In the following slides there are photos and work of Primary School Via Fiume Ins. Maria Aurelia Cosentino Part 1 Our place, our water…

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Presentazione sul tema: "In the following slides there are photos and work of Primary School Via Fiume Ins. Maria Aurelia Cosentino Part 1 Our place, our water…"— Transcript della presentazione:

1 In the following slides there are photos and work of Primary School Via Fiume Ins. Maria Aurelia Cosentino Part 1 Our place, our water…

2 Hello, hello everybody! I am going to visit the Maggiore Lake …

3 Hello! We are happy to show you our work and the wonders of Lake Maggiore!

4 Giulia

5 Stresa Panorama of lakefront and with Bella Island. L

6 Lake Maggiore, also known as Verbano, is Italys second largest lake, but many consider it to be the most beautiful. It lies between Piedmont on the west and Lombardy on the east. Its constantly mild climate has led to the growth of luxuriant Mediterranean vegetation.

7 Isola Madre Hurry up! We are walking in the Garden of camellias to visit Borromeo House, in Isola Madre!

8 The flowers of MAGGIORE LAKE are well-known in all over the world.

9 The wonderful Rhododendrons of Maggiore Lake

10 Variety of Rhododendrons


12 Marina

13 View of the wonderful garden. You can see the animals … a white peacock and white … peahens …

14 Myriam

15 ISOLABELLAISOLABELLA Hello! We are happy to admire the Lake Maggiore!

16 Sara I love swimming!

17 Myriam

18 Lotus or water-lily

19 Marina

20 Ilaria

21 Isola Bella

22 Luigi

23 Isola Madre Goodbye! Classe IV A

24 Lavoro realizzato dagli alunni, Giulia, Marina, Myriam, Ilaria e Luigi - della classe IV A della Scuola Primaria di via Fiume - Insegnanti Arvati Adriana e Maria Cosentino Montaggio a cura dell Ins. Maria Cosentino Vimodrone – Maggio 2009

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