EXOTIC 2017 (8 ricercatori, 5.4 FTE) NA (3.1 FTE) M. La Commara (0.8), G. La Rana (0.3), C. Parascandolo (1.0), D. Pierroutsakou (1.0) PD (2.3 FTE) M. Mazzocco (1.0), F. Soramel (0.5), E. Strano (0.8) National and International Collaborations: LNS, INFN-Sez. Catania, LNL, Univ. of Warsow (Poland), Univ. Birmingham (UK) , Univ. of Ioannina and HINP (Greece), CNS/RIKEN (Tokyo, Japan), Univ. of Huelva (Spain), IASA and Univ. of Athens (Greece), Univ. of Thessaloniki (Greece), Horia Hulubei-NIPNE (Romania), IFJ-PAN(Krakow, Poland), CEA-Saclay (France), KEK/JAEA (Japan), Univ. Osaka (Japan),
EXOTIC: Scientific Lines 1) Study of the reaction mechanisms and the structure of weakly bound stable and exotic nuclei and measurements of astrophysical interest with RIBs (PD) 2) Collective modes: Study of the pre-equilibrium dipole g ray emission in dissipative heavy-ion reactions (NA)
Light RIBs at EXOTIC 17F E = 3–5 MeV/u Purity: 93-96 % Intensity: 105 pps 8B E = 3–5 MeV/u Purity: 30-43 % Intensity: ~ 103 pps 7Be E = 2.5–6 MeV/u Purity: 99 % Intensity: 3*105 pps 15O E = 1.3 MeV/u Purity: 97-98 % Intensity: 4*104 pps 8Li E = 2–2.5 MeV/u Purity: 99 % Intensity: 105 pps 10C E = 4 MeV/u Purity: 99 % Intensity: 5*103 pps 11C E = 4 MeV/u Purity: 99 % Intensity: 2*105 pps
2015-2016 Activity: Experiments
10,11C RIBs @ EXOTIC (October 2015, 2 days) Spokespersons: D. Torresi, C. Parascandolo 10C radioactive beam production: p(10B,10C)n Q = -4.43 MeV I = 45 enA, Elab=65 MeV. P = 1 bar at cryogenic temperature (90 K), corresponding to 1.35 mg/cm2. I(10C ) = 1 kHz E=45 MeV and a purity of almost 99%. The beam was produced with the aim to perform an elastic scattering measurement using the Inverse Kinematics Thick Target Method. The 10C intensity is not enough to perform such kind of experiment 11C radioactive beam production: p(11B,11C)n Q = -2.76 MeV I = 75 enA Elab=65 MeV. I(11C ) = 5x105 kHz E=45 MeV and a purity of 99%. The intensity is more than enough to use the TTIK scattering method for measuring the elastic scattering excitation function.
BELICOS (November 2015, 13 days) BELICOS (BEryllium and LIthium in the COSmos) Collaboration ASFIN2 – EXOTIC - LUNAPD Spokespersons: L. Lamia, M. Mazzocco 7Be+d a +a + p d n 7Be α p Large discrepancy (about a factor 3) between predicted and observed primordial 7Li abundance, essentially determined by the production and destruction of 7Be nucleus. Study of the 7Be(n,a)4He (Qvalue =18.99 MeV) reaction by applying the Trojan Horse Method (THM) that allows us to span the energy region of interest for Bing Bang Nucleosynthesis Ecm= 0-1.5 MeV. 7Be RIB with Elab(7Be)= 22 MeV I=106 pps 0.4 mg/cm2-thick CD2 target A DE=300 keV resolution is enough as no resonance structure is expected in the considered energy range Expected statistical error around 14% for a 150 keV bin in the center-of-mass n+7Be Experimental set up EXPADES: IC - 300 mm DSSD
BELICOS @ EXOTIC (10-22 November 2015) 106 pps of 7Be (after the EXOTIC beamline alignment)
17F+58Ni (CRIB, RIKEN, December 2015, 10 days) Spokespersons: H. Yamaguchi, Chengjian Lin, Gaolong Zhang in collaboration with China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beihang University, CNS 17F+58Ni @ CRIB (Japan): elastic scattering and breakup at Elab=2.4 – 4.12 MeV/nucleon (around and above the Coulomb barrier ̴ 47 MeV in lab). 16O primary beam I(16O) ̴ 600 enA d(16O, 17F)n I(17F) ̴ 4 *105 pps experimental setup: 4-stage telescopes: IC+ 60 mm DSSD + 300 mm QSD + 1000 mm QSD (10 telescopes) Done 10-19 December 2015 Complementing an experiment performed at EXOTIC in March 2009
2015-2016 Activity: Data Analysis
3,4He angular distributions. 7Be+208Pb @ EXOTIC: Scattering and Direct Processes Spokespersons: M. La Commara, L. Stroe, M. Mazzocco 3,4He angular distributions. Coincidence Measurements: 24 3He+4He (Exclusive Breakup) 20 4He+4He (n-pickup → 8Be) Quasi-elastic angular distribution at three beam energies around the Coulomb barrier
