Conosci la citologia ? Livello 2 Avrai 60 secondi per rispondere ad ogni immagine. Puoi rispondere cliccando Reactive change oppure More than reactive.


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Transcript della presentazione:

Conosci la citologia ? Livello 2 Avrai 60 secondi per rispondere ad ogni immagine. Puoi rispondere cliccando Reactive change oppure More than reactive change oppure Normal

Reactive changesNormalChanges more than reactive 1

Tempo scaduto Ricomincia il gioco

Reactive changesNormaNormalChanges more than reactive 2

Tempo scaduto Ricomincia il gioco

Reactive changesNormaNormalChanges more than reactive 3

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Reactive changesNormalChanges more than reactive 4

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Reactive changesNormalChanges more than reactive 5

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Reactive changesNormaNormalChanges more than reactive 6

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Reactive changesNormalChanges more than reactive 7

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Reactive changesNormalChanges more than reactive 8

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Reactive changesNormalChanges more than reactive 9

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Reactive changesNormalChanges more than reactive 10

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Reactive changes NormalChanges more than reactive 11

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Reactive changesNormaNormalChanges more than reactive 12

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Reactive changesNormalChanges more than reactive 13

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Reactive changesNormalChanges more than reactive 14

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Reactive changesNormalChanges more than reactive 15

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Reactive changesNormalChanges more than reactive 16

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Reactive changesNormalChanges more than reactive 17

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Reactive changesNormalChanges more than reactive 18

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Reactive changesNormalChanges more than reactive 19

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Reactive changesNormalChanges more than reactive 20

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Reactive changesNormalChanges more than reactive 21

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Reactive changesNormalChanges more than reactive 22

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Reactive changesNormalChanges more than reactive 23

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Reactive changesNormalChanges more than reactiChanges more than reactive 24

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Reactive changesNormalChanges more than reactive 25

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Reactive changesNormalChanges more than reactive 26

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Reactive changesNormalChanges more than reactive 27

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Reactive changesNormalChanges more than reactive 28

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Reactive changesNormalChanges more than reactive 29

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Reactive changesNormalChanges more than reactive 30

Bravo hai completato il test Hai totalizzato 30 punti

Image 1 - reactive changes Smear with inflammation: some granulocytes. Image 2 - normal Normal smear in progestinic (post-ovulatory) phase. Image 3 – changes more than reactive Squamous cell carcinoma: a group of cells, some with a slight spindle shape, with nuclear enlargement and hyperchromasia. Image 4 - changes more than reactive L-SIL: typical koylocytes with hyperchromatic nuclei with irregular edges and a clear perinuclear halo. Image 5 – reactive changes HSV (herpetic) infection: mononucleated cells with intranuclear viral inclusion. Sorry for the bad image, but you’re already so skilled.... Image 6 – reactive changes Actinomyces: a typical aggregate of pseudofilamentous material. Image 7 – changes more than reactive H-SIL: parabasal cells arranged in a pile with nuclear enlargement, irregular nuclear outlines and coarse chromatin. (obj. 20x) Image 8 – changes more than reactive ASCUS: the cell in central field shows some features of koylocytosis, but these changes aren’t so clear for a diagnosis of L-SIL; note also the thin perinuclear halo in an intermediate cell above it, that is clearly an inflammatory change. Remember that even an isolated cell with “more than reactive” changes requires a second look, so you MUST send a picture by Coolscope!. ricomincia

Image 9 – reactive changes Typical repair: a sheet of metaplastic squamous cells with enlarged nuclei, multinucleolation but with regular chromatin (NOT coarse). Image 10 - normal Intermediate and superficial squamous cells, basophilic or eosinophilic. Some polymorphs are present. I know, this image is also bad.... Image 11 – changes more than reactive H-SIL: parabasal cells with nuclear enlargement, irregular nuclear outlines, with anisokaryosis and anisocytosis in a homogenous cell population. (obj. 20x) Image 12 – reactive changes A sheet of metaplastic cells, with slight changes related to typical repair. Image 13 – changes more than reactive A group of atypical squamous cell with high N/C ratio and hyperchromatic nuclei. Image 14 – changes more than reactive ASCUS: An isolated binucleated cell with hyperchromatic nuclei and clumped chromatin in a cellular background with only slight reactive changes. Image 15 – reactive changes Trichomoniasis: “dirty” background with granulocytes: have you seen the Trichomonas? Image 16 – reactive changes An obvious fungal infection.... ricomincia

Image 17 – normal A superficial cell and some intermediate cells. Image 18 – changes more than reactive ASCUS. A sheet of parabasal and metaplastic cells, as you can see in atrophic smear, with an isolated slightly atypical cell (top right). Image 19 – reactive changes Fungal infection: “dirty” background and some segmented hyphae: note the characteristics disposition of cells that look strongly embedded one another by them. Image 20 – changes more than reactive L-SIL: a group of intermediate cells with cytoplasmatic amphophilia, slight nuclear hyperchromasia and multinucleolation. Image 21 - changes more than reactive Squamous cell carcinoma: pleomorphic malignant cells, isolated or in clusters, sometimes with markedly atypical nuclei or elongated nuclei. Inflammation, blood and necrosis in the background. (obj. 20x) Image 22 – normal A group of endocervical cells in a “honeycomb” fashion: the optically clear cytoplasm is probably due to a dry artifact. Image 23 – changes more than reactive H-SIL. Parabasal cells with enlarged and hyperchromatic nuclei and irregular nuclear outlines. Note the presence of some spindle-shaped cells. Image 24 – changes more than reactive H-SIL. Isolated basophilic and eosinophilic cells with hyperchromatic nuclei with irregular edges. ricomincia

Image 25 – changes more than reactive Squamous cell carcinoma: pleomorphic malignant cells isolated and with bizarre cell shapes. Note that is some nuclei hyperchromasia prevails, but in others the main feature is the clumped chromatin: in both cases, there are signs related to high-grade atypia. Image 26 – changes more than reactive L-SIL: in a strong inflammatory background, there are squamous cells with an enlarged nucleus, surrounded by an ill-defined clear halo, associated with parakeratotic cells. Image 27 – reactive changes Some granulocyes that partially cover isolated superficial and intermediate cells with no significant changes. Image 28 - changes more than reactive Squamous cell carcinoma: group of pleomorphic malignant cells, more or less differentiated and with spindle cell shape. (obj. 40x) Image 29 – reactive changes Bacterial infection. Note the typical “dusty” appearance of the cytoplasm. Image 30 – normal Isolated parabasal and intermediate cells with cytoplasmatic disgregation due to the presence of many Lactobacilli, normally present in squamous cervical and vaginal epithelium.. ricomincia

Fine del test ricomincia