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PubblicatoAlberto Pepe Modificato 8 anni fa
These courses belong to the ‘Post-secondary non- tertiary education’ and are within the “higher technical education and training system” (Istruzione e Formazione Tecnica Superiore – IFTS), They offer higher technical education and training pathways. The system is designed to speed up the access of young people to the world of work.
Labor market in Sicily In the 2008-2011 period, Southen Italy felt the consequences of the crisis more than the Centre- North, actually, both areas experienced a downturn in their GDP bigger than the average of the EU countries. The Sicilian recovery for 2010-2011 is likewise weak. This results in high rate of unemployment.
Svimez report 2011 on the economy of Southern Italy gross domestic product 200820092010 South-1,7-4,60,2 Centre-North-1,2-5,41,7 Italy-1,3-5,2-1,3
Countries200820092010 South -1,7-4,60,2 Centre-North -1,2-5,41,7 Italy -1,3-5,21,3 Euro Area(17) countries 0,4-4,21,8 Germany 1,0-4,73,6 Spain 0,9-3,7-0,1 France -0,1-2,71,5
In Sicily the number of people in employment stands at 1 466 000, 13 000 more than the same period in 2008. In absolute terms the increase in employment has occurred in the tertiary sector (+44 000) with a contribution from commerce of 6000. The other business sectors have reduced numbers, particularly industry with a fall of 14 000, and construction (-12 000). Male employment in particular has declined (-0.2%) while female employment has recovered (+3.2%) with the increase coming from services (+4.2%) and especially from the commercial sector (+9.2%).
Unemployment rate 2008-2009
the Sicilian Region Sicily is an autonomous region with a particular statute, which means that it has its own laws concerning education and professional training. The seat of the Siciian Parliament
This organization is funded by the Sicilian Region to carry out services to improve professional skills through orientation, training, placement and outplacement. REGIONE SICILIA
B@checa Lavoro Dal 2001 i giovani siciliani possono consultare via internet ed oggi anche attraverso i palmari e i cellulari le offerte di lavoro e di corsi di formazione. B@checa Lavoro è il servizio per l'incontro tra domanda e offerta nel campo del lavoro e della formazione professionale istituito dall'Assessorato al Lavoro della Regione Sicilia. Gli uffici dell'Amministrazione del Lavoro centrali e periferici (circa 100) inseriscono in specifici database le informazioni relative alle offerte e/o annunci di lavoro, ai corsi di formazione professionale ed alle attività di orientamento. Coloro che cercano lavoro, invece, possono consultare le offerte e candidarsi inserendo il proprio curriculum vitae. L'aggiornamento dei database avviene quotidianamente. REGIONE SICILIA
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