Alcuni, qualche, un po’ di


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The Present Simple Form Use.
A- la chiesaF- il municipio B-la torreG-la stazione C-la piscinaH- il castello D-lospedaleI- il museo E- lautostradaJ- la scuola Abbinate – Match up !
Obiettivo: To be confident when describing yourself and others
Università degli Studi di Cassino Facoltà di Scienze Motorie Lingua Inglese (3 CFU) a.a (Dott. Saverio Tomaiuolo) Partitivi some e any.
Grammar Tips. Meanings of verbs in the present May describe things that are continuing over a period of time.
Each student will be able to ask an adult or stranger: What do you like to do? and What dont you like to …?
10.2 Aggettivi e pronomi dimonstrativi. Rigoletto is an opera in three acts by Giuseppe Verdi. The Italian libretto was written by Francesco Maria Piave.
Qualcuno / qualcosa tutto / tutti These four words are called indefinite pronouns.These four words are called indefinite pronouns. As such they take the.
piacere The verb to like does not have a direct equivalent in Italian.
© and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.4B.1-1 Punto di partenza Italian uses two principal tenses to talk about events in the past: the passato prossimo.
© and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.5A.1-1 Punto di partenza In Lezione 4B you learned to form the passato prossimo with avere. Some verbs, however,
1 Present tense conjugations of regular –ARE verbs I Verbi Regolari Signora A.
© and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.9B.1-1 Punto di partenza In Lezione 5A, you learned to use the indefinite adjectives alcuni/e and qualche to express.
© and ® 2011 Vista Higher Learning, Inc.4B.2-1 Punto di partenza The verbs conoscere and sapere both mean to know. The choice of verb depends on its context.
Punto di partenza Reciprocal verbs are reflexives that express a shared or reciprocal action between two or more people or things. In English we often.
Il presente del congiuntivo (the present subjunctive)
Il presente del congiuntivo (the present subjunctive)
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Players: 3 to 10, or teams. Aim of the game: find a name, starting with a specific letter, for each category. You need: internet connection laptop.
Che cosa ti metti per…? Obiettivo: To be able to say what you wear for different occasions using the verb mettersi correctly venerdì il 20 settembre.
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Il passato prossimo.
Adjective placement Signora Albanese. Adjective placement Descriptive adjectives usually follow the noun that they modify. una porta segreta: a secret.
Capitolo 10.III Ne. 10.III Ne Ne: pronoun = of it/them (USE # 1) "Compri della frutta?" "Si`, ne compro." "Conosci qualche film italiano?" "Certo, ne.
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Italian Regular Verbs Italian Regular Verbs Regular or irregular?? Italian verbs are either regular or irregular. Italian irregular verbs MUST be memorized…
CHAPTER 12. FUTURO - Trapassato Pronome ne e lavverbio ci.
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Bello e Buono The adjectives bello e buono can either follow the noun they modify or precede it. If bello o buono precede the noun then they are modified.
How to conjugate an -ARE verb parlare mangiare cantare pagare comprare usare.
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DIRECT OBJECT PRONOUNS 21 marzo 2012 TURN TO PAGE 134 in your Textbook.
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Capitolo 15.I Comparativi Prof. Ugo Skubikowski Italian Department Middlebury College.
Capitolo 6 6.IV Poss. pronouns. Poss. pronouns 1. Ho perso la mia macchina fotografica e desidero usare la tua. 2. "Di chi e` questo sacco a pelo?" "E`
Essere avere To Be To Have.
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Countable and Uncountable Nouns
Present Perfect.
Obesity surgery triples among U.S. teens Long-term outcomes unknown, especially for patients as young as 12 Surgeons to carry out plastic surgery on obese.
Italian 6 Preparation for Final Exam Signorina Troullos.
Pronomi personali di forma tonica
Passato Prossimo. What is it?  Passato Prossimo is a past tense and it is equivalent to our:  “ed” as in she studied  Or “has” + “ed” as in she has.
Fate adesso (Answer the questions in full sentences)
Saluti ed espressioni Greetings in Italian.
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POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES and POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS are usually compound forms which include a definite article that cannot be translated into English.
Il Partitivo.
Each student will be able to ask an adult or stranger: What do you like to do? and What don’t you like to …?
Il partitivo Italian 3 – Cap. 9. Il partitivo To express indefinite quantities in Italian – the equivalent of some, any, a few, in English – you can use.
Buon giorno, ragazzi oggi è il quattro aprile duemilasedici.
Oggi è giovedì il quattordici novembre 2013
Oggi è lunedì il dodici novembre 2013
Oggi è mercoledì il tredici novembre 2013
Cosa ti piace della scuola?
Ci (There) may be used to replace a noun phrase beginning with
Gli aggettivi possessivi
Transcript della presentazione:

Alcuni, qualche, un po’ di Il partitivo Alcuni, qualche, un po’ di

del, dello, dell’, della, dei, degli, delle SOME or ANY It is expressed by the contraction of di and the definite article in all its forms del, dello, dell’, della, dei, degli, delle I would like some vegetables Vorrei della verdura I would like (some of the ) vegetables Ho delle cugine molto carine I have very sweet cousins (some of the)

It is used as a plural form of the indefinite article un, uno, una Ho una mela e delle pere I have an apple and some pears Ho un vestito e delle scarpe I have a dress and some shoes It is omitted in negative statements No we are not buying (any) ice cream, we are buying (some) fruit Non compriamo il gelato, compriamo della frutta.

ALCUNI, QUALCHE, UN PO’ SOME Alcuni, alcune is followed by a plural noun Qualche is invariable Both may replace the partitive when some means a few. Invitiamo alcuni amici qualche amico degli amici Maria porta alcune bottiglie qualche bottiglia delle bottiglie With nouns that designate substances that can be measured but not counted such as latte, minestra, - the partitive article del, della, dello cannot be replaced by qualche or alcuni. Un po’ di (Un poco di) may be replaced when some means a little, a bit of. Mangio un po’ di pollo I eat some chicken

MOLTO –TANTO- TROPPO- POCO –TUTTO- OGNI Molto, molta, molti molte much, a lot, many Tanto, tanta, tanti, tante much, so much, so many Troppo, troppa, troppi, troppe too much, too many Poco, poca, pochi, poche little, few Lavorano molte ore? I bambini mangiano troppo Le ragazze mangiano poco When molto, tanto, troppo and poco modify an adjective or a verb, they are adverbs. As adverbs are invariable. L’America e` molto bella. America is very beautiful Tu parli troppo You speak too much

Tutto, tutta, tutti, tutte When the adjective tutto is used in the singular; it means the whole; when it is used in the plural, it means all, every. Studio tutto il giorno I study the whole day Tutto il mondo the whole, entire world The adjective tutto is followed by the definite article Studio tutti i giorni I study every day

Ogni – each, every Tutto and ogni are interchangeable It is always followed by a singular noun Lavoriamo ogni giorno Ogni settimana gioco a tennis Tutto and ogni are interchangeable Tutti I giorni Ogni giorno