Americano Italiana We know these designers are known because of catalogs, magazines, commercials, and friends with good recommendations. Tommy Hilfiger.

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Presentazione sul tema: "Americano Italiana We know these designers are known because of catalogs, magazines, commercials, and friends with good recommendations. Tommy Hilfiger."— Transcript della presentazione:


2 Americano Italiana

3 We know these designers are known because of catalogs, magazines, commercials, and friends with good recommendations. Tommy Hilfiger is known to us because family members bought us clothes from tommy Hilfiger and we saw it on commercials as stated. American eagle is known to us because We also shop there and it is very popular with lots of friends in school. Tommy Hilfiger; Lei indossa una camicia bianca e un cappotto nero. Indossa un maglione e pantaloni. Indossano, jeans,pant aloncini e / o di vestito.

4 We now that these designers are known in Italy because they appear in magazines frequently. Mias mom had got to experience fashion shows of Italian clothing brands such as these; Versace, and Dolce and Gabbana. We know about Dolce and Gabbana because it has many stores around the world and featured in most of the fashion magazines and articles we read. We know about Versace because most celebrities wear Versace for award shows on the red carpet. No red carpet is deemed complete without a few contributions from the legendary brand. ( aka Versace) Indossa un vestito Indossa pantaloncini e lei indossa un vestito

5 Abiti italiani e americani differiscono: Abiti italiani hanno prezzi grandi quando gli americani sono a posto. Americano è più semplice di quello vestiti italiani. Le dimensioni non sono uguali; italiano ha trentasei ed a cinquanta, americana ha zero ed a venti. Noi preferiamo americano perché è quello che preferiamo e piaccia più casual.

6 Italiani indossare abiti o vestito fantasia per andare a prendere il gelato. Quando si ottiene il gelato indosso jeans e una camicia o ona giornata calda una gonna o un vestito

7 La fine! Arrividerci

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