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Stato generale di Atlas Maria Curatolo

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Presentazione sul tema: "Stato generale di Atlas Maria Curatolo"— Transcript della presentazione:

1 Stato generale di Atlas Maria Curatolo
Outline Obiettivi Installazione e Commissioning del Rivelatore Programma di attivita’ 2008 Responsabilita’ nella Collaborazione Situazione Finanziaria Atlas Sommario richieste finanziarie 2008 Trattati in altre presentazioni Risultati dell’integrazione(M4) Pasqualucci Preparazione all’analisi Polesello Calcolo Luminari LNF, 18 Settembre 2007 CSN1

2 Obiettivi 2008 Gli obiettivi di Atlas nel 2008 sono:
Completare il lavoro nel pit alla chiusura della macchina. Essere pronti a prendere dati con il rivelatore completo come previsto quando ci saranno i primi fasci. Processare tempestivamente i dati raccolti. Debuggare il rivelatore e verificare le calibrazioni con i dati. Ottenere i primi risultati di Fisica. La schedula temporale delle attivita’ e’ determinata in accordo con la schedula di LHC. Allo stato attuale , la data di chiusura della macchina e’ assunta essere Aprile 2008. Tuttavia la strategia e’ quella di effettuare la chiusura del rivelatore solo quando la chiusura della macchina e’ sicura. LNF, 18 Settembre 2007 CSN1

3 Status of the ATLAS experiment The preparations are in general
very well advanced. The installation and the commissioning of the detector, as well as the preparation for the data collection, the distributed analysis and the Physics have made impressive progress. Because of its size and complexity, the fully readiness for LHC of the detector requires still intense work for the completion of the installation and the commissiong. LNF, 18 Settembre 2007 CSN1

4 Magnet System Magnet system hardware and schedule are healthy and full performance is expected Barrel Toroid and Central Solenoid rest and wait at 70K End Cap Toroid-A and End Cap Toroid-C installed Magnet Test program Test ECT-A and ECT-C separately (250MJ) from end of Oct to mid Nov Test ECT-A+C (500MJ) Test full toroid, BT+ECTA+C (1.5GJ) by end of Nov Re-test of Solenoid depends on calorimeter closing options, t.b.d. Duration test of entire magnet system including solenoid for 2 weeks early 08 to prepare continuous operation later in 08 LNF, 18 Settembre 2007 CSN1

5 Inner Detector (ID) Barrel (SCT+TRT) tested and signed off
Some commissioning of TRT and SCT barrel done in the ATLAS framework Pixel integration ended successfully All ID sub-detectors have been installed LNF, 18 Settembre 2007 CSN1

6 PLC ID heater problem the broken union PS + - X-rays a generic union
On Friday Feb 16, heater # 130 had a catastrophic failure while in steady operation. This heater was used ~2hrs on Feb 15 and then in operation on Feb 16 since ~1hr when a short to ground blew up the union joining the heater cable to the Power Supply cable. A spark was seen. The connector overheated Heaters are placed just at the end of the cooling loop and their function is to vaporize the cooling liquid exiting the detector, in order to push it through the circuit loop The hardware interlock did not properly react to the raise of temperature, because of an error (fault case not considered) in the design of a fuse Part of union blasted off (molded Stycast) Body of union Melted peek insert kapton cable the broken union +55v -55v PLC Fuse PS + - Short to ground on heater X-rays a generic union LNF, 18 Settembre 2007 CSN1

7 Heaters status b Fault reproduced by applying 110V pulses through the connector and understood: Humidity enters the connector, MgO insulator around the wire becomes more conductive (IR MW) (slow process). Current paths inside the glue volume start glue carbonization (IR  kW) (fast process). Then enough current can pass to fuse the connector (very fast process). Fix of the problem: use Thermocoax standard air-ceramic connector . a) welded connector absolutely tight b) no glue ( the fuel of the process) Quick production of prototypes made and solution validated by tests Order for production of all connectors made, full delivery by Oct.23. Schedule made for replacement of all connectors Proper QA crucial for selection of good (tight) connectors ThCx accepted ATLAS engineer (N. Hartman) to supervise QC on site LNF, 18 Settembre 2007 CSN1

