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IBM Lotus Notes e Domino
L’evoluzione del Client Lotus Notes
La versione 6.5 IBM Lotus Notes 6.5
IBM Lotus Domino Web Access 6.5 (iNotes) IBM Lotus Domino Access for Microsoft Outlook 6.5(iNotes) IBM Lotus Domino 6.5 IBM Lotus Domino Designer 6.5 IBM Lotus Enterprise Integrator (LEI) 6.5 IBM Lotus Domino Toolkit for WebSphere Studio 1.1 Client Server Sviluppo Integrazione ai dati Integrazione sviluppo Java
IBM Lotus Notes 6.5 Unica e semplice interfaccia utente
Per posta, agenda e applicazioni collaborative Integra l’Instant Messaging Per comunicare in tempo reale Migliora la produttività Con funzioni come “follow up flag” e indicatori visuali nella inbox Riduce il costo di possesso Con tempi di training ridotti, con i miglioramenti introdotti e con le nuove funzioni di gestione e amministrazione
IBM Lotus Notes 6.5 Nuova pagina di benvenuto
Lotus Notes 6.5 is a 1st class citizen of the Lotus Workplace platform. It supports the Workplace strategy of Integrating People with Business Processes – the Workplace for Notes Welcome page increases productivity by providing mail, calendar, to-dos, instant messaging contact lists, search, launcher – all in one integrated access point.
IBM Lotus Notes 6.5 Integrazione con IBM Lotus Instant Messaging
Single Sign-On Gestione dello stato Sapere chi e’ on-line direttamente dalla casella di posta Sessioni di chat Lista dei contatti Funzioni di Instant Messaging integrabili in qualunque applicazione Domino Single sign-on accomplished with notes log in (nothing to do with HTTP)
IBM Lotus Notes 6.5 Follow Up
Possibilità, nella inbox, di identificare un messaggio a cui bisogna dare seguito Differenti livelli di priorità Schedulazione di allarmi e notifiche via posta Ordinamento dei messaggi in base alla priorità di follow up Actionable mail
IBM Lotus Notes 6.5 Gestione della Inbox
Anti Spam e Junk Mail Blocco dei messaggi indesiderati Gestione tramite la cartella Junk Mail Aiuta gli utenti a focalizzarsi sui messaggi importanti riducendo la ricezione di posta inutile QuickRules Creazione semplificata di regole Accessibile dal menù strumenti Gestione tramite la vista Regole
IBM Lotus Notes 6.5 Altre funzionalita’ per gli utenti
Creazione di appuntamenti o attività da messaggi di posta, tramite drag and drop Indicatori grafici per individuare i messaggi inoltrati o ai quali si è risposto Visualizzazione dei soli messaggi non letti nella inbox Stampa dei messaggi e degli appuntamenti senza l’elenco dei destinatari Facile esportazione di dati da viste Notes in formato CSV Impostazione di Lotus Notes come client di posta predefinito ....e molto altro ancora
IBM Lotus Domino Web Access 6.5 (iNotes)
Integrazione dell’Instant Messaging Nuove funzioni per migliorare la produttività degli utenti Maggiore scalabilità e incremento delle prestazioni Personalizzazione del “template” Supporto di Linux IBM Lotus Domino Web Access 6.5: Advanced functionality and enhanced user interface - Lotus Instant Messaging integration - Instant messaging functionality has been incorporated into Domino Web Access. Users benefit from presence awareness and the ability to open a chat session with other Lotus Instant Messaging (Sametime) users without separately launching the Lotus Instant Messaging application. The result is increased productivity as users can instantly collaborate with colleagues while remaining within the context of a specific task. Follow up flags- Users can mark entries in their mail with a follow up flag. The follow up flag allows a user to indicate to themselves that there is further action to be taken, helping to maximize responsiveness to incoming requests. - Multiple time zone support - Domino Web Access now provides support for multiple time zones in calendar entries and in the calendar view, allowing users to easily understand calendar commitments across time zones. - Block sender mail rule - This allows Domino Web Access users to add a specified sender to a block sender list