TOPEM Meetings Catania, 1.12.2010 Misure di temporizzazione con LYSO e PMT Burle 8850 Roma, 10.05.2010 PMT R9880U-110 sba Catania, 1.12.2010 TITLE: A light cluster counting drift chamber as central tracker for the ILC experiments. ABSTRACT: Experiments at the ILC will require a level of precision for momentum measurements, which demands unprecedented detector performance for tracking, deriving from the ILC physics program.A momentum resolution of σp/p2~4 x 10−5 (GeV/c)−1is required, e.g. for typical benchmark processes wherethe Higgs mass is to be measured through the associate production and decay of a Z into two muons with 150 MeV/c2 resolution.A cluster counting drift chamber,owing to its outstanding features in terms ofmaterial budget (improving multiple scattering),position resolution at the 50 um level,particle ID capabilities of few percent,easy construction,is shown to potentially be a premium choicein comparison to other technologies under study:a TPC with sophisticated high-precision end planes, and a silicon strip tracker. R. De Leo[1], M. Mastromarco[1], R. Perrino[2] [1] Università e INFN Bari [2] INFN Lecce
COPPIE FOTOTUBI DISPONIBILI R9880U-110 - sba / R7600U-200 - uba CRISTALLI DISPONIBILI LYSO dim. [mm] 1 pezzo 10 x 10 x 10 (Burle 8850) 2 pezzi 5 x 3 x 3 (R9880U-110)
Outline Set-up sperimentale Spettri di carica e carica-tempo Confronto fra varie sorgenti di calibrazione Calibrazione in energia Risoluzione in energia Risoluzione in tempo TOPEM Meeting Roma, 10.05.2010
Set-up sperimentale LYSO 10x10x10 & Burle 8850 FIFO CFD PMT 8850 gamma dB attenuator + delay CFD Ortec935 delay Linear input GATE PMT 8850 Charge ADC gamma source STOP Linear input LYSO 10x10x10 mm3 LYSO 10x10x10 & Burle 8850 Coincidence unit Gate generator TDC 25 ps/chan START PMT 8850 STOP CFD Ortec935 delay FIFO dB attenuator + delay NIM CAMAC Data Storage
Scatter plot ADC-left versus ADC-right 1275 KeV Scatter plot ADC-left versus ADC-right 511 KeV Na22
Scatter plot ADC-left versus ADC-right 662 KeV 1333 KeV 1173 KeV Cs137 Co60
Sommario varie sorgenti (ADC L+R) Na22 Cs137 Co60 Internal radioactivity
Analisi in energia Estrazione parametri da picchi di calibrazione: centroide e sigma per stima risoluzione energia 511 keV 1275 keV /E= 5 % /E= 2 % Na22
Analisi energia Cs137 e Co60 /E= 5 % /E= 2 % 662 keV 1173, 1333 keV Cs137 Co60
E/E NPE Risoluzione in energia Stima del numero dei fotoelettroni E/E = enf/sqrt(NPE) enf=1.2 E/E NPE
CFD adjusted to minimize time-charge effects Cs137 Na22 Co60 1173 KeV 1275 KeV 1333 KeV 662 KeV 511 KeV TDC spectrum TDC spectrum TDC spectrum CFD adjusted to minimize time-charge effects
Time resolution vs. energy t = A ⊕ B/E1/2 baseline A = 233 ps Contributi baseline nostro set-up: A = lyso ⊕ elx ⊕ 2 pmt t = A ⊕ B/E1/2 lyso~100 ps /√Npe/ √12 elx ~ 25 ps 2 pmt è predominante Burle8850 RT=2.1 ns TT=31 ns baseline A = 233 ps source energy half seen by each PMT
PMT vedono ~1/2 luce prodotta in fotopicco 511KeV. Nuove misure in set-up modificato + PMT più veloci e con minor TTS Vecchia MISURA Burle8850 RT=2.1 ns TT=31 ns TTS=? LYSO 10 x 10 x 10 mm3 ~ 2000 PE/MeV PMT vedono entrambi tutta la luce prodotta in fotopicco 511 KeV. R9880U-110 RT=0.57 ns, TT=2.7 ns 2 x LYSO 3 x 3 x 5 mm3 Nuova MISURA
Set-up sperimentale Set-up sperimentale Fast Ampl. x10 LE PMT gamma dB attenuator + delay LE delay Linear input GATE PMT Charge ADC gamma source STOP Linear input LYSO 3x3x5 mm3 Coincidence unit Gate generator TDC 25 ps/chan START STOP PMT LE delay Set-up sperimentale dB attenuator + delay FastAmpl.x10 NIM CAMAC Data Storage
= 4.9 ch = 122 ps FWHM = 288 ps
Internal radioactivity 2 crystals in coincidence with no source
Misure CT Internal radioactivity: 3 gamma lines and a beta spectrum sum of the 3 gamma lines 22 Na source