8 Pixel : Integrazione e test (prima dell’installazione)
Durante integrazione Connectivity Test per controllare il funzionamento Sviluppate apposite procedure di DAQ Dopo integrazione 99.7% pixel efficienti DST ITT Detector A side Queste fasi hanno visto l’impegno di tutta la collaborazione ma erano sotto responsabilita’ italiana: D. Giugni -Integrazione C. Gemme – Connectivity Test P. Morettini - DAQ LNF, 18 Settembre 2007 CSN1

9 Pixel installation June 28 June 28 June 25
Rivelatore a Pixel installato con successo Dopo l’installazione e’ stata completata la fase di posizionamento e test dei cavi sul primo patch panel (PP1) LNF, 18 Settembre 2007 CSN1

10 Risultati cosmici standalone e offline
10-10 Signal Noise Occupancy Dati raccolti a fine 06, su 3 dischi (EC) Verificato random occupancy ~10-10 occupancy= # pixel accesi /bunch crossing Misurata efficienza media dagli overlap ~99% Misurata sincronizzazione dei moduli con risoluzione < 1ns Verificata risoluzione spaziale (~18mm) come prevista dal MC per questo setup : tracce cosmici basso momento e grande dispersione angolo di incidenza Delay vs. Module ns Disk 0 Disk 1 Disk 2 10 ns Contributi italiani anche alle nuove realease del SW di ATLAS . Inseriti nella release 13: Geometry survey, module distortions,timewalk and cosmics timing , monitoring package validation tool In preparazione per release 14: Implementazione di monitoring per Athena Pit e Tier0 (necessario per M5), implementazione algoritmi di calibrazione (risoluzione,angolo di Lorenz), trasferimenti dati di calibrazione online (soglie , TOT) A Andreazza e’ il coord. del SW offline Hits in time with trigger Flat noise distribution LNF, 18 Settembre 2007 CSN1

11 Attivita’ futura Completamento cablaggio e connessione cooling a PP1.
Inizio dopo EC-SCT sign-off ( Nov 07, 8 week). Altre installazione dei cavi , delle fibre e dei vari Patch panel in UX15 sono sostanzialmente completate. Test della catena completa servizi con PVSS (Ott-Dic 07) Installazione altri patch panels e power supplies nelle counting room in progress. PS LV Wiener, ricevuti al CERN, errori di consegna da parte della ditta e test estremamente lento del pool del CERN hanno rallentato la consegna a noi Ad inizio comincera’ il commissioning finale non appena sara’ possibile raffreddare il rivelatore. Integrazione nel sistema di acquisizione di ATLAS a partire da M5 e run cosmici da Aprile In parallelo continuera’ l’attivita’ di preparazione del software offline per il monitoring e il debugging del rivelatore, oltre alla simulazione dettagliata dello stesso In Sr1 un setup ‘realistico’ parziale (~ 5%) per esercitare DAQ/DCS e in futuro per studiare specifici problemi durante l’operazione LNF, 18 Settembre 2007 CSN1

12 B-layer replacement E’ iniziata attivita’ in preparazione alla sostituzione del B-Layer, stimata necessaria dopo 3 anni a piena luminosita’ (2012) Possibili opzioni sono la sostituzione del B Layer esistente oppure l’aggiunta di uno strato piu’ interno a raggio minore Nuovo design di FE chip (FE-I4) in 0.13mm per arrivare a FDR a fine 2008 Produzione di prototipi di piccoli blocchi e parti analogiche Modellazione e prototipizzazione di nuovi supporti meccanici con cooling integrato e utilizzo di materiali compositi N.Darbo e’ coordinatore del B-layer replacement e Pixel Upgrade LNF, 18 Settembre 2007 CSN1

13 Cold and filled with LAr
ATLAS LAr ECA ECC Cold and filled with LAr In stable conditions since mid March 07 Cold and filled with Lar since beginning of July 07 Cold and filled with LAr In stable conditions since June 06 Barrel All EC calorimeters/presampler HV are ON at nominal voltage Barrel now at 1.6 kV (instead of 2 kV nom.). LNF, 18 Settembre 2007 CSN1 13

