Anoplophora glabripennis in NE Italy: Faccoli M., Battisti A., Vettorazzo M., Zampini M., Zanini G., Coppe M.


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Transcript della presentazione:

Anoplophora glabripennis in NE Italy: Faccoli M., Battisti A., Vettorazzo M., Zampini M., Zanini G., Coppe M.

Adulti caratterizzati da: lunghe antenne colore nero con riflessi bluastri elitre con numerose macchie bianche grandi dimensioni (4 cm) agricolturaitalianaonline

Il ciclo di sviluppo di Anoplophora in Italia

Nelle gallerie larvali spesso si trova “rosura”

Le Anoplophora sono di origine cinese e coreana, introdotte accidentalmente in alcune città europee, americane e canadesi.

A.glabripennis : imballaggi con legno di latifoglie, fresco e non trattato (pallets)

L’AMBIENTE DI VITA Alberi in ambiente urbano (viali, giardini, parchi, vivai, piante isolate, cespugli, filari, …) Saltuariamente ai margini dei boschi Finora mai segnalate entro i boschi Danni aspecifici, generici, primaverili. Morte della pianta in 3-5 anni.

Molecular analyses indicates similarity with haplotypes of Austrian and American (NY) populations, and differences with the ALB collected in Milan in 2007 In June 2009 many adults of Anoplophora glabripennis (ALB) were found in Cornuda, NE Italy

The eradication plan 1)Checking of all tree species potential ALB hosts: in the infestation area in a buffer zone of 2 km around each infested tree The eradication plan is based on 5 main points: Checking performed twice a year (Spring and Summer) by operators of the NPPO. Large trees: checked by tree-climbers of the Regional Forest Service

The monitoring in Cornuda Infestation area Buffer zone 2 Km

In green healthy trees and in red infested trees 2) Inventory of all tree species potential ALB hosts (geographic position, species, size, ownership)

3) Cut and chip of all (but only) infested trees by tree-climbers of the Forest Service. Chipping devices

4) Tree replacement (for free) with non-host species (conifers, oaks, linden, chestnut …).

5) Public information Information posters distributed in the infestation area and in the neighboring cities

RESULTS: infestation data from June 2009 to May 2011 Summer 2009 Spring 2010Summer 2010 Spring N of infested trees Number of infested trees (updated May 2011)

Emergence hole in scarring tissue We dated 312 emergence holes from about 100 trees felled in summer 2009 Temporal trend of the infestation Annual rings

N of emergence holes Early season 2006 Early season 2007 Early season 2008 Early season 2009 Late season 2006 Late season 2007 Late season 2008 Late season 2009 y = 0.001exp (1.192x) Late season Temporal trend of the infestation: The oldest hole dates Summer 2005!

The infestation begun at least in 2004 The eradication is giving positive outcomes: containment of the ALB expansion reduction of the number of infested trees The general eradication costs are decreasing (lower costs for cutting and chipping) Conclusions

Future needs monitoring of the whole infestation and buffer area monitoring outside the infestation area in high-risk sites: forests, main roads, natural areas, industrial stores with WPM, … testing new and quick detection methods (dogs, sound and vibration record, photo-interpretation…) investigate about limiting factors (natural enemies, host suitability, weather conditions,...)