Oggi è il ventiquattro aprile Da fare ora: 1. Tirate fuori il paccetto “pane e tulipani”- facciamo alcuni esercizi 2. finiamo il film SWBAT review exercises.


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Transcript della presentazione:

Oggi è il ventiquattro aprile Da fare ora: 1. Tirate fuori il paccetto “pane e tulipani”- facciamo alcuni esercizi 2. finiamo il film SWBAT review exercises from Pane e Tulipani and finish watching and analyzing the film. Students will also acquire the words for desserts and finish creating their favorite/least favorite food booklets.

IL COMPITO Pagina HH parte D Pane e Tulipani packet due tomorrow SWBAT review exercises from Pane e Tulipani and finish watching and analyzing the film. Students will also acquire the words for desserts and finish creating their favorite/least favorite food booklets.

* la frutta * la torta * I biscotti * il gelato a)alla fragola b) al cioccolato c) alla vaniglia d) al pistacchio e) alla nocciola * Il sorbetto *I cannoli * il tiramisù * the fruit * the cake * the cookies * the ice cream * strawberry *chocolate * vanilla * pistacchio * hazelnut * water ice *cannoli- pastry * soft cake SWBAT review exercises from Pane e Tulipani and finish watching and analyzing the film. Students will also acquire the words for desserts and finish creating their favorite/least favorite food booklets.

Facciamo un libretto dei tuoi antipasti, primi piatti e secondi piatti e i dolci preferiti e non preferiti e le tue frutte, verdure e bevande preferite e non preferite … SWBAT review exercises from Pane e Tulipani and finish watching and analyzing the film. Students will also acquire the words for desserts and finish creating their favorite/least favorite food booklets.

Il dolce: condividiamo i libretti SWBAT review exercises from Pane e Tulipani and finish watching and analyzing the film. Students will also acquire the words for desserts and finish creating their favorite/least favorite food booklets.

Oggi è il venticinque aprile Da fare ora: smart activity- cibo e bevande SWBAT recall the food vocabulary words and categorize them, and finish creating their favorite/least favorite food booklets.

Ripassiamo il compito *Pass forward “Pane e Tulipani” packet SWBAT recall the food vocabulary words and categorize them, and finish creating their favorite/least favorite food booklets.

il compito *Page HH part D- due Tuesday Next quiz- Meal and food vocabulary, categorizing food- next Thursday Monday- go directly to A-107 for a supermarket webquest SWBAT recall the food vocabulary words and categorize them, and finish creating their favorite/least favorite food booklets.

Facciamo un libretto: Title: Il mio libretto, Da: ___________ pg 1:antipasti pg 2: primi piatti Pg 3: secondi piatti Pg 4: i dolci preferiti e non preferiti Pg 5:le frutte, Pg 6:verdure Pg 7: bevande preferite e non preferite …

 Presentiamo i libretti SWBAT recall the food vocabulary words and categorize them, and finish creating their favorite/least favorite food booklets.

Oggi è martedì il ventinove aprile! Da fare ora: Presentiamo i libretti! SWBAT describe their favorite and least favorite foods, analyze and make predictions about a story in a restaurant.

Ripassiamo il compito *Page HH part D SWBAT describe their favorite and least favorite foods, analyze and make predictions about a story in a restaurant.

IL COMPITO  Mini books!!! *pagina PP 4.11, pagina QQ/RR- label picture 1-8- due Thursday *Next quiz- Meal and food vocabulary, categorizing food- Thursday SWBAT describe their favorite and least favorite foods, analyze and make predictions about a story in a restaurant.

Prima di leggere… 1. Nominate i pasti (breakfast, lunch, dinner) 2. Nominate le parte del menu 3. Imagina e scrive cosa ordina il signor Jones per la cena. SWBAT describe their favorite and least favorite foods, analyze and make predictions about a story in a restaurant.

Prima di leggere… Una nota culturale Proverbio: Paese che vai, usanza che trovi.

1.Leggete in paio… 2.Parte I- tutto SWBAT describe their favorite and least favorite foods, analyze and make predictions about a story in a restaurant.

OGGI È MERCOLEDÌ IL TRENTA APRILE! Al ristorante Sara _________________ (sedersi) al tavolo nell’angolo. Aspetta per Maria. Quando Maria viene loro ________________ (ordinare) qualcosa da bere. Loro ___________________(brindersi) perchè hanno vinto la partita di calcio. Poi, Maria ________________ (ordinare) la pasta amatriciana mentre Sara ______________ (ordinare) l’arragosta. Sara e Maria ________ (mangiare) insieme! Delizioso!!! SWBAT finish creating a story and a dialog in a restaurant, acquire the vocabulary for the place setting in order to ask for utensils in a restaurant.