14 Electronics All Electronics Boards have been produced and tested.
Most boards have been installed in either the FE system on detector in UX15 or in the off-detector BE system in USA15. Several components needed redesign / retrofitting / refurbishing: High voltage power supplies HVPS almost done in September delivery of 21 new generat. modules to complete equip. of calorimeter Low voltage power supplies LVPS almost done Retrofit completed ( by ALGEN / BNL) installation almost done on Barrel,ECA,ECC (95%) Front-end boards FEB starting ECC done, ECA in October , Barrel starts ~December/ January 2008 (schedule depending on access to calorimeters /use special round scaffolding for the barrel) LNF, 18 Settembre 2007 CSN1

15 LAr Commissioning Basic detector functionality Readout/trigger chain
Cabling, channel mapping, dead/inefficient channels, noise, x-talk Readout/trigger chain Full LVL1/TDAQ/online/offline chain, Interfaces between e.g. DAQ, DCS, DB Signal Check pulse shapes, initial calibration constants, signal reconstruction Timing Check cable lengths descriptions, offsets LNF, 18 Settembre 2007 CSN1

16 Chasing down sources of noise
Some flashes from commissioning Pedestal RMS (ADC) Channel # + without 2nd filter + with 2nd filter Noise from the Tile LVPS Barrel: 17MHz noise in middle and back EM Entered in base plane through heater (insufficient attenuation on filter box) 2nd filter added: works! Now adding 2nd filter to all FT (In September) Cosmic Run em barrel Data (Oct 06 +Mar 07)  Uniformity Z (cm) LNF, 18 Settembre 2007 CSN1

17 Milano HV activity ( commissioning)
HV activity and DCS software For all LAr calorimeters (Barrel, Endcaps, Forward) Integration in the ATLAS DCS HV/DCS aim to be completed in spring 2008 HV operation of the EM barrel and barrel presampler Tests in Milano of special HV modules (high curr.) LNF, 18 Settembre 2007 CSN1

18 Tile Calorimeter FE electronics LVPS revision Servicing Commissioning
Pisa technical support Pisa technical support LVPS revision Servicing Commissioning Pisa Pisa Monitoring Integration Pisa Tile DCS Calibration Pisa Timing Data bases Pisa LNF, 18 Settembre 2007 CSN1

19 Refurbishment of F/E (Super Drawer)
Taskforce recommendation to fully refurbish all super-drawers as allowed by ATLAS TC Front-end electronics components checked: Motherboard dominoes changed Digitizer dominoes changed Harting connector pins checked High voltage flexible foils cleaned Signal flexible foils solid fixation Fully refurbished super-drawers show no failures since the initial ones done in February and April. Fully refurbished TileCal super-drawer electronics refurbishment evolution NOW : fixed about 100 SD (LB part +ECB) wire screw Digitizer board Digitizer dominoes Harting connectors Signal flexible foils In-situ refurbishment LNF, 18 Settembre 2007 CSN1

20 LVPS Installed or Ready
LVPS repair schedule LVPS Installed or Ready LNF, 18 Settembre 2007 CSN1

21 M4 Integration Run (27/08-03/09)
TileCal is taking data with other sub-detectors since the first integration week (it was the first sub-detector from which we started the integration. During M4 integration run SCT has been integrated) New TDAQ software version (tdaq ), upgrade was smooth Some attention has been put to monitoring and Data Quality tools Pisa involvement: Shifts, Responsible for DAQ, Tile Online Monitoring and for ATLAS histogram presenter LNF, 18 Settembre 2007 CSN1

22 Tile calorimeter status
TileCal detector status in good shape. Refurbishment process working steadily. LVPS installation accomplishing deadlines. Back-end robust and stable. Online data taking stable. Excellent performance during milestone weeks. Monitoring/DQ happily growing. DCS integration successful. Calibration with Cesium on track. Laser installation and integration in good shape. Offline code ready to work with ATLAS release 13. LNF, 18 Settembre 2007 CSN1

23 Attivita’ 2008 Fino ad Aprile
Continuazione refurbishment dei SuperDrawers. Dopo Aprile continuazione test del calorimetro: Calibrazione di tutte le celle ed analisi off line dei dati Cosmics runs LNF, 18 Settembre 2007 CSN1

