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PhD Theses Institutional Archive Unitn-eprints PhD Upload, mandatory deposit and copyright issues at Unitn PART 2 – Open Access DRSBA. Ufficio Anagrafe.

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Presentazione sul tema: "PhD Theses Institutional Archive Unitn-eprints PhD Upload, mandatory deposit and copyright issues at Unitn PART 2 – Open Access DRSBA. Ufficio Anagrafe."— Transcript della presentazione:

1 PhD Theses Institutional Archive Unitn-eprints PhD Upload, mandatory deposit and copyright issues at Unitn PART 2 – Open Access DRSBA. Ufficio Anagrafe della ricerca, Archivi istituzionali e supporto editoriale

2 PART TWO What is Open Access OA aims and advantages OA resources 2
DRSBA. Ufficio Anagrafe della ricerca, Archivi istituzionali e supporto editoriale DRSBA. Ufficio Anagrafe della ricerca, Archivi istituzionali e supporto editoriale

3 PART TWO a. What is Open Access 3
DRSBA. Ufficio Anagrafe della ricerca, Archivi istituzionali e supporto editoriale DRSBA. Ufficio Anagrafe della ricerca, Archivi istituzionali e supporto editoriale

4 What is Open Access ? Open access (OA) means unrestricted access via the Internet to peer-reviewed scholarly research. By 'open access' to this literature, we mean its free availability on the public internet, permitting any users to read, download, copy, use, distribute, print, transmit and display the work publicly to make and distribute derivative works, in any digital medium for any responsible purpose, subject to proper attribution of authorship to search, or link to the full texts of these articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose without financial, legal, or technical barriers other than those inseparable from gaining access to the internet itself. The only constraint on reproduction and distribution, and the only role for copyright in this domain, should be to give authors control over the integrity of their work and the right to be properly acknowledged and cited.

5 Two Degrees and Roads for Open Access
GRATIS OA DEGREE - free online access LIBRE OA DEGREE - free online access plus some additional usage rights, often granted through the use of various specific Creative Commons licenses (see further) GOLD ROAD - publishing in open access from the very first edition GREEN ROAD - (self-)archiving scientific output in open access repositories 5 DRSBA. Ufficio Anagrafe della ricerca, Archivi istituzionali e supporto editoriale DRSBA. Ufficio Anagrafe della ricerca, Archivi istituzionali e supporto editoriale

6 OA Red Road IS NOT Open Access
RED ROAD ( or HYBRID ROAD) You can publish single articles According to Open Access standards in commercial journals (subscription journals) but the author or his/her funding institution must pay a FURTHER fee ex ante [V. Moscon, 2014, transl. F. Valentini 2016] 6 6

7 Types of OA repositories (Green Road)
Institutional are an online locus for collecting, preserving, and disseminating -- in digital form -- the intellectual output of an institution, particularly a research institution. Disciplinary are collections containing works of scholars focused on a particular subject area (physics, economics, information science, etc.). 24th February 2016 DRSBA. Ufficio Anagrafe della ricerca, Archivi istituzionali e supporto editoriale

8 Some definitions Eprints (generic term) : electronic versions of articles, before or after refereeing and/or publication Preprints : versions of articles before refereeing (peer-review) Postprints : versions of articles after refereeing (not necessarily with the original publisher’s layout) Corrigenda : list of variations which distinguish a preprint without referee from a refereed postprint (which can be archived together with the preprint if the publisher does not allow the postprint to be archived). 24th February 2016 DRSBA. Ufficio Anagrafe della ricerca, Archivi istituzionali e supporto editoriale

9 Peer review Open Access is absolutely peer-review compatible:
Open Archives (= Repositories) do not require peer review but part of their content can be peer reviewed (i.e.: refereed post-prints). (Most) Open Access Journals do have peer review. DRSBA. Ufficio Anagrafe della ricerca, Archivi istituzionali e supporto editoriale

