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Transcript della presentazione:

STATUS DHCAL PCB STUDY for RPC and MicroMegas (Electronics recent developments for the European DHCAL) William TROMEUR, Hervé MATHEZ, Renaud GAGLIONE, Imad LAKTINEH, Christophe COMBARET, Rodolphe DELLA-NEGRA (CNRS IN2P3 IPNL) Collaboration with LLR and LAL

Board with components 6 layers design 8 layers design 4 hardroc FPGA DAQ connector 6 layers design 8 layers design

Status PCB status 6 boards manufactured 4 boards with there components for RPC 2 boards with there components without connectors for µMEGAS 2 boards fully tested 1 boards on detector prototype 1 boards at LLR to optimize the firmware 2 boards 90% tested (bondings)

256 Pads RPC Gas PCB with 256 pads

Slow Control part

Readout part