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SPES (highlights and economic plan)

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Presentazione sul tema: "SPES (highlights and economic plan)"— Transcript della presentazione:

1 SPES (highlights and economic plan)
b g d SPES (highlights and economic plan) Commissione Scientifica III 31 Gennaio 2012

2 SPES*: the hope of the laboratory
g d SPES*: the hope of the laboratory SPES is a research project centered on basic nuclear physics and astrophysics, with applications to : : - production of radionuclides of medical interest; - generation of neutrons, for material studies, generation IV reactors possibily health SPES, together with the operation of existing machines, is the future of the laboratory * SPES, Selective Productiono of Exotic Species, is the latin word for Hope

3 SPES-a: the heart of the laboratory
Applicazioni In 2003 INFN has approved and financed (with 16.3 Meuro) the phase a of SPES, consisting of: - Acquisition, installation and commissioning of a cyclotron with high current (~1mA) and energy up to 70 MeV (order placed). Building for the cyclotron and experimental stations (final design in progress) My gratitutde for INFN for adding 3M Euro in december 2011 The cyclotron will have two outputs: -one for physics of radioactive ion physics” -one dedicated to applications Finanziati: 19.3 Meuro Impegnati: 12.8 Meuro Residuo : Meuro Costo edilizia ~9 Meuro

4 SPES-b: the re-acceleration of radioactive ions
SPES-a produces radiactive ions by collision of protons on a UCX target The principal interest is in the production of collisions of these nuclei after re-acceleration The re-acceleration will exploit the ALPI-PIAVE system already installed at LNL Phase b is in competition with a french project (SPIRAL2 del CEA, cost 100Meuro) ma it is also complementary. The existing operational agreement(LEA, Laboratori Europei Associati) foresees SPIRAL2 and SPES as partners of a joint activity For SPES-b Meuro are needed. This part has been approved but not yet financed by INFN

5 Needs and sources for SPES-b
Cost is Meuros depending on options INFN has just presented it to MIUR as a “progetto premiale” Some 22 Meuro are being asked, in a 3 year project “Se son rose fioriranno”

6 SPES-g: production of radionuclides
Produzione di radioisotopi Among applications, production of radionuclides of medical interesr is particularly interesting. The model is the ARRONAX center in France at Nantes, where a similar cyclotron is being commissioned. The total cost of the French project, including the cyclotron, is about 40 Meuro By exploting the cyclotron and its building, a similar center can be built, with a cost of Meuros depending on the number of production lines a b g d INFN can provide protons and technical assistance, but anything downstream with respect to the target has to be managed by a firm engaged in the medical sector

7 The LARAMED project LAboratory for the production of Radionuclidies of MEDical interest, bSPES- explotinig the cyclotron of SPES-a Aim is the production of -innovative radiopharmaceutical (e.g. Cu-64/Cu-67 and or -traditional radiopharmaceutical with new approaches (Tc-99m) LARAMED has been presented to MIUR in the framework of the “progetti premiali”, asking for 20 Meuro in 3 years

8 Produzione di radioisotopi SPES-d a b g d The cyclotron can be used as an intense neutron source, with the aim of building: -A) neutron source for material studies -B) simulator of a fast reactor -C) a demonstrator of an accelerator driven fast reactor …….

9 SPES-d: Come sorgente intensa di neutroni si puo’ anche utilizzare un Linac RFQ ad altissima intensita’ (30 mA) ed energia in fino a 5 MeV in fase di sviluppo a LNL, originariamente considerato come iniettroe di SPES Puo’ fornire una sorgente intensa di neutroni sulla scala MeV, ma anche termici ed epitermici Le applicazioni sono molteplici: - astrofisica nucleare (LENOS) - caratterizzazione di scorie nucleari (SOGIN) -BNCT ( Accelerator Based Neutron Capture Therapy), (Uni Pavia) Accordo INFN-SOGIN-Universita’ di Pavia siglato nel 2011 Progetto MUNES (Multidisciplinary neutron source) ,presentato nell’ambito ddei progetti premiali, per ~ 15 Meuro in 3 anni

10 Ringraziamenti e un invito
SPES e’ un progetto maturo, grazie al lavoro negli anni di molte strutture INFN, in particolare LNS, MI, FI NA, oltre a LNL e PD e al sostegno della comunita’ scientifica Grazie a tutto l’ INFN, che in tempi difficili ha trovato le risorse necessarie per l’edilizia Grazie alla giunta INFN , per aver stimoltato e poi apprezzato i progetti premiali in cui si articola SPES …Se son rose fioriranno… Una preghiera: 5 giugno pomeriggio tutti ai LNL per i 50 anni del laboratorio (e per vedere se e’ sbocciato qualcosa)


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