10 Unitn and OA - Timeline Timeline: 2002-2016
2002 – birth of Unitn-eprints Research (SBA Unitn. Progetto Casa editrice) 2004 – signing of Dichiarazione di Messina (supportting the Berlin Declaration) 2004 – partecipation to CRUI Working Group on Digital Publishing 2006 – partecipation to CRUI Working Group on Open Access 2008 – birth of Unitn-eprints PhD (SBA Unitn. Uff. Anagrafe e Archivi istituzionali) 2012 – OA in Unitn new Statute 2014 – OA in Unitn Ethical Code, Strategic Plan and Performance Plan 2014 – Unitn OA Policy, OA Commission, OA Working Group 2014 – creation of internal publishing OA standards for the Faculty of Law 2014 – released istitutional site on Open Access 2015 – CRIS «IRIS» (data from U-GOV, later on from Unitn-eprints Research, Unitn-eprints PhD) 2015 – creation on-line course on OA and intellectual property 2016 – on-line course on OA and intellectual property opened to external users (26/04-30/09) 2016 – Unitn istitutional member of AISA

11 Unitn for OA Subscribed Berlin Declaration [ ] ( traduzione italiana ) with the Dichiarazione di Messina [ ] (traduzione inglese) released in 2003 the institutional archive Unitn-eprints Research, since 2015 integrated and replaced by IRIS released in 2008 the institutional archive for PhD theses Unitn-eprints PhD up to 2014 took part in the Open Access Working Group of the CRUI Library Commission, with which Unitn published a series of Guidelines: Guidelines for institutional archives [ ] Open Access Journals: Guidelines [ ] OA, research evaluation and assessment: Guidelines [ ] Guidelines for university policies on Open Access and research data [ ] included Open Access in the new Statute (art. 2.8) [ ] Included Open Access in the Ethical Code (art. 11.4) [ ] and in the Strategic Plan (action 4.1.4) [ ] introduced and approved publishing standard OA rules for the series issued by the Faculty of Law released a University Open Access Policy [ ] released a University Open Access website [December 2014] released a University LibGuide devoted to Open Access [December 2015] created a MOOC on-line course on Open Access and intellectual property [2015], open to external users (526) from 26/04/2016 to 30/09/2016; Unitn is considering a a second edition became institutional member of the Italian Association for the Promotion of Open Science (AISA) [October 2016]

12 b. OA aims and advantages
PART TWO b. OA aims and advantages 12 DRSBA. Ufficio Anagrafe della ricerca, Archivi istituzionali e supporto editoriale DRSBA. Ufficio Anagrafe della ricerca, Archivi istituzionali e supporto editoriale

13 Why Open Access was born ?
TIME ETHICS MONEY Three main factors: DRSBA. Ufficio Anagrafe della ricerca, Archivi istituzionali e supporto editoriale

14 Why Open Access ? Why do we have to pay n times for publicly funded research ? We should reaffirm students’ and professors’ right to reaserch. DRSBA. Ufficio Anagrafe della ricerca, Archivi istituzionali e supporto editoriale

15 Research cycle and its products

16 OA and researching problems
16 DRSBA. Ufficio Anagrafe della ricerca, Archivi istituzionali e supporto editoriale DRSBA. Ufficio Anagrafe della ricerca, Archivi istituzionali e supporto editoriale

17 Rising academic journal subscription prices
DRSBA. Ufficio Anagrafe della ricerca, Archivi istituzionali e supporto editoriale 17

18 Access and impact 18 18 12 dicembre 2016
DRSBA. Ufficio Anagrafe della ricerca, Archivi istituzionali e supporto editoriale DRSBA. Ufficio Anagrafe della ricerca, Archivi istituzionali e supporto editoriale DRSBA. Ufficio Anagrafe della ricerca, Archivi istituzionali e supporto editoriale

19 19
DRSBA. Ufficio Anagrafe della ricerca, Archivi istituzionali e supporto editoriale 19

20 (Nice) Side-effects of Open Access
Wider and faster dissemination of research outputs greater impact of research outputs on (intern)ational academic community simpler and more immediate use of and access to the output greater visibility of each author’s research outputs and of his/her institution author’s control on his/her intellectual property and publications DRSBA. Ufficio Anagrafe della ricerca, Archivi istituzionali e supporto editoriale

21 PART TWO c. OA resources 21 DRSBA. Ufficio Anagrafe della ricerca, Archivi istituzionali e supporto editoriale DRSBA. Ufficio Anagrafe della ricerca, Archivi istituzionali e supporto editoriale

22 Some useful links about OA …
Lists Related to The Open Access Movement (Peter Suber) Open Access Week 2017 Open Access portal for students and young researchers OA Wiki Italia DRSBA. Ufficio Anagrafe della ricerca, Archivi istituzionali e supporto editoriale