24 Muon System Installation work is progressing well
Only 1 BW, 2 SW and EO are not yet installed (4 Barrel Stations 1 BOG8 , 3 BIL sector 13 A not installed to access ID) Barrel commissioning is progressing well 144 MDT and 24 RPC-LVL1 readout in the pit but for the RPC’s higher speed is needed End-Cap commissioning has been successful, mainly due to the pre-commissioning performed in each sector in B-180 80 MDT readout in the pit Three of the 4 MUON detectors (MDT-RPC and TGC) are well integrated in the ATLAS Data taking. Run combinato cosmici RPC-MDT settore 5 durante la Milestone 4 (~1M events) LNF, 18 Settembre 2007 CSN1

25 MUON Barrel Commissioning
Since not all the services were available in the experiment, a set of commissioning stages have been implemented: Level I Fast test of chamber integrity: gas tightness and broken wires. Done for almost all installed chambers. Level II Check basic functions like DCS, FE and for the RPC, also the threshold behavior. For the MDT this has been done for the majority of the detectors, for the RPC’s it has been done for 60%. Level III Performed a cosmic test using final services, power supplies and ROD’s. LNF, 18 Settembre 2007 CSN1

26 Single-channel noise ~ noise per chamber / 300
TDC spectrum Cosmic ray run M4 LNF, 18 Settembre 2007 CSN1

27 RPC standalone track reconstruction
RPC Sector 5 RPC standalone track reconstruction HV = 9600 V Rocks + concrete layers sector 5A sector 5C LNF, 18 Settembre 2007 CSN1

28 Partecipazione INFN al commissioning dello spettrometro per muoni
Partecipazione italiana: Coordinazione generale (2 coordinatori) Coordinazione in installazione servizi LV/HV (2 tecnologi) Responsabilita’ monitoring online, DAQ, DCS HV/LV (fisici) Responsabilita’ del sistema del gas RPC ( fisico) Test cavi, connessioni a boards e a camere (tecnici + fisici) Presa dati, analisi e risoluzione problemi su camere (fisici) Partecipazione a run combinati di cosmici (fisici) Posizionamento camere (Ingegneri e tecnici) LNF, 18 Settembre 2007 CSN1

29 RPC/LVL1 commissioning
Il commissioning degli RPC e del Trigger di muoni di Primo Livello e’ molto complesso. Le fasi iniziali del lavoro hanno indicato che la velocita’ di commissioning finora ottenuta era molto inferiore a quanto richiesto per completare il lavoro entro aprile 2008 e che poteva comportare pesanti ritardi. E’ stata fatta dai gruppi RPC/LVL1 un’analisi molto dettagliata dei task che fanno parte dell’attivita’ di commissioning ed e’ stato possibile individuare quali task limitavano la velocita’. Programmando la parallelizzazione di tali task e’ possibile ottenere la velocita’ di 2 settori/mese, che consente il completamento entro Aprile. Sono richieste grandi risorse di man-power e la programmazione dettagliata e accurata delle operazioni da fare e della composizione delle squadre che le effettueranno. LNF, 18 Settembre 2007 CSN1

30 Task list (1-10) Power supply module test (A. Lanza, R.Cardarelli)
Develop and test of the RPC ROD Firmware (V. Izzo) Hardware test of the ROD (V. Izzo) Software development of the ROD and test in TDAQ software(M. DellaPietra) RPC integration in the ATLAS DAQ (D. DellaVolpe) Firmware upgrades for RXSL and PAD (R. Vari) Hardware test of MUCTPI and RXSL (F.Spila) Power rack services installation (R. Cardarelli) Routing of the environmental sensors branches and patches installation (R. Cardarelli) Power cables final routing and connections (R. Cardarelli) LNF, 18 Settembre 2007 CSN1

31 Task list (11-20) Routing of the DCS (Flat) cables (R. Cardarelli)
Full test of the power racks functionality (R. Cardarelli) Test cavi lato camere e connessione delle camere (D. Boscherini) Test LV (D. Boscherini) Gas (R. DeAsmundis) Test di HV (P.Giusti) DCS developments (G.Aielli) Sector DCS data structure and connection with the hardware (G.Aielli) Software implementation of the detector condition and configuration databases (A. Polini) Chamber side: cabling of eta, phi and low-hight pt cables. (S.Veneziano) LNF, 18 Settembre 2007 CSN1

