Teoria della deriva dei Continenti (Wegener, 1912) Studio della morfologia dei fondali oceanici (anni ‘50) Paleomagnetismo (anni ‘50) Studi sull’inversione di polarita’ e le bande di anomalie magnetiche (anni ‘60) Teoria di Hess (1962), Espansione fondali Studi sull’eta’ dei fondali oceanici (1968) The link between biology and citizenship is extensive. In fact, citizens are constantly expected to take up positions on issues with conceptual or technological links to biology. Issues as stem cell research, genetic engineering, cloning, genetically modified foods, environmental problems, biomedical research and animal rights. These issues are often presented by the media with conflicting and incomplete information.
Ne’ padre, ne’ data precisa di nascita Teoria della tettonica a placche Ne’ padre, ne’ data precisa di nascita Serie di articoli alla fine degli anni ‘60 Teoria Globale But before discussing the findings I would like to explain very briefly the title and the rationale of the study. The first part of the title reflects the first purpose that was exploring the relationship between School Biology and Global Citizenship Education, as biology teachers experience, interpret and understand.
Origine ed evoluzione dei fondali oceanici Orogenesi Origine ed evoluzione dei fondali oceanici Movimento orizzontale (ma non ‘deriva’) dei continenti Cicli di Wilson (di separazione e collisione continentale Fenomeni sismici Fenomeni vulcanici The link between biology and citizenship is extensive. In fact, citizens are constantly expected to take up positions on issues with conceptual or technological links to biology. Issues as stem cell research, genetic engineering, cloning, genetically modified foods, environmental problems, biomedical research and animal rights. These issues are often presented by the media with conflicting and incomplete information.
Placche: porzioni di litosfera, ognuna incastrata nell’altra, come le tessere di un enorme puzzle In order to explore the two specific research questions : Twenty-one biology teachers from thirteen different Local Authorities of Scotland have participated in semi-structured, in-depth interviews, in order to explore the following research questions: (1) how do educators conceive global citizenship education in their role as secondary school biology teachers? (2) What are biology teachers’ conceptions of the link between evolutionary biology and global citizenship education?
Si noti come gli epicentri dei terremoti siano localizzati lungo I bordi delle placche In order to explore the two specific research questions : Twenty-one biology teachers from thirteen different Local Authorities of Scotland have participated in semi-structured, in-depth interviews, in order to explore the following research questions: (1) how do educators conceive global citizenship education in their role as secondary school biology teachers? (2) What are biology teachers’ conceptions of the link between evolutionary biology and global citizenship education?
Margini di placca Margini costruttivi o divergenti Margini distruttivi o convergenti Margini conservativi But before discussing the findings I would like to explain very briefly the title and the rationale of the study. The first part of the title reflects the first purpose that was exploring the relationship between School Biology and Global Citizenship Education, as biology teachers experience, interpret and understand.
Margini di placca Ipocentri poco profondi II (al massimo 70 Km) II Ipocentri profondi da 70 a 700 Km II
Margini di placca
Margine convergente But before discussing the findings I would like to explain very briefly the title and the rationale of the study. The first part of the title reflects the first purpose that was exploring the relationship between School Biology and Global Citizenship Education, as biology teachers experience, interpret and understand.
Margine divergente But before discussing the findings I would like to explain very briefly the title and the rationale of the study. The first part of the title reflects the first purpose that was exploring the relationship between School Biology and Global Citizenship Education, as biology teachers experience, interpret and understand.
Margine conservativo But before discussing the findings I would like to explain very briefly the title and the rationale of the study. The first part of the title reflects the first purpose that was exploring the relationship between School Biology and Global Citizenship Education, as biology teachers experience, interpret and understand.
Composizione e dinamica Delle12 Placche principali But before discussing the findings I would like to explain very briefly the title and the rationale of the study. The first part of the title reflects the first purpose that was exploring the relationship between School Biology and Global Citizenship Education, as biology teachers experience, interpret and understand.
Velocita’ di Separazione Delle placche But before discussing the findings I would like to explain very briefly the title and the rationale of the study. The first part of the title reflects the first purpose that was exploring the relationship between School Biology and Global Citizenship Education, as biology teachers experience, interpret and understand.
Margini continentali Margini continentali passivi Margini continentali trasformi Margini continentali attivi But before discussing the findings I would like to explain very briefly the title and the rationale of the study. The first part of the title reflects the first purpose that was exploring the relationship between School Biology and Global Citizenship Education, as biology teachers experience, interpret and understand.
Margini continentali passivi Esempio Margini continentali a due lati dell’Atlantico Sono all’interno delle placche Assenza di fenomeni sismici e vulcanici Abbondante sedimentazione di detriti sulla piattaforma But before discussing the findings I would like to explain very briefly the title and the rationale of the study. The first part of the title reflects the first purpose that was exploring the relationship between School Biology and Global Citizenship Education, as biology teachers experience, interpret and understand.
Il passaggio continente-o. avviene piuttosto bruscamente Margini continentali trasformi I margini continentali trasformi sono caratterizzati dalla presenza di faglie Il passaggio continente-o. avviene piuttosto bruscamente Margini di questo tipo sono presenti al largo della California meridionale e vengono chiamati borderland But before discussing the findings I would like to explain very briefly the title and the rationale of the study. The first part of the title reflects the first purpose that was exploring the relationship between School Biology and Global Citizenship Education, as biology teachers experience, interpret and understand.
Margini continentali attivi Esempio: Coste occidentali del Sud America Intensi fenomeni sismici e vulcanici In prossimita’ di una fossa oceanica But before discussing the findings I would like to explain very briefly the title and the rationale of the study. The first part of the title reflects the first purpose that was exploring the relationship between School Biology and Global Citizenship Education, as biology teachers experience, interpret and understand.
Margini Continentali Passivi e Trasformi But before discussing the findings I would like to explain very briefly the title and the rationale of the study. The first part of the title reflects the first purpose that was exploring the relationship between School Biology and Global Citizenship Education, as biology teachers experience, interpret and understand.