Talking about yourself


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Transcript della presentazione:

Talking about yourself Italian Level 1 Talking about yourself

First Level Significant Aspects of Learning Use language in a range of contexts and across learning Continue to develop confidence and enthusiasm to communicate using the language being learnt Develop an awareness and understanding of patterns and sounds of language Begin to develop an understanding of, interest in and respect for other countries, cultures and languages Appreciate and understand the value of language learning Recognise familiar written words when listening Explore how gesture, expression and emphasis are used to help understanding. Listen, recognise and respond to familiar voices in short, predictable conversations Understand and respond to familiar spoken vocabulary Actively take part in daily routines Listen and join in with stories, song or poem Enjoy engaging with simple and familiar texts on my own and with others using resources to support learning Participate in familiar games, paired speaking and short role plays Take part in simple, paired conversations about themselves giving simple opinions and asking simple questions

Vocabulary Talking about yourself There are three ways of asking someone’s name in French and two ways of asking how old someone is. Use whichever you feel most comfortable with. Come ti chiami? What are you called? Quale e` il tuo nome`? What are you called? Io mi chiamo... I am called... Chi e`? Who is it? Chi c’e`? Who is it? E`... It is... Quanti anni hai? How old are you? Io ho___ anni I am __ years old Io ho sei anni I am six years old Dove abiti? Where do you live? Io abito a Edimburgo I live in Edimbourg

Come ti chiami? Choose whichever form you feel most comfortable with.

Qual e` il tuo nome? Choose whichever form you feel most comfortable with.

Io mi chiamo… Pupils can choose a name for the penguin.

Chi e`? Who is it? Again, choose whichever way you prefer and use that one.

Chi c’e`? Who is it? Again – choose whichever way you prefer.

E`… Pupils can choose a name.

Quanti anni hai? Choose whichever form you feel most comfortable with.

Io ho 5 anni

E tu?

Io ho 7 anni

Dove abiti?

Io abito a Edimburgo.

Io abito a Edimburgo In Scozia.

Embedding the language You can use age to ask someone’s age whenever it’s their birthday. Use both age and where you live when you’re doing the register.

Sample activities You will find a bank of sample activities which you can use to practise the vocabulary in the classroom. This is not a prescriptive list of activities and you can use or adapt them to suit the needs of your class. .

Quanti anni hai? Attivita` Look at the following ages on the slides and use your knowledge of numbers to say what age it would be for each of them. E.g. Io ho 5 anni. Ruardate i numeri Quanti anni?

Quanti anni hai?

Si! Io ho due anni!

Quanti anni hai?

Si! Io ho sette anni

Quanti anni hai?

Si! Io ho tre anni!

Quanti anni hai?

Si! Io ho cinque anni!

Quanti anni hai?

Si! Io ho quattro anni!

Quanti anni hai?

Si! Io ho un anno! Please note that anno becomes singular and there is no longer an I on the end!

Quanti anni hai?

Si! Io ho otto anni!

Quanti anni hai?

Si! Io ho sei anni!

Quanti anni hai?

Bravo! Io ho dieci anni.

Quanti anni hai?

Si! Io ho nove anni!

Quanti anni hai? Le foto Guardate decidete e l’eta` della persona! Look at the photos, class can ask the question and then try and guess the age of the person l’eta` della persona!

Quanti anni hai?

Buongiorno! Io ho cinque anni!

Quanti anni hai?

Buongiorno, io mi chiamo Antonio. Io ho sei anni

Quanti anni hai?

Ciao a tutti  Io ho tre anni.

Quanti anni hai?

Io ho otto anni! E` il mio compleanno! 

Quanti anni hai?

Buongiorno! Io ho sette anni.

Songs and videos! You will find a bank of sample songs and videos which you can use to practise the vocabulary in the classroom. This is not a prescriptive list of songs and you can use or adapt them to suit the needs of your class. You will find a set of more challenging activities in First Level Days of the Week and Months.

Mi chiamo Maria Ho 10 anni. Mi chiamo ………. Ho …….. anni.

Languages online Australia Italian Topic 08: How old are you? < previous topic next topic > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interactive tasks 1. Quanti anni hai? 2. Gioco di memoria 3. Scegli la risposta 4. Scrivi la risposta 5. Trova le parole 6. Tetris Answers and Translations Language focus Asking and saying one's age. Quanti anni hai? Ho sei anni. Lui quanti anni ha? Lui ha dodici anni. Lei quanti anni ha? Lei ha dodici anni.

Dove abiti? Video

Silvia & Piccolo Coro, dove abiti?
