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PS INFN GRID Obiettivi Scientifici Stato del progetto

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Presentazione sul tema: "PS INFN GRID Obiettivi Scientifici Stato del progetto"— Transcript della presentazione:

1 PS INFN GRID Obiettivi Scientifici Stato del progetto
Connessione con attività ATLAS Persone e risorse 14-luglio-2008 Milano-preCdS L.Perini

2 Milano-preCdS L.Perini
Obiettivi PS INFN GRID Coordinare la partecipazione INFN ai progetti Computing Grid Ottenere così il finanziamento delle persone che sviluppano e mantengono mw e infrastruttura Grid con fondi extra INFN EU ma anche italiani extra INFN Per INFN interesse specifico di GRID è Il suo utilizzo per il calcolo esperimenti LHC Assunzione di leadership in campo tecnologico promettente La principale fonte di fondi è oggi EGEE-III L’utilizzazione di Grid per LHC è coordinata nel progetto LHC Computing Grid (LCG) 14-luglio-2008 Milano-preCdS L.Perini

3 INFN-GRID INFN-GRID è il Progetto Speciale INFN “contenitore” di tutte le attività GRID comprese quelle degli esperimenti: i ricercatori-tecnologi afferenti agli esperimenti che si impegnano in GRID lo fanno per implementare il calcolo del loro esperimento, quindi la loro % INFN GRID è inclusa in quella dell’esperimento Data di inizio: giugno 2000 LCG LHC Computing Grid Ha L’obiettivo di realizzare una infrastruttura (h/w e s/w) comune per il calcolo distribuito degli esperimenti LHC ( 4 aree: Grid Tecnology, Grid Deployment, Fabric, Applications) Fase 1 ( ): realizzazione prototipo Fase2 ( ): realizzazione e gestione del “servizio di calcolo” per LHC 14-luglio-2008

4 The EGEE-II project EGEE EGEE-II Objectives
1 April 2004 – 31 March 2006 71 partners in 27 countries, federated in regional Grids EGEE-II 1 April 2006 – 31 March 2008 91 partners in 32 countries 13 Federations Objectives Large-scale, production-quality infrastructure for e-Science Attracting new resources and users from industry as well as science Maintain and further improve “gLite” Grid middleware Milano-preCdS L.Perini

5 EGEE-III EGEE-III Key objectives
Co-funded under European Commission call INFRA 32.0M€ EC funds compared to ~36.9M € for EGEE-II Riduzione importante (quasi 50%) in JRA1, sviluppo mw, di responsabilità INFN. La mancanza di fondi e’ stata affrontata evitando di rinnovare I contratti EGEE degli stabilizzandi ( 4 a Milano, 13 in tutto) Key objectives Expand/optimise existing EGEE infrastructure, include more resources and user communities Prepare migration from a project-based model to a sustainable federated infrastructure based on National Grid Initiatives 2 year period – 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2010 No gap between EGEE-II and EGEE-III (1 month extension to EGEE-II, ended 30 April 2008) Similar consortium to EGEE-II Now structured on a national basis (National Grid Initiatives/Joint Research Units) Plans for the future - Bob Jones - EGEE-II final EU Review July 2008 Milano-preCdS L.Perini 5 5

6 SLIDES… Prossime slides da ultima Review Eu di EGEEII, svoltasi al CERN 8 Luglio 2008 Seguono slides di presentazione EGI Da Review EGEE-II prevalentemente slides del Project Director Bob Jones, che uso anche per introdurre ruolo e importanza Progetto EGI_DS (European Grid Initiative – Design Study) in cui Milano ha un coinvolgimento importante : L.Perini Leader del WP3 di responsabilita’ INFN e 1 FTE funded (Massimo Pistolese) Per EGI di nuovo 4 slides di Project Director Milano-preCdS L.Perini

7 Manpower Total of 375 FTEs in EGEE-III
9010 person months (vs PMs in EGEE-II; ~20% less) Grand total combining funded and matching contributions NA1: Project Management NA2: Dissemination, Outreach and Communication NA3: Training and Induction NA4: Application Identification and Support NA5: Policy and International Cooperation SA1: Grid Operations, Support and Management SA2: Networking Support SA3: Integration, Testing and Certification JRA1: Middleware Re-engineering Plans for the future - Bob Jones - EGEE-II final EU Review July 2008 Milano-preCdS L.Perini 7 7 7 7

8 Consortium From 91 partners in EGEE-II (+ further 48 JRU members)
To 42 Beneficiaries in EGEE-III (+ 100 JRU members) This change has been made in preparation for a sustainable infrastructure based on a federation of national e-Infrastructures Joint Research Units (precursors to National Grid Initiatives): Austria Belgium Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus France Germany Greece Hungary Israel Italy JRU members are invited to Collaboration Board meetings as Observers Netherlands Norway Poland Romania Russia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom Milano-preCdS L.Perini Plans for the future - Bob Jones - EGEE-II final EU Review July 2008 8 8

9 Estimated cost if performed with Amazon’s EC2 and S3: € 37,624,412.52
EGEE workload in 2007 Data: 25Pb stored 11Pb transferred CPU: 114 Million hours Estimated cost if performed with Amazon’s EC2 and S3: € 37,624,412.52 /05/08 $ Plans for the future - Bob Jones - EGEE-II final EU Review July 2008 Milano-preCdS L.Perini 9 9

