Independent work in S17– Lavoro indipendente in S17

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1 Independent work in S17– Lavoro indipendente in S17
Le regole – Rules Boy/girl seating plan Follow instructions of ppt and work on your book Brilliant behaviour and great attitude to work are expected All work should be completed For time wasters will follow consequences

2 Obiettivi: Titolo: Che cosa mangi e bevi per colazione?
giovedì, il 23 giugno 2016 Titolo: Che cosa mangi e bevi per colazione? Obiettivi: All – To learn up to 11 types of food and drink in Italian Most – To be able to say what we have for breakfast Some – To be able to write a description of breakfast habits including opinions Per cominciare: Come si dice in italiano?

3 Come vai a scuola? io vado a scuola in bici perché secondo me è veloce
invece il Signor Hughes va a scuola è comodo. in treno perché secondo lui Could you extend your writing by adding how someone else comes to school and why? All – To learn up to 11 types of food and drink in Italian Most – To be able to say what we have for breakfast Some – To be able to write a description of breakfast habits including opinions

4 Can you come up with a rule?
Come si dice in inglese? Mi piace il pane I like bread 2. Mi piacciono i biscotti I like biscuits 3. Mi piace il latte I like milk 4. Non mi piacciono i cereali I don’t like cereals 5. Non mi piace il tè I don’t like tea What do you notice? Can you come up with a rule? All – To learn up to 11 types of food and drink in Italian Most – To be able to say what we have for breakfast Some – To be able to write a description of breakfast habits including opinions

5 water biscuits tea coffee orange juice bread milk cereals
Che cosa mangi e bevi per colazione? Completate il matching: water biscuits i biscotti una banana tea coffee il latte il pane tostato orange juice l’acqua il tè bread milk una mela il caffè cereals il pane Matching pictures words in their sheet. i cereali toasted bread an apple il succo d’arancia a banana All – To revise transports and the verb andare in Italian Most – To be able to say what we have for breakfast Some – To be able to write a description of breakfast habits including opinions

6 Are these words masculine or feminine, plural or singular?
il pane tostato il caffè il pane il tè una banana i biscotti l’acqua Ask students if they can recognise feminine or masculine nouns (possibly plural nouns too) il latte i cereali una mela il succo d’arancia All – To revise transports and the verb andare in Italian Most – To be able to say what we have for breakfast Some – To be able to write a description of breakfast habits including opinions

7 How can we say “some” in Italian?
il la l’ i gli di Students guess and draw a table in their book. dell’ del della dei degli All – To learn up to 11 types of food and drink in French Most – To be able to say what we have for breakfast Some – To be able to write a description of breakfast habits including opinions

8 Che cosa mangi e bevi per colazione?
del pane tostato del caffè del pane del tè una banana dei biscotti dell’acqua del latte dei cereali del succo d’arancia una mela All – To learn up to 11 types of food and drink in Italian Most – To be able to say what we have for breakfast Some – To be able to write a description of breakfast habits including opinions

9 Che cosa mangi e bevi per colazione. Per colazione io mangio
Che cosa mangi e bevi per colazione? Per colazione io mangio...(I eat) Per colazione io bevo..(I drink). del caffè del pane tostato del tè del pane dell’acqua una banana dei biscotti del latte del succo d’arancia una mela dei cereali All – To learn up to 11 types of food and drink in Italian Most – To be able to say what we have for breakfast Some – To be able to write a description of breakfast habits including opinions

10 Scrivete cosa mangiate e bevete per colazione – Write what you eat and drink for breakfast :
durante la settimana... per colazione... io mangio... e io bevo... però il fine settimana... mi piace... mi piacciono (i biscotti) mia madre / mio padre (etc.) mangia... e beve... during the week... for breakfast... I eat... and I drink... however... on the weekend... I like (singular) I like (plural) my mum / my dad (etc.) eats… and drinks… All – To learn up to 11 types of food and drink in Italian Most – To be able to say what we have for breakfast Some – To be able to write a description of breakfast habits including opinions

11 Lavoro extra di consolidazione – Extra work for consolidation.
Go on Linguascope (username sjcc password milan) Beginner-Italian-Il cibo-La prima colazione. Practise vocabulary with different activities. Practise today’s vocabulary on Arcade Games following the link below. All – To learn up to 11 types of food and drink in Italian Most – To be able to say what we have for breakfast Some – To be able to write a description of breakfast habits including opinions

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