32 Task list (21-30) Chamber side: optical fibres and control cables connections and tests (S.Veneziano) Provide RPC group with singles rates measurements (DDC) (F.Pastore) Upgrade on-detector firmware (R. Vari) Populate Trigger Configuration and DAQ databases: define TDAQ segments (F.Spila) Interconnection tests (S.Veneziano) Optimize thresholds (HV off) (R. Cardarelli) Optimize thresholds (HV on) (R. Cardarelli) Online monitoring. (D. DellaVolpe) Random trigger runs (V. Canale) Optimize thresholds after channel masking (V. Canale, R. Cardarelli) LNF, 18 Settembre 2007 CSN1

33 Task list (31-38) Automatic current and singles rate scan vs. HV, fixed Vth (G.Aielli,R.Cardarelli) LVL1 commissioning (S.Veneziano) Iterate Cosmics runs (standalone) and chamber Commissioning (G.Chiodini) Systematic efficiency studies (M. Bianco) Combined runs with MDTs (B.Liberti, A DiCiaccio) Athena interface to existing condition and configuration databases (E.Gorini) Provide trigger road settings (F. Conventi) Estimate cosmic rates for different trigger settings (E.Solfaroli) LNF, 18 Settembre 2007 CSN1

34 Esempio di scheda per un task
LNF, 18 Settembre 2007 CSN1

35 La schedule LNF, 18 Settembre 2007 CSN1

36 TDAQ in ATLAS site Event data pulled: partial events @ ≤ 100 kHz,
~1800 5 ~100 multi-core nodes ~ 500 CERN computer centre Data Storage Event rate ~ 200 Hz Local Storage SubFarm Outputs (SFOs) DataFlow Manager Event Builder SubFarm Inputs (SFIs) Event Filter (EF) Network switches Event data requests Delete commands Gigabit Ethernet Requested event data pROS stores LVL2 output farm Network switches Second- level trigger SDX1 Regions Of Interest LVL2 Super- visor Event data pulled: partial events @ ≤ 100 kHz, full events @ ~ 3.5 kHz USA15 UX15 ATLAS detector Read- Out Drivers (RODs) First- level trigger Read-Out Subsystems (ROSs) Dedicated links Timing Trigger Control (TTC) 1600 Links VME ~150 PCs Data of events accepted by first-level trigger Event data ≤ 100 kHz, 1600 fragments of ~ 1 kByte each RoI Builder LNF, 18 Settembre 2007 CSN1 36

37 Trigger / DAQ Status A large fraction of the DataFlow and Online h/w has already been purchased 100% ROS, DFM, SFO, Monitoring and Online Services ~30% of central network and SFI But <10% of HLT nodes purchased Only the ones strictly needed for DAQ/HLT commissioning Main HLT purchases delayed as long as possible Most part of the system is kept operational 24/7 Detector commissioning , global ATLAS Commissioning Runs , Technical Runs HLT/DAQ M4 4 final SFO machines writing to Castor 2 Achieved 200 Hz (event size ~ 2 Mbyte), 400 MB/s Segments: SCT, TRT, LArg, Tile, RPC and MDT High-rate test achieved 50 kHz, with LAr segment only LNF, 18 Settembre 2007 CSN1

38 HLT DAQ LNF, 18 Settembre 2007 CSN1 LNF, 18 Settembre 2007 38 CSN1
A. Negri (Pavia) Coordinatore Event Filter Dataflow A. Nisati (Roma1) Coordinatore Muon Slice, Chair TDAQ IB F. Parodi (Genova) Coordinatore b-tagging Slice M. Primavera (Lecce) Online Data Quality Muoni V. Vercesi (Pavia) Coordinatore TAPM (TriggerAlgorithmsPerformance&Menus) Attività italiane Trigger di Livello-1 muoni barrel (Napoli, Roma1, Roma2) Trigger di Livello-2 muoni (Pisa, Roma1) Trigger di Livello-2 pixel (Genova) Event Filter Dataflow (LNF, Pavia) Selection software steering (Genova) Event Filter Muoni (Lecce, Napoli, Pavia, Roma1) DAQ (LNF, Pavia, Roma1) DCS (Napoli, Roma1, Roma2) Monitoring (Cosenza, Napoli, Pavia, Pisa) Online Data Quality Muon Slice (Lecce) Responsabilità integrazione online Muon Slice (Pavia, Roma1) HLT/DAQ system commissioning and exploitation (Everybody) LNF, 18 Settembre 2007 CSN1 LNF, 18 Settembre 2007 38 CSN1

