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PubblicatoDario Paoli Modificato 8 anni fa
Mai crio-preservare prima di fissare! SPESSORE? Necroscopia: osservazione macroscopica e microscopica DOPO EUTANASIA…per animale ed organi
A few observation and much reasoning lead to error; many observations and a little reasoning to truth. Alexis Carrel A few observation and much reasoning lead to error; many observations and a little reasoning to truth. Alexis Carrel
ESAME ESTERNO 1.Essudato occhi, naso, cute, regione anale. 2. Cute e annessi 3. Palpazione per ricerca masse 4. Sollevare la cute in pliche (idratazione) 5. Annotare eventuali anomalie.
1. Fissare l’animale con il dorso sul tavolo, lavare con alcool 90, se il caso depilare 2. Pinzare la cute, iniziare l’incisione 3. Aprire la cavità addominale 4. Riflettere la cute lateralmente NB: sterilità della cavità addominale
Osservazione totale anche in caso di piccoli interventi CAMERA UMIDA!?
Taglio asse lungo per organi parenchimatosi (fegato, polmoni, ghiandole salivari, milza, rene, ovaio) Taglio trasverso per gli organi cavi per studiare gli strati a partire dal lume
Intestines Starting at the rectum/colon, unzip the coiled intestines by pulling gently, using your scissors for help whenever you feel it is necessary. As you do so, check the surface of the intestines for enlarged Peyer's patches.There are many different parts of the intestine. Unfortunatly the large majority of them cannot be differentiated from each other grossly. Pancreas/Spleen 1.At one point, the ease at which the intestines can be pulled apart will change as you hit the pancreas. The pancreas is tan in color and can be easily identifiable from the surrounding fat. First cut the stomach away at the duodenal junction and remove the spleen, placing the spleen in preservative. 2. Cut a section of the small intestine the pancreas is attached to, using the intestine as a handle. 3. Spread the pancreas out flat on a piece of paper towel. Within the tissue, lies the pancreatic lymph nodes, identifiable only if enlarged. 4. And once again, place the piece of paper in formalin.
Si valuta sempre lo stesso lobo…o tutti!?
It is time to live it up with the liver!!!! First to even get to the organ of the day, you have to get rid of the sternum. Lifting up the sternum with your forceps, puncture the diaphragm and cut along each side of the sternum up through the cervical girdle (just follow the dotted lines in the diagram). Be careful to keep the points of your scissors pointed upward in order to prevent any damage to the thoracic organs underneath. The thymus occasionally has the tendency to cling to the dorsal side of the sternum, so be careful. The sternum is a good bone for any bone marrow examinations, so preserve it if this is your intention Next, sever the vena cava on the thoracic side of the liver and pull the esophagus through the liver in the anterior direction (you will thank yourself later for this little maneuver).
Collasso dei polmoni in seguito a perdita della pressione negativa
Anterior Nasal Cavity Section Posterior Nasal Cavity Section Anterior Nasal Cavity Section Posterior Nasal Cavity Section Anterior Nasal Cavity Section
If you focus on what you left behind you will never see what lies ahead!
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