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Grid-oriented Healthcare Storage

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Presentazione sul tema: "Grid-oriented Healthcare Storage"— Transcript della presentazione:

1 Grid-oriented Healthcare Storage
Gaetano Foti GRID OPEN DAY MEETING Università di Catania Catania 13 Marzo 2007

2 INFN Sez. Catania S. Scifo UNICT Facoltà di Medicina G. Foti, G
INFN Sez. Catania S.Scifo UNICT Facoltà di Medicina G.Foti, G.Arcidiacono e C.Puglisi IR&T engineering V. Milazzo F.Portuese

3 Sistema sanitario nazionale ha come scopo primario la salvaguardia della salute della persona
Persona = Tessera Sanitaria Paziente = Cartella clinica Gli elementi costitutivi della cartella clinica sono indicati nel Dm della Sanità 27 Giugno che prevedendo "per ogni ricoverato, la compilazione della cartella clinica, da cui risultino le generalità, la diagnosi di entrata, l'anamnesi, gli esami di laboratorio e specialistici (immagini TAC, MR…..), la diagnosi, la terapia, gli esiti e i postumi".

4 ILM = Information Lifecycle Management

5 Segmentazione dei sistemi informatici ospedalieri
HIT (Hospital Informazion System ) Informazioni generali EHR (Electronic Health Record ) Diagnosi, terapia e controllo. RIS (Radiology Information System) Immagini statiche e dinamiche CIFS (windows) NFS (unix/linux ) DICOM

6 PACS. Picture archiving and communication system
PACS ! Picture archiving and communication system ( Sistema di archiviazione e trasmissione di immagini ). Le immagini sono memorizzate in un archivio on-line (server dedicato) molto veloce, poi trasferite in un archivio intermedio per un periodo di un anno ed, infine, memorizzate in archivi più economici di lungo termine.

7 PACS Policlinico UNICT TAC = 20 esami/ giorno MB MR = 15 esami/giorno MB 1 macchina = 200 GB per anno

8 Web-oriented solutions
WEB based-PACS Conf. Hospital Information Management Society 2003 Patient Record on-line EHR on-line ( fascicoli sanitari ) Forum P.A.” Servizi ai cittadini” Roma 2004 Intranet Wireless / Percorsi di cura Telemedicina domiciliare

9 Petabyte fixed-content data
Doctors notes Lab results Diagnostic images Drug Lists Audio and Video files

10 Grid-oriented Healthcare Storage
One, Large Virtual System spread on a wide-area network Share Fixed-content data between numerous Applications, Workstations and Modalities Intelligent Information Lifecycle Management ……………… Grid-oriented Healthcare Storage


12 How to use GRID Storage System
Application Server hosts the application and the underlying interface. The interface works as a Front End for the Grid Data Services. Grid Data Management System

13 GRID Storage Access Framework or GSAF Interface
GSAF interface is a wrapper of the main Grid Data Services and provides a unique, simple and useful API (Application Program-ming Interface ) for building multi-purpose applications based on the Grid Storage (e.g. medical, archive,banking …). The most important requirement of GSAF interface is to hide the complexity and the fragmentation of the several APIs ( one for each storage services), provided by the Grid Middleware in order to supply only one programming interface.

14 GSAF High Level Architecture

15 Behavior description VOMS Client - allows interactions with the Grid Security Infrastructure File Manager – permits operations with files (store/retrieve) Catalogue Manager – provides functions about file trace keeping Metadata manager – supplies functions to manage descriptive attributes for files

16 GSAF interface satisfies Healthcare Application Requirements
Organize file collections within the repository Store file to remote storage Associate descriptive metadata with files Search and identify files using keywords (search engine) Browsing file collections Retrieve desired files (displaying or downloading them) All these functionalities are provided to application ensuring coordination and coherence among different transactions.

17 New Web Applications on GRID Healthcare Storage The end

18 New Web applications on GRID Healthcare Storage The idea is to build a web application on top GSAF as a prototype of medical application based on a Grid Storage. Users will be able to manage files (patient records, medical images, …) and their own metadata remotely towards a web user interface. Repositories can be organized according Sanitary Organizations needs, mapping each of them on different Grid Virtual Organizations. For each organization appropriate access control rules and / or sharing policies can be defined. Medics according to both the access rules of the organization they belong to and inter-organizzation sharing rules, can arrange their own archives, define metadata (also standard compliant) for different types of file collections (records, images, …) and manage them (upload, download, google flavour search, browsing and download).

19 References Paper Submitted Official Conferences
Emerging Technologies for Next generation GRID (ETNGRID-2007) Paris, France, june 2007 2nd EGEE User Forum Manchester, UK 9-11 may 2007 MIPRO International Convention on Hypermedia and Grid Systems Croatia, Opatija may 2007 Official Conferences EGEE JRA1 - All hands meeting Catania 7-9 march 2007 IV INFN Grid Workshop, Padova Dec 2006 Grid Open Day, Catania, 13 dec 2006

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