8B+208Pb @ CRIB: Scattering and Direct Processes Spokespersons: C. Signorini, M. Mazzocco 7Be 8B 4He 6Li ToF (channel) ∆E (channel)
2015-2016 Activity: Publications
7Be + 58Ni at 22 MeV (M. Mazzocco et al., PRC 92 024615 (2015)) Quasi-elastic angular distribution in good agreement with a previous measurement E.F. Aguilera et al., PRC 79, 021601 (2009) and with optical model calculations without any free parameters J. Cook, Nucl. Phys. A 388, 153 (1982) Recent theoretical calculations by A.M. Moro and J. Lei (Seville, Spain), applying the formalism developed for 6Li-induced reactions. J. Lei et al., PRC. 92, 044616 (2015)
Dynamical dipole in 40,48Ca+152,144Sm heavy systems C. Parascandolo , D. Pierroutsakou et al., PRC 93 044619 (2016) (Ph.D. Student at Padova 2011-2014) LOI for SPES Third International SPES Workshop, LNL, 10-12 October 2016 Reaction dynamics for the system 8Li+90Zr at EXOTIC A. Pakou, D. Pierroutsakou, M. Mazzocco et al., EPJ A 51, 55 (2015) A. Pakou, N. Keeley, D. Pierroutsakou, M. Mazzocco et al., EPJ A 51, 90 (2015) The experimental set-up of the RIB in-flight facility EXOTIC D. Pierroutsakou et al., NIM A (submitted, answer to referees ready) 17O+ 58Ni scattering and reaction dynamics around the Coulomb barrier E. Strano, D. Torresi, M. Mazzocco et al., PRC (submitted) 14 14
Direct measurement of 15O + a structure in 19Ne (Experiment performed at EXOTIC in February 2015) D. Torresi, C. Wheldon, Tz. Kokalova et al., PRL (submitted) A – Alpha Particles (Elastic) B – Alpha Particels (Ineleastic) C – Protons
2016-2017: Perspectives
Proposals @ EXOTIC (PAC, LNL July 2016) a clustering in 15O (Torresi, Wheldon, Parascandolo) Elastic Scattering Excitation Function (ESEF) of 11C+ 4He: energy, width, spin of the states with E* up to 8 MeV above the a-decay threshold (10.22 MeV) 11C radioactive beam production: p(11B,11C)n Q = -2.76 MeV I(11C )=5 x 105 kHz (primary beam intensity 75 enA) Elab (11C )=30 MeV and a purity of almost 99%. Elab (11C )=30 MeV
Proposals @ EXOTIC (PAC, LNL July 2016) 8B and 18Ne production (Parascandolo) 1) 8B beam 3He(6Li,8B)n (Qval = -1.97 MeV) Beam: 6Li3+, maximum available intensity (150 - 200 pnA), energy: 56 MeV, Beam time request: 2 days. Reaction dynamics studies at sub-barrier energies 2) 18Ne beam 3He(16O,18Ne)n (Qval =-3.19 MeV) Beam: 16O8+ intensity (50 - 100 pnA), energy: 40 MeV, continuous beam. Beam time request: 2 days. Possible investigation of the capture reaction rate 18Ne(a,p)21Na. 21Na formed in this reaction constitutes the initial seed of the rp process, which forms elements with maximum mass around A=100. Energies of astrophysical interest: 500 keV - 2 MeV in c.m. (Ecm= 1 MeV -> ELab=5.5 MeV)
2017: Richieste
Richieste finanziarie 2017: CA, Cons, T, M (preliminare) Le richieste si riferiscono a EXOTIC Sez. Napoli e Sez. Padova Missioni: 20 k€ (di cui 6 a PD) Interno - 13 k€ (di cui 5 a PD) Estero Costruzione Apparati 15 k€ (di cui 10 a PD): Ricambi Linea EXOTIC (componenti PLC controllo vuoto, sostituzione tubatura per acqua da raffreddamento magneti e alimentatori) 12 k€ (NA): 4 MEGAMP for i QQQ2 Consumo 7.5 k€ (PD): 1 DSSSD di 1 mm 6 k€ (NA): elettronica per 8 megamp e migrazione dell’adc sul modulo) 2 k€ (PD): isotopi Manutenzione 2 k€ (PD): manutenzione DSSSD Trasporti 3 k€ (di cui 1 a PD): trasporto di materiale fragile (rivelatori) Totale: 80.5 k€ (33,5 k€ a PD e 47 a NA)
EXOTIC 2017: Richieste di supporto Servizi Tecnici Laboratorio di Elettronica: Preparazione ed assistenza turni di misura presso LNL (2 mesi uomo). Officina Meccanica: Realizzazione di piccole componenti e posa in opera presso linea EXOTIC a LNL ( 2 mesi uomo). Progettazione: Progettazione di piccole componenti (supporto di rivelatori) da posizionare all’interno della camera di scattering (1 mese uomo). Servizio Calcolo: Nessuna richiesta. S.C.A. (M. Bellato): Adeguamento software di controllo dei magneti della linea Exotic (da concordare).