By: Lexi Gravino.  Cost per night: $223  Cost for 6 nights: $1,338.


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Transcript della presentazione:

By: Lexi Gravino

 Cost per night: $223  Cost for 6 nights: $1,338

 It’s out of the country.  It has ample activities.  It’s pretty!

 Plane  Cost: $ (to Gravina)  Two stops

Museo Nazionale d'Arte Medievale e Moderna della Basilicata  Cost: $2.59 Gravina in Puglia – Cattedrale  Cost: Free La Raccolta delle Acque  Cost: $3.00

 Ristorante Il Cantuccio  Cost: $32.36  Terrazza dell’Annunziata Caffè  Cost: $6.49  Trattoria Lucana  Cost: $25.49

 Perfume  Cost:$76  Leather Purse  Cost: $495  Paintings  Cost: $397.99

 Approximately $4,492.63