so that future messages from that address are blocked from displaying in the inbox view. Future mail from this sender will be automatically moved to the Junk Mail view. Users can potentially benefit from less junk mail in their inbox, helping them to more quickly navigate to the important messages. - To do enhancements - Users have the ability to create to-do items that can be assigned to another individual or group. - Send-and-file - Similar to the Notes client functionality, the Domino Web Access user can now "send & file" new messages in a single step. Clicking the "send & file" button sends the document and files it in a folder all in one step -- saving time and helping users efficiently manage their inbox and folders. - Copy into - Domino Web Access users now have the ability to copy the body of a received message into a new to do item or calendar entry with a single click - saving time and allowing users to more efficiently manage their daily tasks. - Server side caching of generated/compressed content - Domino Web Access now caches certain static data, such as forms, so the mail client only needs to bring down the data once - instead of requesting the data from the server each time - resulting in improved scalability and performance. - Gzip compression - Gzip compression of Domino Web Access content is done to reduce network bandwidth consumption and improve client performance on slow networks (modems). This can help improve client side performance, especially in regions where bandwidth is at a premium. - Send, sign and verify encrypted mail messages - Domino Web Access builds upon it's state-of-the-art, security-rich features with the addition of new delivery options for sending secure mail. Users can now send encrypted and signed messages as well as verify digital signatures -- using the same security delivered in Notes. Users can benefit from these additional security features directly from the Domino Web Access user interface. Archive locally with off-line support - Domino Web Access 6.5 (on Internet Explorer) users have the ability to create and store an archive locally, extending off-line support so users can maximize productivity while off-line. Users can easily access their local or server-based archive from a link in the Domino Web Access user interface. - Ability to easily customize the design template - Domino Web Access 6.5 provides the mechanism for customers to easily modify/customize design templates to better fit their business needs. Domino developers can customize the design of select forms of the iNotes template using Lotus Domino Designer. Modifications can include: adding action buttons to views or dialog boxes, providing additional choices for the Welcome Page, and replacing the Domino Web Access logo with a corporate logo. - Webmail redirect - Domino Web Access Webmail redirect allows users to access their mail file without needing to know the name of their mail file or the name of their mail server. The Webmail redirect is a database that resides on the server and processes URLs. Using Domino authentication methods, Domino Web Access will redirect a user's browser to their mail file based on their user name/password. Users need only to go to a simple primary URL (name of the Domino Web Access redirect server) and they will be transported to their mail file. - Linux client support delivered via Mozilla browser - Domino Web Access 6.5 extends messaging and collaboration to Linux clients with support for the Mozilla browser — making it the first-ever fully supported client-to-server collaboration solution for Linux by IBM. Domino Web Access is now an ideal solution for customers who want to realize the potential cost savings of deploying Linux at both the server and the client ends. Because it is a browser-based messaging solution, Domino Web Access can be deployed with little or no client-side deployment cost — a huge potential savings for any organization looking to extend messaging and collaboration to additional users.
