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Sapienza Università di Roma e INFN Roma

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1 Sapienza Università di Roma e INFN Roma
PADME status report Dr. Mauro Raggi, Sapienza Università di Roma e INFN Roma M. Raggi

2 g-2 in the standard model Contribution to g-2 from dark photon
Muon g-2 SM anomaly g-2 in the standard model About 3s discrepancy between theory and experiment (3.6s, if taking into account only e+e-hadrons) Additional diagram with dark photon exchange can fix the discrepancy (with sub GeV A’ masses) g-2 and A’ A’ Contribution to g-2 from dark photon

3 ALPs and g-2 W.J. Marciano, A. Masiero, P. Paradisi, and M. Passera arXiv: v1 Contacts with authors to introduce PADME as possible candidate to search for this effect in paper V2. Production channels for ALPs in PADME identified. Cross section under estimation to understand the sensitivity. M. Raggi

4 Limits on ALPs coupling to photons
ALP physics at PADME Primakoff PADME can search for long living ALPs produced in annihilation by looking for: 1 g + M2miss or ggg final states In the visible final state a->gg all production mechanisms can be explored extending the mass range in the region of ~100MeV Production by radiation on intermediate virtual photon Limits on ALPs coupling to photons Bremsstrahlung Region of interest for PADME x Annihilation ALP decay to photons + arXiv: Phys rev D

5 Latest version of the setup
High Energy Positron veto 1 cm scintillators with SiPM readout Dipole MBP-S (transfer line SPS) Positron beam Calorimeter BGO crystals 20×20x220 mm3 Diamond target mm Positron veto 1 cm scintillators SiPM readout g A’ Small Angle Calorimeter Electron veto 1 cm scintillators SiPM readout M. Raggi

6 PADME charged particle veto
Extruded plastic scintillator bars 10x10x200 mm3 3 sections for a total of 250 channels: Electrons (100), positrons (100), and high energy positrons (50) Inside vacuum and magnetic field region Main requirement: Time resolution ≃ ps Momentum resolution of few % based on Z impact position Efficiency better than 99.5% for MIPs Prototype being tested at BTF with multi-anode PMT and fibers M. Raggi

7 The PADME magnet Bending spare from CERN SPS transport line:
Arrived at Frascati on 16/12/2015 Vertical gap dimension increased to 230 mm ≈95 KW at maximum current of 675 A Already performed steps : Mechanical survey (OK) Magnetic filed mapping at 400A 230mm gap Next steps : Mechanical support and BTF integration M. Raggi

8 Calorimeter layout N=616 cristalli, 20×20x230 mm3 Dimensione ottimizzata rispetto all’apertura della gap del magnete In seguito alla misura del campo target arretrato Data la granularità fissata dal raggio di Moliére, fissata la distanza a 3 m dalla risoluzione angolare Copertura angolare di 83 mrad Sufficiente per copertura di veto su 2 g e 3 g Buona accettanza per A’ di tutte le masse Nuova dimensione 5-29cm raggio per un totale 616 cristalli Regione di accettanza 8-25 cm Piano del fascio al centro dei cristalli (29 file di cristalli) M. Raggi

9 L3 BGO crystals recovery
M. Raggi

10 Calorimeter crystals procurement
Agreement within INFN-Kurchatov-DOE Recovery operation terminated with >700 crystals recovered (714 crystals recovered +113 a LNF) thanks to D. D'angelo, M. Nuccetelli, F. Pellegrino Crystals now at LAB27 for optical qualification Transparency measurement + annealing Preparing the orders for painting test at SILO M. Raggi

11 Crystal recovery procedure
Crystal are dip into acetone for 48 h Totally remove painting Allows to remove photo sensors 3 h annealing with ramp from degree 6 h of annealing at 200 degree Wait for the crystal to cool down to room temperature The longitudinal transmission of all crystals is measured Results still to be analysed From visual inspections crystals seems of very good quality Costi: vedi prossima slide Richieste approvate dai referee a Maggio 2016: 9 K€ missioni (Roma) 8 K€ consumi (Frascati) Valore dei cristalli di BGO recuperati >2M€! M. Raggi

