Project Review Novembrer 17th, 2011. Project Review Agenda: Project goals User stories – use cases – scenarios Project plan summary Status as of November.


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Transcript della presentazione:

Project Review Novembrer 17th, 2011

Project Review Agenda: Project goals User stories – use cases – scenarios Project plan summary Status as of November 17th 2011 Analysis and Design Spikes UI and user interaction draft (on paper or...)

Project goals Online reservation User Registration Completely visible site (all user) Desktop application for notification (only pubs) User notification via Max number of places reserved Android application (only clients) Online search Creation of pubs events via web User reservation History Pubs/Events Review

Project no goals Online payment Application for other platform Reservation by phone

User stories Introduction Un Utente è un qualsiasi soggetto anonimo non registrato che accede a funzionalità limitate del sistema. Un Cliente è un utente registrato con funzioni da cliente (prenotazioni ecc). Un Locale è un utente registrato con funzionalità differenti da quelli del cliente.

User stories Utente 1) registrarsi come Cliente: L Utente accede al sistema e si registra come Cliente, inserendo i dati come nome, cognome, indirizzo, ecc.. Il sistema crea la pagina "standard" relativa al Cliente nella quale sono riportati tutti i dati pubblici precedentemente inseriti. 2) registrarsi come Locale: LUtente accede al sistema e si registra come Locale, inserendo i dati come nome del locale, partita IVA, indirizzo, proprietario ecc.. Il sistema dopo aver verificato i dati inseriti dallUtente crea la pagina "standard" relativa al Locale nella quale sono riportati tutti i dati pubblici precedentemente inseriti. Il Locale registrato può modificare alcuni dati nella propria pagina come l'orario di apertura o chiusura. 3) ricercare locali/eventi: LUtente esegue la ricerca di un Locale /evento e visualizza le informazioni. 4) visualizzare le recensioni: L'Utente visualizza le recensioni del Locale e degli eventi

User stories Cliente 1) prenotare: Il Cliente ricerca un Locale /evento ed esegue la prenotazione. Il sistema notifica al Cliente e al Locale l'avvenuta prenotazione. 2) ricercare locali/eventi: L Cliente esegue la ricerca di un Locale /evento e visualizza le informazioni. 3) cancellare prenotazioni: Il Cliente accede alle sue prenotazioni e annulla la prenotazione. Il sistema notifica al Cliente e al Locale l'avvenuta cancellazione. 4) recensire locali/eventi: Il Cliente accede alla pagina del Locale e inserisce una recensione relativa al Locale stesso o all'evento da esso organizzato. 5) visualizzare le recensioni: Il Cliente visualizza le recensioni del Locale e degli eventi

User stories Locale 1) inserire eventi: Il Locale accede alla pagina di creazione degli eventi, e inserisce tutti i dati relativi all'evento che vuole creare. Il sistema notifica l'avvenuta creazione dell'evento. 2) cancellare eventi: Il Locale accede alla pagina relativa all'evento e cancella l'evento. Il sistema notifica al Locale, e a tutti i Clienti prenotati all'evento, la cancellazione. 3) visualizzare le prenotazioni: Il Locale visualizza le prenotazioni presso il Locale stesso e ad un determinato evento. 4) visualizzare le recensioni: Il Locale visualizza le recensioni del Locale stesso e degli eventi

Use Case: Prenotazione Locale Precondition: The user is logged in Postcondition: The user has made a reservation Actors: User, Pub 1.The user searches a pub 2.The system shows the personal page of the pub 3.The user accesses to the reservation page 4.The system asks how many places has to be reserved 5.The user specify the number of person that request reservetion 6.The system asks for a confirmation 7.The user conferms 8.The system sends a mail to the user and a notification to the pub Exception 1.Pub not found (Point 2) 1.The system shows that there no pub with the preferences expressed by the user 2.Places less then specified 1.The system alerts the user 3.User doesn't confirm (Point 7) 1.The system redirect the user on the public pub page

Use Case: Prenotazione Evento Precondition: The user is logged in Postcondition: The user has made a reservation Actors: User, Pub, Events 1.The user searches a pub 2.The system shows the personal page of the pub 3.The user accesses to the events pages organized by the pub 4.The user accesses to the reservation page 5.The system asks how many places has to be reserved 6.The user specify the number of person that request reservation 7.The system asks for a confirmation 8.The user conferms 9.The system sends a mail to the user and a notification to the pub Exception 1.Pub not found (Point 2) 1.The system shows that there no pub with the preferences expressed by the user 2.Places less then specified 1.The system alerts the user 3.User doesn't confirm (Point 8) 1.The system redirect the user on the public event page

Use Case: Registrazione come Cliente/Locale Postcondition: The user is registered Actors: User 1.The user accesses to the registration page and inserts his data 2.The system shows this data and asks for confirmation 3.The user confirms 4.The system sends an to him Exception 1.Data not correct 1.The user doesn't confirm and will be redirected to registration page to correct the data 2.User doesn't confirm 1.The system redirect the user to the registration page

Use Case: Cancellazione Prenotazione Precondition: The user has made a reservation and is authenticated Postcondition: The reservation will be cancelled Actors: User 1.The user access to his personal page and access on the current reservation 2.The system shows the details of the current reservation 3.The user decides to cancel the reservation 4.The system asks for confirmation 5.The user confirms 6.The system cancelles the reservation Exception 1.User doesn't confirm 1.The system redirect him to his own personal page

Use Case: Aggiungi recensione Precondition: The user is authenticated Postcondition: The review is added to the specified pub 1.The user searches for a pub 2.The system shows the results of the research 3.The user selects a pub 4.The system shows the pub's personal page 5.The user accesses to the review section and specify his review of the pub or the event organized by the selected pub 6.The system add the review Exception 1.Pub not found (Point 2) 1.The system shows that there no pub with the preferences expressed by the user

Use Case: Inserire eventi Precondition: The user is authenticated as pub Postcondition: The event will be created 1.The user access to his own personal page and access to the event's creation section 2.The system asks for the event's data 3.The user inserts the data 4.The system asks for confirmation 5.The user confirms 6.The system add the new event Exception 1.User doesn't confirm 1.The system redirect him to his own personal page

Use Case: Cancellare eventi Precondition: The user is authenticated as pub Postcondition: The event will be created 1.The user access to his own personal page and to the events created 2.The system shows all the events created 3.The user selects an event to be cancelled 4.The system asks for confirmation 5.The user confirms 6.The system cancels the event and send a notification to all the users that made reservation for that event Exception 1.User doesn't confirm 1.The system redirect him to his own personal page

Project plan summary Analysis and Design From 16th November 2011 To 21th December 2011 CRC: 1 Day (1 h) Scenarios: 1 Day (1 h) Use Cases: 3 Days ( 5 h ) Use Cases Diagram: 2 Days ( 4-5 h ) Sequence Diagram: 5 Days ( 11 h ) Activity Diagram: 2 Days ( 4 h ) Class Diagram: 2 Days ( 4 h )

Status as of November 17th II ??????? Spikes Demo prototype (NOT YET) UI and user interaction draft (on paper or...)

Thank you for your attention ! Questions?