IBM Lotus Domino Access per MS Outlook (iNotes)
Nuova architettura – Open Internet Standard (IMAP/SMTP/iCAL) Incremento della scalabilita’ e diminuzione delle risorse utilizzate Supporto di: Formato PST Formato iCal Client Outlook 2000/2002 Funzioni PIM (Personal Information Management) Customers were looking for a more permanent version so it has evolved Were using Lotus Notes MAPI service provider and NRPC to Domino New architecture focusing on gaining the benefits for the Domino server, while allowing customers to keep Outlook Now on IMAP and iCAL over SMTP – gain benefits of IMAP improvements in Domino 6 Less conversion – letting Outlook be Outlook Dropped 98 support because MS did Benefits from PIM and mobile support from MS Officially released with Notes Domino 6.0.2 Higher scalability and lower resource use Local PST file Utilizes Microsoft Outlook iCAL support Domino 6 Support for Outlook 2000 and 2002 clients Support for Outlook 98 discontinued Personal Information Management functions Pocket PC, PALM OS New features DOLS – client configuration Server directory lookup Mail delegation using single profile Out-of-office agent Password management Lotus Domino 5.5 – 6.0.1 Need to upgrade to 6.0.2 All SPR’s addressed in and later
IBM Lotus Domino 6.5 Nuove piattaforme supportate
Linux su IBM zSeries - zLinux Windows 2003 Server Disponibile anche nella versione Domino Express Replica del flag letto/non letto dei documenti su server differenti Novità nelle funzioni di amministrazione Supporto, in Domino per z/OS, della funzionalità hardware di cifratura per SSL Gestione statistiche e monitoring per Domino su Linux
IBM Lotus Domino Designer 6.5
Integra l’instant messaging a form e viste Integrato nei campi “nome” Integrato nelle colonne delle viste Nuovi oggetti incorporabili in pagine o form Esempio lista dei contatti instant messaging Export di una vista come CSV Tutte le classi, metodi e proprieta’ LotusScript ora disponibili in Java/CORBA e COM What’s new in Lotus Domino Designer 6.5 Domino developers can now enable online status for a names field on a form and a column containing names in a view There is a new embedded element – instant messaging contact list. You can embed the contact list on a form or a page From the Lotus Notes client, you can export a view as comma separated values (CSV) file which works great with Microsoft Excel All of the new LotusScript backend classes, methods and properties introduced in 6.0 are now available in Java/CORBA and COM Some of those new classes are listed Highlights of Domino Designer in general Lets you rapidly build and deploy open, security-rich, mission-critical applications Helps you build highly functional, easily upgradeable, Web-enabled applications with multiplatform support and workflow Enables WebSphere application developers to easily leverage Lotus Domino applications using JSP technology Enables you to easily manage complex applications and distributed development teams Uses industry standards to leverage developer skills Lets you reuse code as your applications grow and become more sophisticated
IBM Lotus Enterprise Integrator (LEI) 6.5
Miglioramento perfomance (documenti virtuali) Supporto per installazioni su partizioni Multiple Estensione connettivita’ iSeries per Oracle, Informix, SQL Server e Sybase Miglioramento dei connettori per l’utilizzo dei driver DataDirect ODBC 4.1 Controllo accessi per connessioni e documenti attivita’ Nuove funzionalita’ di reporting delle attivita’ di connessione Supporto per: Linux Red Hat 7.2 e UL 1.0 Solaris 9 Windows 2003 Support for partitioned servers - Reduce hardware expenses and minimize the number of computers to administer Using Domino server partitioning, you can run multiple instances of the Domino server on a single computer. By doing so, you reduce hardware expenses and minimize the number of computers to administer because, instead of purchasing multiple small computers to run Domino servers that might not take advantage of the resources available to them, you can purchase a single, more powerful computer and run multiple instances of the Domino server on that single machine. Now you can install LEI 6.5 into multiple Domino partitions. Allows LEI to function in this heavily implemented client environment configuration, which expands potential LEI install base. Improved performance for virtual document activities - With LEI 6.5 we've improved the performance of virtual document activities. Faster view refresh and faster document display. Allows more responsive applications, for Notes client or web browser users, which saves on time lost by employees waiting for their applications to run. Fewer Domino timeouts due to long waits. Increased security - With LEI 6.5, you can now add reader access to connection documents and activity documents. Security of enterprise system connection information greatly enhanced. Security of activity execution greatly enhanced, preventing unwanted actions from being triggered by unauthorized people. Better reporting - Activity logs now will contain more information about dependent activities. Simplifies LEI administration, which reduces operating/maintenance costs. Enhanced ODBC drivers - LEI 6.5 uses Data Direct 4.1 ODBC drivers which add support for XML and MySQL. These new drivers from Data Direct uses wire protocol to access the external data source. This means there is no requirement for client code to be installed that accesses the external data source. The ODBC driver includes the necessary code to access the external data source. IBM eServer iSeries connectivity enhanced - On the IBM eServer iSeries, you can use LEI 6.5 to connect to Oracle, Informix, SQL Server, and Sybase.