IL COMPITO *pagina PP 4.11, pagina QQ/RR- picture identification- due tomorrow *Quiz tomorrow- Meal and food vocabulary, categorizing food (all vocabulary has been added to Ms. Tyska’s webpage) SWBAT finish creating a story and a dialog in a restaurant, acquire the vocabulary for the place setting in order to ask for utensils in a restaurant.

Il vocabolario del coperto La forchetta Il cucchiaio Il cucchiaino Il coltello Il piatto Il piatto profondo Il bicchiere la tazza e il piattino Il tovagliolo La tovaglia SWBAT finish creating a story and a dialog in a restaurant, acquire the vocabulary for the place setting in order to ask for utensils in a restaurant.

La pratica… Dica il nome degli oggetti che si usano per fare le seguenti cose. Esempio: per mangiare il gelatoUso il cucchiaino. 1.Per bere l’aranciata 2.Per tagliare (cut) la carne 3.Per mangiare la minestra 4.Per pulisi la bocca e le mani 5.Per mangiare l’insalata 6.Per portare il pesce a tavola 1.Il bicchiere 2.Il coltello 3.Il cucchiaio 4.Il tovagliolo 5.La forchetta 6.Il piatto SWBAT finish creating a story and a dialog in a restaurant, acquire the vocabulary for the place setting in order to ask for utensils in a restaurant.

1. Riempite il coperto 2. Disegnate un coperto nuovo!

Nome: Data: Da fare ora: Riempite con il verbo giusto Al ristorante Sara _________________ (sedersi) al tavolo nell’angolo. Aspetta per Maria. Quando Maria viene loro ________________ (ordinare) qualcosa da bere. Loro ___________________(brindersi) perchè hanno vinto la partita di calcio. Poi, Maria ________________ (ordinare) la pasta amatriciana mentre Sara ______________ (ordinare) l’arragosta. Sara e Maria ________ (mangiare) insieme! Delizioso!!! Nome: Data: Da fare ora: Riempite con il verbo giusto Al ristorante Sara _________________ (sedersi) al tavolo nell’angolo. Aspetta per Maria. Quando Maria viene loro ________________ (ordinare) qualcosa da bere. Loro ___________________(brindersi) perchè hanno vinto la partita di calcio. Poi, Maria ________________ (ordinare) la pasta amatriciana mentre Sara ______________ (ordinare) l’arragosta. Sara e Maria ________ (mangiare) insieme! Delizioso!!!

Oggi è il primo maggio, duemilaquattordici Da fare ora: I libretti del cibo SWBAT display knowledge of food items and categorizing food and drinks, analyze a story taking place in a restaurant.

Ripassiamo il COMPITO *pagina PP 4.11, pagina QQ/RR- picture identification SWBAT display knowledge of food items and categorizing food and drinks, analyze a story taking place in a restaurant.

il COMPITO Non c’è!!! SWBAT finish creating a story and a dialog in a restaurant, acquire the vocabulary for the place setting in order to ask for utensils in a restaurant. SWBAT display knowledge of food items and categorizing food and drinks, analyze a story taking place in a restaurant.

La pratica 1) L’esamino 2) Leggete “Ho una fame che non ci vedo” 3) Completate parte A SWBAT display knowledge of food items and categorizing food and drinks, analyze a story taking place in a restaurant.

Oggi è venerdì il due maggio! Da fare ora: La scheda: il coperto: enchantedlearning!enchantedlearning! SWBAT display knowledge of place setting terms, acquire how to express “some” when discussing food and drinks, analyze a story taking place in a restaurant.

IL COMPITO Non c’è!!! SWBAT display knowledge of place setting terms, acquire how to express “some” when discussing food and drinks, analyze a story taking place in a restaurant.

Expressing “some” with di + article The contraction of di + article is used to indicate “some” Esempio: Voglio comprare delle mele. Verb Infinitive verb Di + le Direct object Translate the following with me: 1.I want to buy some asparagus. 2.I want to buy some ice cream. 1.Voglio comprare degli asparagi 2.Voglio comprare del gelato. SWBAT display knowledge of place setting terms, acquire how to express “some” when discussing food and drinks, analyze a story taking place in a restaurant.

