Lingua Inglese II (6 Cfu) Global Englishes A.A. 2014/15 Dott. Enrico Grazzi


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Transcript della presentazione:

Lingua Inglese II (6 Cfu) Global Englishes A.A. 2014/15 Dott. Enrico Grazzi

2 A V V I S O A partire dal giorno 14/11/2014 la lezione del venerdì di Lingua Inglese 2 si terrà in aula T33. IL GIORNO 21 NOVEMBRE 2014 NON CI SARA’ LEZIONE

3 Brainstorming… Have you ever travelled to inner-circle countries? (e.g. The UK, the USA, the Rep. of Ireland, Australia, Canada etc.) Can you hear any differences in the way English is spoken over there? What are the social implications of speaking a non- standard variety of English (i.e. an English dialect) in inner-circle countries?

4 Homework: Reading B3, pp. 69/79 Watch the video indicated on page 74 Activity p. 76 Composition: Do you think that the attitudes towards non- standard varieties are in some way bound up with attitudes towards their speakers? (see activity on page 79) (300 words)