity
Conclusioni La missione dell’INFN è di sviluppare programmi scientifici nell’ambito della conoscenza delle leggi fondamentali dell’universo D’altra parte, le vaste competenze dell’Ente nella fisica nucleare e nello sviluppo di acceleratori e rivelatori di particelle e radiazione possono essere applicate a Siti di stoccaggio di rifiuti radioattivi Sicurezza industriale e pubblica, sicurezza ai varchi Monitoraggio dei reattori Sistemi a fissione di nuova generazione (ADS e reattori veloci) Programmi sulla fusione nucleare Rivelatori per misure specifiche su sistemi a fissione e fusione Abbiamo visto molti esempi significativi che mostrano come INFN-E possa funzionare da incubatore di progetti in tutti questi ambiti, aiutando a sviluppare anche il possibile trasferimento tecnologico Un aspetto importante è la tempistica necessaria per stringere accordi, elaborare brevetti
Grazie per l’attenzione