Richiesta Cuore_dtz Padova anno2014 CdS 2/7/2013


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Transcript della presentazione:

Richiesta Cuore_dtz Padova anno2014 CdS 2/7/2013 Partecipazione alla sigla Cuore: Taffarello 80% Tasks e deliverables(2013-2014): Test, commissioning e allestimento finale Refrigeratore a Diluizione (DU) @ LNGS Test, allestimento e caratterizzazione sospensione del rivelatore (controllo sismico) Test finale criostato @ LNGS Impegno della Sezione: Pedrotta-Tessaro Gluing e Bonding (4-6 sett ciascuno) Target CUORE: finire l’allestimento per fine anno 2014, 2015 raffreddamento e presa dati

Dilution Unit Overview and Characterization (Luca Taffarello INFN Padova Section) 17/04/2013 The cold finger of Cuore Cryostat is located in the 0 floor of Cuore Hut is cold almost continously from March 1 fulfill the required performances for the various temperature stages

DU Stage Cooling power Minimum Base Temperature Still Stage 3 mW Hex 50 mK Heat Exchanger 125 mW Mixing Chamber 5 mW at 12 mK 6 mK

Allestimento e test sospensione detector Foto refrigeratore in ditta giugno 2011 Consegna LNGS ottobre 2012 Schema sospensione CUORE Allestimento finale fine 2012

Test Criostato in SIMIC OK Grosso acquisto 36k€ upgrade della gara del criostato In fase di test saldature. Finito per 2013

Richieste attività Tecnica (1): Gluing R. Pedrotta 2014 Possibili utilizzo anche per realizzare lo schermo con il Pb a T ambiente

Richieste attività Tecnica (2): Bonding M. Tessaro da definire 2014

CUORE-0: assembly procedure CUORE-0 assembly was performed in the new CUORE clean room following all the stages and using all the equipment developed for CUORE

CUORE-0: thermistor gluing The gluing of CUORE-0 thermistor to crystals was performed with the new CUORE gluing semi-automatic machine (in a flushed glove box): fast, non-operator dependent, minimizes radioactive contaminations, makes this stage more reproducible thus improving detector uniformity.

CUORE-0: tower assembly The assembly of the tower was done with the CTAL (CUORE Tower Assembly Line) provided of a sealed and flushed stainless steel chamber (Garage) supporting a working plane where 4 different glove boxes switch allowing 4 operations to be performed (mounting, bonding, cabling and tower storage) with radioactivity control and reproducible protocols

20-30% Roberto Pedrotta, esperto gluing Richieste ai servizi: 2 mesi/uomo officina meccanica: realizzazione pezzi di interfaccia criostato e termalizzazioni 20-30% Roberto Pedrotta, esperto gluing 20% Mario Tessaro esperto bonding (OE) capitolo descrizione parziali richieste Missioni 4 Riunioni PI 1 28 Turno Cuore0 (9gg) 1.5 10 weeks@GS cryostat 12 4 weeks@GS gluing 5 4 weeks@GS bonding 1 meeting intern. 2.5 1 meeting ita Inventariabile Lettore termometri 7 Bolla elettrolitica totale 40 k€


Most recent Results: EXO-200: <mbb> < 0.15-0.36 eV Kamland-Zen: <mbb> < 0.25-0.60 eV Calculations are performed with QRPA and Shell Mode The range is due to NME uncertainties.

CUORE sentitivity to <mbb> Bilenky, Giunti [2] b=0.01 c/keV/kg/y, T = 5 y T1/20n > 1.6 x 1026 y (1s) T1/20n > 9.5 x 1025 y (90% CL) <mbb> < 40-90 meV

Measured contaminations + bkg model CUORE-0 and CUORE sensitivity CUORE-0 CUORE data M [kg] 39 (~11 of 130Te) 741 (~206 of 130Te) DE [keV] ~5 Cuoricino [8] b [c/keV/kg/y] 0.05 0.01 Measured contaminations + bkg model T [y] 2 5 e = 87.4% i.a. (130Te) = 34.167 %