10 European Grid Initiative
Need to prepare permanent, common Grid infrastructure Ensure the long-term sustainability of the European e-infrastructure independent of short project funding cycles Coordinate the integration and interaction between National Grid Infrastructures (NGIs) Operate the European level of the production Grid infrastructure for a wide range of scientific disciplines to link NGIs Must be no gap in the support of the production grid Milano-preCdS L.Perini Plans for the future - Bob Jones - EGEE-II final EU Review July 2008 10 10

11 EGI Design Study Project
Project funded by the European Commission Supported by 38 National Grid Initiatives (NGIs) 2 year timescale (started 1st September 2007) Prepare the setup and operation of a new organizational model of a sustainable pan-European grid infrastructure Plans for the future - Bob Jones - EGEE-II final EU Review July 2008 Milano-preCdS L.Perini 11 11

12 Milano-preCdS L.Perini
EGI Objectives Ensure the long-term sustainability of the European e-infrastructure Coordinate the integration and interaction between National Grid Infrastructures Operate the European level of the production Grid infrastructure for a wide range of scientific disciplines to link National Grid Infrastructures 14-luglio-2008 Milano-preCdS L.Perini

13 Milano-preCdS L.Perini
The first e-Infrastructure Call in FP7 Support conceptual design studies for new RI (or major upgrades of existing ones) of clear European dimension and interest; such studies will help to assess technical and financial feasibility of proposed new RI Action should also foster emergence of new organisational models to consolidate a sustainable approach to e-Infrastructures, in particular in the domain of grids and data repositories New service provisioning schemes to be more neutral and open to all user communities and resource providers Year 2007 Year 2008 Year 2009 e-Science Grid Infrastructures Scientific Digital Repositories Deployment of e-Infrastructures for new Scientific Communities New Research Infrastructures – Design studies New Research Infrastructures – Preparatory phase Support measures (studies, policy initiatives, international co-operation,…) Publication: early 2007 Closure: spring 2007 14-luglio-2008 Milano-preCdS L.Perini Slide courtesy of Kyriakos Baxevanidis, EC

14 Milano-preCdS L.Perini
EGI Preparation Team Members: Johannes Kepler Universität Linz (GUP) Greek Research and Technology Network S.A. (GRNET) Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) CSC - Scientific Computing Ltd. (CSC) CESNET, z.s.p.o. (CESNET) European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) Verein zur Förderung eines Deutschen Forschungsnetzes - DFN-Verein (DFN) Science & Technology Facilities Council (STFC) Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique(CNRS) 14-luglio-2008 Milano-preCdS L.Perini

15 Milano-preCdS L.Perini
Work Distribution WP2: EGI Requirements Consolidation (Fotis Karayannis, GRNET) WP3: EGI functionality definition (Laura Perini, INFN) WP4: Study of EGI legal and organisational options (Beatrice Merlin, CNRS) WP5: Establishment of EGI (Jürgen Knobloch, CERN) WP6: EGI Promotion and Links with Other Initiatives (Per Öster, CSC) 14-luglio-2008 Milano-preCdS L.Perini

16 Persone di Milano e sinergie con ATLAS e Tier2
Stabilizzabili non più funded da progetti Grid EU S. Resconi 100% ATLAS e Tier2 D. Rebatto ATLAS 70% e 30% UF JRA1 EGEE3 (blah) L. Vaccarossa Tier2 (ATLAS) 70% e 30% UF SA1 EGEE3 M. Mezzadri JRA1 EGEE2 (blah e info.system) e Serv.Calcolo Unfunded non precari 50% F. Prelz JRA1-INFN 50% L. Perini (diviso fra NA4 EGEE3 ed EGI WP3 Leader) Funded da progetti GRID E. Molinari 100% SA3 EGEE3 M. Pistolese 100% EGI (training in Grid come supporto Tier2) 14-luglio-2008 Milano-preCdS L.Perini

17 Dopo EGEE3 che fine si fa? INFN e Milano in particolare
EGEE3 finisce , le stabilizzazioni (assieme eventualmente al rapporto di Sez. con stabilizzandi) a fine 2009 (fonte U.Dosselli) Non ci sara’ EGEE4, in EGI ci sarà cofin EU simile a EGEE-III, (all’inizio poi discesa) molto probabile ripresa mw, con co-funding nuovo Consorzio gLite ?Possibile nuova casa per i nostri 3 esperti mw/SA3, se non stabilizzati La NGI italiana deve essere stabilita con fondi propri (politica…???) A partire da JRU IGI cofinanziando con EU le operations (ex-SA1) possibimente entro un anno da ora (ottimistico) Reminder: Altri progetti GRID in cui INFN (Milano) è: EuChina, EuMed, EuIndia, EELA2, LIBI, e-NMR, EuAsia, ETICS, EGI/IGI 14-luglio-2008 Milano-preCdS L.Perini

18 Milano-preCdS L.Perini
Necessità PS GRID 2009 Per i fondi si tratta principalmente di missioni e consumo, riporto richieste 2008 ancora tentative.. MI 13 kEuro ME 24,5 kEuro Inoltre sono disponibili altri 10 kEuro sui fondi EGI Consumo 4 kEuro 14-luglio-2008 Milano-preCdS L.Perini

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