Images for All: Maurizio Cattelan’s Infernal Comedy Christine Poggi.


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Transcript della presentazione:

Images for All: Maurizio Cattelan’s Infernal Comedy Christine Poggi

Fig. 1, installation view of Maurizio Cattelan: All, Guggenheim Museum, New York,

Fig. 2, Maurizio Cattelan, Self-Portrait, Photo by Pierpaolo Ferrari

Fig. 3, Maurizio Cattelan, Bidibidobidiboo, 1996

Fig. 4, Maurizio Cattelan, Untitled, 2001

Fig. 5, Maurizio Cattelan, Mini-me, 1991

(Not illustrated:Joseph Beuys, Felt Suit, 1970) Fig. 6, Maurizio Cattelan, La rivoluzione siamo noi, 2000

Fig. 7, Joseph Beuys, La rivoluzione siamo noi, 1971 (Not illustrated: Beuys, Peppino)

Fig. 8, Maurizio Cattelan, Daddy, Daddy, 2008, as installed in All

Fig. 10, Maurizio Cattelan, Novecento, 1997, as installed in All Fig. 9, Exhibition catalogue

Fig. 11, Maurizio Cattelan, All, 2007, as installed at the Punta della Dogana, Venice

Giuseppe Sanmartino, Veiled Christ, 1753 Luciano Fabro, Lo spirato (The Expired), 1973 (Not Illustrated)

Fig. 12, view of the top of the Guggenheim installation of All

I Turisti (The Tourists), 1997, Venice Biennale (Not illustrated)

Fig. 13, Maurizio Cattelan, Him, 2001, as installed at the Guggenheim

Fig. 14, Maurizio Cattelan, The Ninth Hour, 1999, as installed in Basel

Fig. 15, Maurizio Cattelan, Now, 2004, as installed in the Chapelle des Petits Augustins, École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts, Paris

Fig. 16, Maurizio Cattelan, Untitled, 1994 (front page of Avvenire)

Fig. 17, installation view of All, with a photograph of Cesena 47—A.C. Fornitore Sud 12, 1991 at the bottom, Untitled (page from L’Avvenire at top right, and L.O.V.E. at center

Fig. 18, Maurizio Cattelan, Ave Maria, 2007

Fig. 19, Maurizio Cattelan, L.O.V.E, 2010, Piazza Affari, Milan, in front of the Borsa

(Not illustrated)

Fig. 20, Francesca Woodman, Untitled photograph, 1977

Fig. 21, Maurizio Cattelan, Untitled, 2007, as installed in All

Fig. 22, Maurizio Cattlean, Super Us, 50 acetate sheets, 1998

Fig. 23, Maurizio Cattelan, View of All with Untitled (seated donkey), 2004