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Liceo Scientifico Statale

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Presentazione sul tema: "Liceo Scientifico Statale"— Transcript della presentazione:

1 Liceo Scientifico Statale
29 ottobre 2005 Anniversario della firma del Trattato Costituzionale Europeo Camminare per l’Europa Liceo Scientifico Statale ‘Giacomo Ulivi’

2 SAXIE Stereotypes and Xenophobia in the Integrated Europe
Project Comenius 1, SAXIE Stereotypes and Xenophobia in the Integrated Europe Aims: Overcome prejudices and stereotypes Collaborate with students from different countries Use Information technologies: the Internet, newsgroups, s… Improve communication in English

3 PARTNER SCHOOLS: Technical School for Mechanics and Electrical Engineering "Acad S.P.Koroliov" Dupnitsa, Bulgaria The Lyceum of Creative Skills, Lodz Lodz, Poland Institut Ensenyament Secondari ‘Pere Vives Vich ‘ Igualada, Spain Liceo Scientifico Giacomo Ulivi, Parma, Italy

4 Meetings Lodz, October 2003 Igualada, April 2004
Dupnitsa, October 2004 Parma, April 2005 Igualada, June 2004, October 2005 …Parma, February 2006 …Lodz, May 2006

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