La pratica... Express “some” in each sentence below: 1.La signora Wright compra anche ______ pesche. 2.C’è ______ gelato al limone molto buono in frigo. 3.Brian compra ______ cioccolatini per Laura. 4.C’è ______ zucchero in cucina? La zuccheriera è vuota. SWBAT display knowledge of place setting terms, acquire how to express “some” when discussing food and drinks, analyze a story taking place in a restaurant.

La pratica 1) Leggete “Ho una fame che non ci vedo” 2) Completate parte A 3)Ripassiamo tutto! SWBAT display knowledge of place setting terms, acquire how to express “some” when discussing food and drinks, analyze a story taking place in a restaurant.

Il dolce Rispondete secondo le situazioni personali con un compagno/compagna! SWBAT display knowledge of place setting terms, acquire how to express “some” when discussing food and drinks, analyze a story taking place in a restaurant.

Oggi è lunedì, il cinque aprile: Un coperto matto! SWBAT create crazy place settings through the use of place setting vocabulary and prepositions of place, express situational responses based on cuisine, organize and write the rough draft of a letter to a restaurant.

IL COMPITO Ho un fame che non ci vedo- part D, E and F SWBAT create crazy place settings through the use of place setting vocabulary and prepositions of place, express situational responses based on cuisine, organize and write the rough draft of a letter to a restaurant.

“HO UNA FAME CHE NON CI VEDO”-LE SITUAZIONI: I  #1-3 SWBAT create crazy place settings through the use of place setting vocabulary and prepositions of place, express situational responses based on cuisine, organize and write the rough draft of a letter to a restaurant.

J. COMPOSITION- 1. BRAINSTORM 2. ROUGH DRAFT IN PAIRS SWBAT create crazy place settings through the use of place setting vocabulary and prepositions of place, express situational responses based on cuisine, organize and write the rough draft of a letter to a restaurant.

PAIRS  Pd 5-  Francisco, Giancarlo* Tyler and Elijah  Valerie and Mariana* Anderson and Roman  Aryana with Ana Maria* Anne and Siann  Tony with Joe* David and Siann  Cristyam and Luis*Michael and Moussa SWBAT create crazy place settings through the use of place setting vocabulary and prepositions of place, express situational responses based on cuisine, organize and write the rough draft of a letter to a restaurant.

PAIRS  Pd 7-  Dylan and Daniela* Kaylah and Luis  Matthew and Lucas * Kelly, Sabrina and Jeffrey  Alexandra and Angel* Moises and Brendan  Vanessa with Tiffani  Melina and Justin SWBAT create crazy place settings through the use of place setting vocabulary and prepositions of place, express situational responses based on cuisine, organize and write the rough draft of a letter to a restaurant.

IL DOLCE  Condividete una frase dalla scrittura SWBAT create crazy place settings through the use of place setting vocabulary and prepositions of place, express situational responses based on cuisine, organize and write the rough draft of a letter to a restaurant.

Oggi è martedì il sei aprile! Da fare ora: Scrivete dieci cose che comprate usando il partitivo!! SWBAT create a grocery shopping list using the partitivo and organize and write the final draft of a letter to a restaurant.

RIPASSIAMO IL COMPITO Ho un fame che non ci vedo- part D, E and F SWBAT create a grocery shopping list using the partitivo and organize and write the final draft of a letter to a restaurant.

IL COMPITO SWBAT create a grocery shopping list using the partitivo and organize and write the final draft of a letter to a restaurant.

J. COMPOSITION- 1. QUESTIONS/PROBLEMS? 2. FINAL DRAFT IN PAIRS SWBAT create a grocery shopping list using the partitivo and organize and write the final draft of a letter to a restaurant.

PAIRS  Pd 5-  Francisco, Giancarlo* Tyler and Elijah  Valerie and Mariana* Anderson and Roman  Aryana with Ana Maria* Noelia and Siann  Tony with Joe* David and Anne  Cristyam and Luis*Michael and Moussa SWBAT create a grocery shopping list using the partitivo and organize and write the final draft of a letter to a restaurant.

PAIRS  Pd 7-  Dylan and Daniela* Kaylah and Luis  Matthew and Lucas* Kelly, Sabrina and Jeffrey  Alexandra and Angel* Moises and Brendan  Vanessa with Tiffani  Melina and Justin SWBAT create a grocery shopping list using the partitivo and organize and write the final draft of a letter to a restaurant.

IL DOLCE  Condividete una frase dalla scrittura SWBAT create a grocery shopping list using the partitivo and organize and write the final draft of a letter to a restaurant.