IBM Lotus Domino Toolkit per WebSphere Studio 1.1
Set di plugin Eclipse disponibili per WebSphere Studio V5.0.1 e V5.1 Consente l’utilizzo dei tag JSP di Domino 6 in WebSphere Studio Generazione automatica di tag code JSP personalizzato su Lotus Domino Integrazione dei “tag” Domino in WebSphere Portal Capitalizza su skill esistenti per integrare funzionalita’ transazionali di WebSphere Application Server Potenziare applicazioni J2EE con funzionalita’ collaborative Fornito come parte di Domino Designer 6.5 Designed primarily for Domino Designer developers who seek to enhance their Web applications via the use of J2EE technologies (JSP's, servlets, etc.) Domino developers do not have to worry about the complexity of Java Secondarily to attract existing J2EE developers who don't know the Domino object model Lotus Domino Toolkit for WebSphere Studio (LDTWS) – What is it? LDTWS is not Domino custom JSP tag libraries! LDTWS is a set of Eclipse plugins that facilitate the creation of JSPs using Domino custom tags Configures workspace to optimize development of blended apps Installs the Domino custom JSP tag libraries that started shipping in Notes/Domino 6 Adds Domino view to Studio navigator Understands how to connect to Domino Hides the complexity of connecting to Domino Understands what's needed to access Domino at run-time Configures JSP tags with attributes automatically Existing views, forms, form elements and server agents can be dragged and dropped directly into JSP code What’s new in LDTWS 1.1 Version 1.0 of the toolkit shipped with Designer 6.0.2 Version 1.1 ships with Designer 6.5 New features Support for WebSphere Studio 5.01 and 5.1 Categorization and drag-and-drop-enablement of all Domino Custom Tags in the Utilities menu. Support for Domino Custom Tags within WebSphere Portal deployments Developing blended applications manually can be costly - time consuming Understand how to connect to Domino using CORBA and Java Set up tool to access Domino and to use required libraries Code entire Web pages using custom tags by hand Configure Web application and deployment descriptors Create JAR/WAR/EAR files Developing blended applications Using Lotus Domino Toolkit Complexity of Domino connection hidden Code generated for the most common functions forms/views Built-in online help for custom tags Visual development Allows J2EE developers access to Domino Important Information for LDTWS Domino view context menu options "Edit the database in Domino Designer" requires Notes to be in the PATH "Refresh" does not work Using runagent tag - Agents must have Trigger set to "On event" radio button. Choose Action menu selection Target set to None Agents that try to display information in browser will fail using runagent tag (I.E. Print) Changes made to design element in Domino are not synchronized with JSP JSP code will need to be edited or recreated Domino Custom Tags are fixed in 6.5 to work in Portal! Richtext tag and attachments tag still have issues in Portal How to Get LDTWS Version 1.1 Delivered with Domino Designer 6.5 Ships in the apps directory on the CD Available for download from the Passport Advantage Web site, KNAC and Business Partner Download site
Un portfolio completo per Linux
Domino Web Access via browser Mozilla sul client Linux Domino Server su Linux ora anche su zSeries Supporto Linux per Lotus Enterprise Integrator (LEI) Facilitazioni nella migrazione da qualsiasi sistema di messaging Linux Domino Web Access 6.5 Mozilla browser (version 1.3.1) support for World-Class Domino Web Access Includes Mail, Calendar and Scheduling, Instant Messaging integration, and Replication Domino 6.5 server support for Linux zSeries Domino 6.5 will support zSeries S/390. Some key benefits are: Exceptional Scaling Currently 8500 ND6 on a single Domino partition w/ sub-second response time 2. Business Value Compelling platform for server consolidation Freedom of OS choice Client choice flexibility including Notes, Domino Web Access, Microsoft Outlook 3. Over 15% of zSeries MIPS being sold on Linux - Domino 6.5 will support distributions from both Red Hat and the United Linux Consortium, which consists of SuSE, turbolinux, and Conectiva. Lotus Enterprise Integrator 6.5 LEI for Linux support provides you the tools that are a key component of the robust portfolio of modular and standards-based software that easily integrates with other applications, operating systems and external data structures.
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