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Presentazione sul tema: "MARUEEB Project EPP IT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP"— Transcript della presentazione:

1 MARUEEB Project EPP IT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Master Degree in Innovative Technologies in Energy Efficient Buildings for Russian & Armenian Universities and Stakeholders Questo modello può essere utilizzato come file iniziale per la presentazione di materiale didattico per la formazione in gruppo. Sezioni Fare clic con il pulsante destro del mouse su una diapositiva per aggiungere sezioni. Le sezioni possono essere utili per organizzare le diapositive o agevolare la collaborazione tra più autori. Note Utilizzare la sezione Note per indicazioni sull'esecuzione della presentazione oppure per fornire informazioni aggiuntive per il pubblico. Mostrare queste note nella visualizzazione Presentazione durante la presentazione. Valutare con attenzione le dimensioni dei caratteri, importanti per l'accessibilità, la visibilità, la registrazione video e la produzione online. Colori coordinati Prestare particolare attenzione ai grafici, ai diagrammi e alle caselle di testo. Tenere presente che i partecipanti eseguiranno la stampa in bianco e nero o in gradazioni di grigio. Eseguire una stampa di prova per assicurarsi che i colori risultino comunque efficaci e chiari in una stampa in solo bianco e nero e in gradazioni di grigio. Grafica, tabelle e grafici Scegliere la semplicità: se possibile utilizzare stili e colori coerenti, che non rappresentino elementi di distrazione. Assegnare un'etichetta a tutti i grafici e a tutte le tabelle. Vincenzo Bianco, Professor of Energy and Thermal Sciences , Polytechnic School of University of Genoa (IT)

2 Geographic Location of Genoa

3 Energy Efficiency: economic motivations

4 Energy Efficiency: economic motivations
In 1973, for the first time, energy efficiency became a “hot topic” on the agenda of the most influential policy makers Since then many researchers have been devoted to energy efficiency, which has been referred to as a “hidden fuel”

5 Paradigm of Energy Efficiency
The Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement linked to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which commits its Parties by setting internationally binding emission reduction targets Recognizing that developed countries are principally responsible for the current high levels of GHG emissions in the atmosphere as a result of more than 150 years of industrial activity, the Protocol places a heavier burden on developed nations under the principle of "common but differentiated responsibilities."

6 Energy Efficiency: environmental motivations

7 Impact of Energy Efficiency Measures
Source: IEA, 2011

8 Potential of Energy Savings in Buildings
Source: Energy Conversion and Management 87 (2014) 754–764

9 Convenience of Energy Efficiency Measures in Buildings
Source: McKinsey & Company

10 Position of Russian Federation
“Our buildings and our overall housing infrastructure are a kind of “black hole” that sucks in enormous amounts of energy resources…they cause immense energy waste” Dmitrij Medvedev, President of Russian Federation 2009

11 Energy Balance of a Buildings

12 Fundamentals Subjects
Applied Thermodynamics Heat and Mass Transfer HVAC Design Buildings Design Energy Management

13 Possible aspects of MARUEEB Master Courses
Focus on the Design/ Construction of Buildings Holistic vision of the urban environment Principal Secondary

14 Possible “draft” of the MARUEEB course table 1/2
Pre-requisite: it is assumed that the students have a relevant background in physics and mathematics, plus a ground knowledge of relevant engineering discipline (i.e. fundamentals of thermodynamics and fluid mechanics, material science, etc.). First Year Advanced Heat Transfer ECTS Innovative materials for constructions 6 ECTS I Semester Renewables Energy ECTS Finance for Engineers ECTS Advanced Thermodynamics and Psychrometric Applications 10 ECTS Project Management ECTS II Semester Energy Management ECTS Building Physics ECTS

15 Possible “draft” of the MARUEEB course table 2/2
Second Year Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Plants 10 ECTS Simulation tools for energy consumption in buildings 6 ECTS I Semester Heat Pumps and Refrigeration Systems 8 ECTS Energy Planning ECTS Elective course ECTS II Semester Elective course ECTS Master Thesis ECTS Elective courses Economic analysis of energy efficiency 5 ECTS Regulation of thermal systems 5 ECTS Thermal measurements ECTS

16 THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION. Vincenzo Bianco <vincenzo. bianco@unige

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