39 Integration weeks schedule
Dates Systems Integration Detector configuration Operations Cosmic run Training ACR M1: 11-19/ DAQ R/O Barrel Lar & Tile CTP Barrel calorimeters Achieve combined run 2 days Tile cosmic trigger N/A Initial setup: 5 desks Central DCS M2 28/2 to 13/3 2007 DAQ/EB DAQ V. 1.7 Muon barrel (S. 13) Monitoring/DQ Barrel Muon Combined runs Mixed runs 2 x weekd ends Tile cosmic trigger + RPC cosmic trigger Periodic cosmic runs after M2 After M2 week Increase to 7 desks M3 4/6 to 18/6 2007 Barrel SCT Barrel TRT Muon EC (MDT, TGC) Offline Barrel and End Cap calorimeters Barrel muon (5&6) EC muon MDT Barrel SCT, TRT EC muon TGC 1st week focus on operations, checklist management, coordination between desks 1 week Tile + Muon cosmic trigger (side A) 4/6 to 11/6 Towards final layout: 13 desks M4 23/8 to 3/9 2 day setup 2 week ends Level-1 Calo HLT DAQ 1.8 Offline 13 Barrel & EC calos Barrel & EC muon SCT R/O Level-1 Mu, Calo ATLAS-like operations Use of DQ assessment Try also calorimeter trigger Whole week Final setup M5 22/10 to 5/11 ID EC (TRT) Pixel (probably R/O only) SCT quadrant M4 + Pixel (R/O only, no detector) Week 1 system assessment Week 2 ATLAS-like operations M6 February/March + SCT and Pixel detectors ATLAS-like A V I L B E F O R U S E LNF, 18 Settembre 2007 CSN1 39

40 LUCID: the design approved in January 2007
LNF, 18 Settembre 2007 CSN1

41 LUCID LAr + TileCal (1 int. per event) LUCID Geo - Model
LNF, 18 Settembre 2007 CSN1

42 LUCID : stato attuale e piani
I due detector (fase 1) che devono essere installati in ATLAS sono stati completati in AGOSTO al CERN. Rispettata la schedula presentata a Gennaio alla review. Cominciata la fase di commissioning e di ottimizzazione dei detector. Debugging of the detector: gas leak tests, PMT calibration with LEDS (Aug-Dec) Test beam: to measure detector response at SPS H8 (October) Rad-hard tests: ongoing Installation in ATLAS: March 2008 ? LNF, 18 Settembre 2007 CSN1

43 LUCID: main activities in Bologna
Electronics: development of the DAQ/TRIGGER/Slow control cards. PMT: radiation hardness studies. Test of the Hamamatsu PMTs. Mechanics: design and realization of the LUCID gas vessel. Assembly of the two detectors. Software: development and optimization of the MC code. Simulation of the backgrounds. Implementation in the ATLAS framework. Development of the lumi determination algorithm. R&D for the high lumi detector. Responsabilità di membri del gruppo: M. Bruschi Project Leader A. Sbrizzi SW coordinator per i forward detectors LNF, 18 Settembre 2007 CSN1

44 ATLAS : Programma di attivita’ 2008
L’attivita’ di Atlas nel 2008 e’ finalizzata ad avere il rivelatore pronto per prendere dati a LHC, e ad avere il software e il computing system pronti per processare e analizzare i dati. L’attivita’ 2008 riguarda : Completamento dell’installazione Overall commissioning del rivelatore Commissioning del software e del Computing System I problemi di malfunzionamento incontrati nel commissioning dei vari sottosistemi sono stati risolti con lavori di “refurbishing”. LNF, 18 Settembre 2007 CSN1