12 Spese PADME per recupero cristalli
Missioni Roma1 Per sopralluoghi, smontaggio e preparazione cristalli da endcap L3 Subito dopo l’estate: controllo finale, preparazione spedizione Spese per recupero cristalli da restituire su team account T262300: Acetone per pulizia superfici cristallo: 300 CHF 2 mesi di tecnico CERN per lavorazione cristalli: 8256 CHF Materiale da imballaggio: 45,50 CHF Noleggio camionetta: 187 CHF Totale: 8085 Euro

13 Painting the crystals Two identical Ti02 based painting identified
EJ-510 Two identical Ti02 based painting identified Eljen EJ-510 Saint-Gobain BC-620 Procurement of the painting to start immediately to have painting tests at SILO M. Raggi

14 HZC Photonics PMT delivery
M. Raggi

15 PMT procurement 25 PMT’s, 19 mm diameter, by HZC Photonics (Hainan, China), model XP1912, delivered first week of June Mounting of the divider in LNF was not that easy Few problems with quality of the components, soldering etc. 200 €/piece including divider and VAT After some test now we have all of the tubes working and installed on the 5x5 crystal matrix 2 of them where having mechanical dimension out of specs Dark current higher wrt Hamamatsu (consistent with data-sheet) Naked divider M. Raggi

16 Phototube discharge When the PMT dividers are just 1mm apart and with no screening discharges are observed! M. Raggi

17 Calorimeter prototype status
Prototype of 25 crystals mounted for the test beam at BTF Mechanics assembly of 19 mm PMTs on 20x20 mm2 square section crystals successful (without screens on the PMTs for the moment) Discharge in between PMT bases cured using resistive scotch tape We would like to increase the dimensions of the crystals: probably 21x21x230 mm3 Easier mechanical design in the full calorimeter Data taken at different electron energies with all 25 crystals 150, 250, 440 MeV Data analysis on-going M. Raggi

18 Ci sono altre possibilità?
Thorn-EMI, now Electron Tubes SRC Labs then Adit, now Electron Tubes Beijing Nuclear Instrument Factory, now Beijing Hamamatsu RCA then Burle, Amperex and Philips photo-multipliers, all acquired by Photonis then PMT production closed few years ago Brive plant transferred to China, now HZC Photonics Thorlabs, Newton, NJ, USA Sens-Tech, Langley, UK 19/20 mm not available in catalogs MELZ-FEU, Zelenograd, Moscow, Russia 20 mm models M. Raggi

19 ET 9078B

20 HZC XP1912

21 Hamamatsu R1166P

22 Hamamatsu more models R5610A R2027 R2076

23 SAC di vetro al piombo SF57
Segnale molto veloce rate diversi g per 40 ns Fino a 5-10 cluster in 40 ns Energia minima Eg > 50 MeV Nessuna necessità di alto light yield Buona risoluzione temporale (<300ps) Perché non un radiatore Cherenkov?? Inefficiency for electrons at BTF NA62 (from OPAL) lead glass (Schott SF57)

24 SAC prototype status 25 crystals SF57 20x20x200mm3 already cut ready for tests Geometrical dimension and face planarity measured 5 ultra fast Hamamatsu R9880U-110 PMT delivered Only 17mm diameter with 8mm active area 0.57 ns rise time and 0.2 ns TTS M. Raggi

25 Stato del sub-judice M. Raggi

26 2016 budget richiesto/assegnato
235 1.5 435 Totale assegnazioni apparati = = 295 M. Raggi

