signals qq -> qqqq qq -> qq xsec 1y HL NH / MH / 184 fb10^4 events 3.2 / 9.8 fb5*10^2 events / fb10 events we can take as reference 1y at High Lumi = 100 fb -1 Remark:
W+ 0 jets + 1 jets + 2 jets + 3 jets pb pb 7812 pb 2256 pb BR(W -> ) = 10.6% 33% of produced events (produced with W->l ) total xsec + 4 jets + 5 jets 544 pb 141 pb * BR(W-> ) 9900 pb 2642 pb 826 pb 238 pb 57.5 pb 14.9 pb pb 10^9 events) (1y HL Z+ 0 jets + 1 jets + 2 jets + 3 jets 7518 pb 2068 pb 710 pb 204 pb BR(Z -> ) = 3.4% 33% of produced events (produced with Z->ll) + 4 jets + 5 jets 52.5 pb 12.3 pb * BR(Z-> ) 812 pb 223 pb 76.7 pb 22.0 pb 5.7 pb 1.3 pb 1142 pb 10^8 events) (1y HL + 6(o+) jets 9.6 pb 1.0 pb total xsec
WZ+ 0 jets + 1 jets + 2 jets + 3 jets 11 pb 7.7 pb 4.1 pb 6.6 pb BR(WZ -> jj ) = 2.3% BR(WZ -> ) = 0.4% 22% of produced events 3.5%of produced events jj + 0 jets + 1 jets + 2 jets + 3 jets 253 fb 177 fb 94 fb 152 fb (produced with inclusive W and Z->ll) + 0 jets + 1 jets + 2 jets + 3 jets 44 fb 31 fb 16 fb 26 fb 676 fb 1y HL events 117 fb events xsec * BR: total xsec
ZZ+ 0 jets + 1 jets + 2 jets + 3 jets 12 pb 6.1 pb 2.4 pb 2.8 pb BR(ZZ -> jj ) = 4.7% BR(ZZ -> ) = 0.1% 22% of produced events 1% of produced events jj + 0 jets + 1 jets + 2 jets + 3 jets 564 fb 287 fb 113 fb 132 fb (produced with an inclusive Z and a Z->ll) total xsec + 0 jets + 1 jets + 2 jets + 3 jets 12 fb 6 fb 2.4 fb 2.8 fb xsec * BR: 1096 fb 1y HL 10^5 events 23.2 fb 2300 events
WW + 2j ZW + 2j for the di-boson background in the qqqqmn final state we cant use madevent because the Z decays always leptonically, so we use Madevent total xsec (4.1 pb from Alpgen) 63.6 pb / (101 pb from AlpGen) * BR(jjVW->jjqq ) 9.2 pb MISSING !!!! HL 10^6 events ~ 0.3 pb ~10^4 events
tt+ 0 jets + 1 jets 190 pb 170 pb BR(bbWW -> bbjj ) = 14.3% 14.3% degli eventi prodotti bbjj + 0 jets + 1 jets 27.1 pb 24.3 pb (prodotti con top inclusivo) sezione durto totale bb + 0 jets + 1 jets 2.1 pb 1.8 pb sez. durto * BR: 51.4 pb 1y HL 5*10^6 eventi 3.9 pb 4*10^5 eventi BR(bbWW -> bb ) = 1.1% 1.1% degli eventi prodotti
GENERATION CUTS Phantom AlpGen MadEvent m(jj) > 20 GeV (l)| < 3 pt(l) > 10 GeV pt(j) > 20 (j)| <5 E(l) > 20 GeV pt(l) > 10 GeV (l)| < 3 E(j) > 20 GeV pt(j) > 10 GeV (j)| < 6.5 m(jj) > 20 GeV pt(j) > 10 GeV