Dichiarazione dei servizi di sito nel GOCDB

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Presentazione sul tema: "Dichiarazione dei servizi di sito nel GOCDB"— Transcript della presentazione:

1 Dichiarazione dei servizi di sito nel GOCDB

Il GOCDB Cliccare a sinistra per read-only Cliccare a destra per editare Database autoritativo nei quali i site manager dichiarano i servizi che sono offerti nei loro siti. In base a queste informazioni, vengono fatti i test ai servizi dei siti stessi. VERIFICARE LE INFORMAZIONI NEL GOCDB

3 Alcune verifiche da fare: CREAM CE
GOCDB: Service Type: CREAM-CE Production: Y Monitored: Y MON-IT:

4 Alcune verifiche da fare: ACCOUNTING
GOCDB: Hostname di uno dei CE (LCG o CREAM) Service Type: APEL Production: Y Monitored: Y MON-IT: HLRMON:

5 Dismissione MON-BOX Ci sono ancora siti che pubblicano il servizio MON-BOX: Eliminare il Service Type dal GOCDB; Riconfigurare l’hostname con yaim senza il profilo MON-BOX

6 gLexec (1/2) The main gLExec home page with useful how-to's, debugging hints and a FAQ is located at: The gLExec system, used in combination with the LCAS site-local authorization system and the LCMAPS local credential mapping service, provides an integrated solution for site access control to grid resources. With the introduction of gLExec, the submission model can be extended from the traditional gatekeeper models, where authorization and credential mapping only take place at the site’s ‘edge’. Retaining consistency in access control, gLExec allows a larger variety of job submission and management scenarios that include per-VO schedulers on the site and the late binding of workload to job slots in a scenario where gLExec in invoked by pilot jobs on the worker node. But it is also the mapping ingredient of a new generation of resource access services, like CREAM.

7 gLexec (2/2) The deployment scenarios and the installation reference for gLExec in EGEE/EGI and OSG is described at . WLCG and several NGIs have requested monitoring of glexec nodes. Probe is already provided as part of grid-monitoring-probes-org.sam package. Since not all CEs have glexec capabilities, site admins must declare (CE) nodes as glexec. This information is essential for proper configuration of SAM instances. So, for each CE supporting gLExec capability, a sitemanager must add in the Service Endpoints table of the GOCDB the Service Type gLExec associated to the hostname hosting the CE publishing GlueCECapability: glexec

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