27 Approved financial plan 2016-2018
M. Raggi

28 Gare 2016 Taglio dei cristalli 57 K€ assegnati
Stima dei costi per 630 pezzi tagliati e verniciati ~65K€ Test di verniciatura presso SILO in agosto e gara in settembre Assegnazione in linea con le necessita’ Fotosensori calorimetro 630 PMT assegnato 137 K€ (95 K€+32 K€) Nelle richieste 2016 erano previsti APD 5x5mm2 (95 K€ RM1)+FEE prototipi (32 K€ LNF) Come risultato del primo test beam sono stati esclusi gli APD come soluzione La gara per i fototubi potrebbe costare tra 100 K€e 250 K€ Si potrebbero impegnare nella gara: 95 K€ APD RM1 32 K€ FEE Ecal LNF 50 K€ Meccanica Ecal LNF 40 K€ Positron Veto FEE LNF 40 K€ Elettronica Diamante Lecce Usare i 35 K€ Vessel di roma per costruire la camera Riviare al 2017 le spese per l’elettronica del diamante e la costruzione della meccanica per il calorimetro Da chiarire destino dei soldi avanzati dalla gara 2016 nel 2017 M. Raggi

29 Totale 9.6 FTE (32 ricecatori +5 wrt 2016)
Anagrafica PADME 2017 Personale di ricerca INFN Lecce G. Chiodini 30% S. Spagnolo 20% Pietro Creti (I tec) 20% Viviana Scherini ass INFN 30% INFN Lecce and Università Salento A. Caricato (ric) 30% G. Maruccio (Professore) 20% M. Martino (Professore) 30% A. Monteduro (AdR) 20% 2. FTE INFN LNF (Divisione Ricerca) P. Albicoco 30% R. Bedogni 20% F. Bossi 30% R. De Sangro 20% G. Finocchiaro 20% P. Gianotti 30% M. Palutan 20% G. Piperno (A.d.R.) 100% I. Sarra (A.d.r) 20% B. Sciascia 20% T. Spadaro 20% E. Spiriti 10% V. Kozhuharov (Università Sofia) 50% G. Georgiev (Università Sofia) 50% (Divisione Acceleratori) B. Buonomo (20%) L. Foggetta (20%) A. Ghigo (10%) 4.9 FTE INFN Roma P. Valente 50% F. Ferrarotto 50% E. Leonardi 50% (Tecnologo) S. Fiore (ENEA) 20% F. Ameli 20% (Tecnologo) INFN Roma and Università Sapienza G. Organtini (Professore) 30% M. Raggi (RTDb) 50% 2.7 FTE INFN Roma Supporto per montaggi e cablaggi 20% Supporto per elettronica di readout 20% Totale 9.6 FTE (32 ricecatori +5 wrt 2016) Solo 1 post doc Persa PD_DTZ INFN Lecce G. Fiore (Tecnico e progettista) 30% INFN Lecce and Università Salento M. Corrado (Tecnico) 20% C. Pinto (Tecnico elettronico ) 20% Supporto tecnico INFN LNF (SPAS) C. Capoccia (Progettista meccanico) 50% E. Capitolo (Progettista meccanico) 50% (SELF) G. Corradi (Progettista Elettronico) 30% Frascati Officina meccanica 2 mesi uomo II sem (2016) M. Raggi

30 Agreement with MTA Atomki lab (Hungary)
Mutual agreement to be signed this week Exchange of researchers students Last 3 year Defining the Atomiki collaboration to PADME and the contribution they would give us. Invited seminar at MTA Atomki in Debrecem in September M. Raggi

31 Conclusions The PADME calorimeter layout and crystal geometry are defined We require 1 mm more on the square side of the crystals to better fit the 19 mm PMT external dimensions Prototype 25x25 crystals assembled and tested successfully Paintings for the crystals identified (painting tests necessary SILO asap) 140 K€ sub-judice status (mostly based on non defined calorimeter layout) LNF : 57 K€ of sub-judice (crystals cutting+FEE) RM1: 47 K€ of sub-judice (Calorimeter photo-sensors) LE : 40 K€ of sub-judice (Diamond electronics) We ask all the sub-judice to be assigned to allow the following tenders to be completed in 2016: Calorimeter PMT (630 pcs): HZC photonics (~100 K€) ElectronTubes (250 K€) Hamamatsu (waiting for quotation) BGO (630 pcs) cutting: ~65 K€ (~100€/pcs) M. Raggi

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