How to conjugate an -ARE verb parlare mangiare cantare pagare comprare usare.


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Transcript della presentazione:

How to conjugate an -ARE verb parlare mangiare cantare pagare comprare usare

Parl io parl tu parl lui lei parl Lei Noi parl Voi parl loro parl Loro are oaiiamo ano ate

Io parlo can mean: I speak I do speak Do I speak? I am speaking Am I speaking?

Tu parli can mean: You speak You do speak Do you speak? You are speaking Are you speaking?

Lui parla can mean: He speaks He does speak Does he speak? He is speaking Is he speaking?

Noi parliamo can mean: We speak We do speak Do we speak? We are speaking Are we speaking?

Voi parlate can mean: You guys speak You guys do speak Do you guys speak? You guys are speaking Are you guys speaking?

Loro parlano can mean: They speak They do speak Do They speak? They are speaking Are they speaking

Comprare - to buy Io compro Tu compri lui lei compra Lei Noi compriamo Voi comprate loro comprano Loro

Usare - to use Io uso Tu usi lui lei usa Lei Noi usiamo Voi usate loro usano Loro

Mangiare - to eat Io mangio Tu mangi lui lei mangia Lei Noi mangiamo Voi mangiate loro mangiano Loro

Pagare - to pay Io pago Tu paghi lui lei paga Lei Noi paghiamo Voi pagate loro pagano Loro

On a piece of paper write (in Italian) I speak Italian Im buying a book I use a pen Im paying

On a piece of paper write (in Italian) Do you speak English? Are you buying a pen? You are eating a pizza Youre paying.

On a piece of paper write (in Italian) Is he speaking Italian? He is buying a book He uses a pencil Is Paolo paying?

On a piece of paper write (in Italian) We speak Italian We dont buy books They use many pens Theyre eating lasagna