23 … and other webliography
OA FOR STUDENTS AND PHD STUDENTS Student Resources & Right to Research Coalition Universities which adopted CRUI Guidelines about Doctoral Theses and OA OA FOR AUTHORS False myths Open Access for authors Open Access benefits Create Change! Research today How reaserch changes How academic communication changes Benefits for researchers Resources for authors Author Rights Resources SPARC Publishing Addendum H2020 EU Addendum Institutional Policies OA FOR EVERYONE Open Access Directory The ABC's of Open Access SPARC Setting the default to open Open Access Bibliography Economic issues bibliography Citation advantages annotated bibliography Ethical issues 1 & 2

24 Videos and tutorials about OA
What is Open Access? An author's rights Author Rights (for access to webcast, click here) … and just search ! DRSBA. Ufficio Anagrafe della ricerca, Archivi istituzionali e supporto editoriale

25 Some OA scientific search engines
DRSBA. Ufficio Anagrafe della ricerca, Archivi istituzionali e supporto editoriale

26 Lists/portals of scholarly OA resocurces
26 23 maggio 2016 DRSBA. Ufficio Anagrafe della ricerca, Archivi istituzionali e supporto editoriale

27 OA Archives Indexes TARDIS Repository maps !
DRSBA. Ufficio Anagrafe della ricerca, Archivi istituzionali e supporto editoriale

28 OpenDOAR DRSBA. Ufficio Anagrafe della ricerca, Archivi istituzionali e Supporto attività editoriale

29 OA Archives Indexes TARDIS Repository maps ! 24th February 2016
DRSBA. Ufficio Anagrafe della ricerca, Archivi istituzionali e supporto editoriale

30 OA journal indexes DRSBA. Ufficio Anagrafe della ricerca, Archivi istituzionali e supporto editoriale

31 24th February 2016 DRSBA. Ufficio Anagrafe della ricerca, Archivi istituzionali e supporto editoriale

32 24th February 2016 DRSBA. Ufficio Anagrafe della ricerca, Archivi istituzionali e supporto editoriale

33 DOAJ toolbar and filters
= article = journal 24th February 2016 DRSBA. Ufficio Anagrafe della ricerca, Archivi istituzionali e supporto editoriale

34 http://www. elasticsearch
24th February 2016 DRSBA. Ufficio Anagrafe della ricerca, Archivi istituzionali e supporto editoriale

35 Halfway between OA archive and OA journal
35 12 dicembre 2016 DRSBA. Ufficio Anagrafe della ricerca, Archivi istituzionali e supporto editoriale DRSBA. Ufficio Anagrafe della ricerca, Archivi istituzionali e supporto editoriale

36 OA Books indexes DRSBA. Ufficio Anagrafe della ricerca, Archivi istituzionali e supporto editoriale

37 Finding in OA an article already published in a subscription-based journal
if there's an open access version of the article, the oaDOI URL will send you there 37 12 dicembre 2016 DRSBA. Ufficio Anagrafe della ricerca, Archivi istituzionali e supporto editoriale DRSBA. Ufficio Anagrafe della ricerca, Archivi istituzionali e supporto editoriale

38 OA Books and journals (gold road)

39 PhD Theses portals OpenTesi (PhD theses italiane in OA e in formato Open data) DART Europe E-Thesis Portal Dutch academic research results Cream of Science showcases prominent research from the Netherlands Promise of Science provides a simple way to search for doctoral e-theses in the Netherlands OATD Open Access Theses and Dissertations LOT (Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics) Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations Union Catalog

40 A way to identify legal content online
40 DRSBA. Ufficio Anagrafe della ricerca, Archivi istituzionali e supporto editoriale

41 OA bibliographic resources for Psychology
Journals list of Open Access journals from the Directory of Open Access Journals, DOAJ Psycholoquy (outdated; archives are searchable) BioMedCentral Psychology BioMedcentral (other journals) Open archives Cogprints  List from the Directory of Open Access Repositories, DOAR DRSBA. Ufficio Anagrafe della ricerca, Archivi istituzionali e Supporto attività editoriale

42 THANK YOU ! Contacts: Dott. Francesca Valentini
Responsabile Ufficio Anagrafe della Ricerca, Archivi istituzionali e Supporto attività editoriale Divisione Ricerca e Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneo Università degli Studi di Trento Via Verdi, I Trento Tel Fax URL: © 2017 Francesca Valentini, slides 1-42 Thanks to Antonella De Robbio at Padua University DRSBA. Ufficio Anagrafe della ricerca, Archivi istituzionali e supporto editoriale

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