45 Scheduling Strategy Give priority to the calorimeter refurbishing and the sign off of the entire ID Full Toroid Endcap test should be achieved ~ end November ’07 SW/JD installation end of ’07 (Just after the Toroid test) Complete all muon mechanical installation including EO chambers before or during Toroid test Make use of the major opening activities in Dec/January to allow yearly maintenance of various services Then stay open with the following access until we are asked to close or we decide to start a full magnet test : Barrel Cal surface: ~ 3 meters to allow Cal and ID access. EC Cal Access of ~ 1.5 meters JD/SW Connected in the retracted position on the rails EC Toroid in the Park position on the side or on the beam LNF, 18 Settembre 2007 CSN1

46 Schedule 9.2 LNF, 18 Settembre 2007 CSN1

47 Responsabilita’ nella Collaborazione
I gruppi INFN contribuiscono al lavoro di : Commissioning del rivelatore (pixel, Lar, Tile, mu, Tr/DAQ) Run di integrazione del rivelatore Preparazione del software e del Computing System Preparazione all’analisi Per molte delle attivita’ che vengono svolte il coordinamento e’ fatto da membri di Atlas-Italia. Membri di Atlas-Italia ricoprono incarichi di responsabilita’ nella struttura di management e coordinazione di Atlas : Project-Leadership dei sottosistemi ID (L. Rossi), Muon (L. Pontecorvo eletto, in carica da marzo 2008) Level1 Trigger (S. Veneziano), Lucid (M. Bruschi), Computing (D. Barberis) Physics group coordination Higgs (A. Nisati), Susy(G. Polesello), Tau/Etmiss (D. Cavalli), Simulation Strategy Group (M. Cobal) IB-Chair Muon(M. Livan), Tile(T. Del Prete) CB-Advisory group : M. Curatolo Panel for Operation Task Sharing (POTS) : M. Curatolo Speaker Committee : A. Di Ciaccio Authorship Committee , Publication Committee: M. Cobal LNF, 18 Settembre 2007 CSN1

48 Projected Budget Balance (RRB 2007-018-Table 17)
LNF, 18 Settembre 2007 CSN1

49 Updated Financial Overview
Financial framework Initial Construction MoU MCHF Updated construction baseline MCHF Additional Cost to Completion (accepted in RRB October 2002) MCHF based on the Completion Plan (CERN-RRB ) Additional CtC identified (mentioned at the last RRB, and now announced in CERN-RRB ) MCHF Total costs for the initial detector MCHF Missing funding at this stage for the initial detector: Baseline Construction MoU, mainly Common Fund MCHF (of which 4 MCHF are in progress of being paid) 2002 Cost to Completion (CC and C&I) calculated shares MCHF (assuming that the U.S. will provide their remaining 4.5 MCHF on a best effort basis) It must be stressed that all these resources, already specified in the 2002 Completion Plan, are needed to complete the initial detector Note for planning purposes that not included are: - This assumes beam pipe closure end August 2007, later dates would imply additional manpower costs of kCHF per month - No provision for future ‘force majeure’ cost overruns - Restoration of the design-luminosity detector, estimated material costs of parts not included in present initial detector (CERN-RRB ) MCHF - Forward detectors parts (luminosity) not funded yet MCHF LNF, 18 Settembre 2007 CSN1

50 Reminder of Global Budget Position
New worries Recent problems in the ID (heaters, electronics repairs, additional manpower,) ~ 1 MCHF and still counting … Impact of latest announced delay of 7 months ATLAS has signaled that additional month <300> kCHF Roman Pots/LUCID So far provided as in-kind, plus some central TCn costs Not a big deal at the moment but need to address this soon Consequences Need still to assess the costs (and how to cover them) Will report the situation in October Unless FAs make the expected contributions (baseline, CtC), the above costs cannot be absorbed, even by using deferral funds => more than ever, ATLAS relies on FAs fulfilling the expectations LNF, 18 Settembre 2007 CSN1 50

51 BILANCIO 2008- Richieste totale 219 3799 1868 4 127 3570 9586
MI ME Cons Trasp Inv CA Tot totale MOF-A MOF-B CtC HLT CORE (705) Calcolo LNF, 18 Settembre 2007 CSN1

52 Sommario Richieste - SLHC
LNF, 18 Settembre 2007 CSN1

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