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1 Translate 1 George studia il violino da un mese.

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Presentazione sul tema: "1 Translate 1 George studia il violino da un mese."— Transcript della presentazione:

1 1 Translate 1 George studia il violino da un mese. 2 Non vado in un ristorante giapponese da secoli! 3 L’ultima volta che è stata qui Nelly è stato nel 2006. 4 Non ho mai giocato a volleyball George HAS BEEN LEARNING the violin for a month I HAVEN’T BEEN to a Japanese restaurant for ages The last time Nelly CAME here was in 2006 I HAVE NEVER PLAYED volleyball

2 5 Qualcuno ha mangiato tutti i dolci: dovrò comprarne
6 Che cosa hai comprato a tua sorella per il suo compleanno? 7 La gola mi fa veramente male: ho cantato tutta la serata. 8 Quei due gatti sono seduti su quel ramo da un’ora! Someone HAS EATEN all the cakes. I’ll have to buy some What HAVE YOU BOUGHT your sister for her birthday? My throat is really sore. I HAVE BEEN SINGING all evening Those two cats HAVE BEEN SITTING on that branch for an hour

3 9 Diana ha indossato dodici diversi vestiti nell’ultima
settimana. 10 Cercano di trovare una casa da tanto, ma non riescono a trovarne una che possano permettersi 11 Non ci vediamo da tanto! 12 Non telefonarmi tra le 8 e le 9: starò studiando allora Diana HAS WORN twelve different dresses in the past week! They HAVE BEEN TRYING to find a house for ages, but they can’t find one they can afford We HAVEN’T MET for long (time)! Don’t phone between 8.00 and I’LL BE STUDYING then

4 13 Attento! Quell’albero sta per cadere!
14 Fammi sapere non appena Louise arriverà lì 15 Secondo questo orario, l’autobus arriverà alle 6 16 Che cosa comprerai con i soldi che hai vinto alla lotteria? Look out! That tree IS GOING TO fall! Let me know as soon as Louise GETS there According to this timetable, the bus ARRIVES at 6 What ARE YOU GOING TO BUY with the money you won in the lottery?

5 17 Mi spiace per non essere venuto la scorsa settimana.
Ho avuto il raffreddore e così sono rimasto a casa 18 E’ bello essere qui a Londra: questa è la seconda volta che vengo qui. 19 Questo posto è un caos! Cosa diavolo avete fatto? I’m sorry about not coming last week. I HAD a cold and so I STAYED at home It’s nice to be here in London. This is the second time I HAVE COME here This place is in a terrible mess! What on earth HAVE YOU BEEN DOING?

6 20 La polizia dello Hampshire ha trovato il pericoloso
serpente che si era perso (go missing) all’inizio della settimana Hampshire police HAVE FOUND the dangerous snake which WENT missing earlier in the week

7 2 Put each verb in brackets into a suitable verb form
A friend in the rain WAS WALKING Last week I (walk) home after playing tennis when it (start) raining very heavily. “Oh no, I (get) soaked before I (reach) home,” I thought. “I wish I (remember) to bring my raincoat.” But unfortunately I (leave) it at home. How stupid of me! I (always forget) to bring it with me. STARTED WILL GET REACH HAD REMEMBERED HAD LEFT ALWAYS FORGET

8 Luckily just then a friend of mine passed in her car and offered me a lift. “(you go) home?”
she asked, “or (you want) to go for a drink?” “I think I’d rather you took me home,” I said . “if I (not change) my clothes, I know I (fall) ill , and then I (not be able) to play in the tennis tournament next week. And I (practise) hard for the last month.” “I (wait) for you to change if you (like) ,” she told me. ARE YOU GOING DO YOU WANT DON’T CHANGE WILL FALL WON’T BE ABLE HAVE BEEN PRACTISING LIKE WILL WAIT

9 RELAXED “I think it’s time you (relax) for a change. You (worry) too much about things lately. And people who (worry) too much (fall) ill more easily. It’s got nothing to do with the rain!” HAVE BEEN WORRYING WORRY FALL

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