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The society of the 13th century

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Presentazione sul tema: "The society of the 13th century"— Transcript della presentazione:

1 The society of the 13th century
Unit 1. The Christian West between war and peace Ch. 3 The society of the 13th century S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016

2 The revival of towns Towns and cities expand (old Roman centers or
new settlements) Commercial exchanges and handicraft start to develop again S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016

3 Towns in the Middle Ages
The people become more involved in government Urban centers Self-government or local autonomy Craftmen's associations: guilds or corporations Universities (secular cultural space) Dynamic vision of life, based on enrichment and faith in reason S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016

4 The maritime republics
It plays a crucial role in the struggle against the Saracen pirates; it becomes weaker after the Norman conquest of Southern Italy (1095) Amalfi It competes with Genoa for dominance in the Western Mediterranean, but it is defeated in the battle of Meloria (1284) Pisa It trades with Northern Europe, the Black Sea, and the Western Mediterranean. It competes with Venice for trade with Bisantium. Trade is dealt with by private individuals and companies. Genoa It is ruled by a mercantile oligarchy. It dominates the Adriatic sea and the Eastern Mediterranean. Trade operations are managed by the state. Venice S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016

5 A new era for trade Merchants' associations and town leagues relaunch
trade expansion Some regions host fairs or manufactury hubs Money is used again for payments. Banks and promissory notes are introduced S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016

6 Emargination in the Middle Ages
It is the Church that decides to exclude individuals from the community This is often the case for: people engaging with despised activities physically vulnerable people (poor, ill, old people, etc.) mentally vulnerable people (madmen) non-Christian people (Jews and heretics) S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016

7 Dualistic understanding of life
The Cathars Dualistic understanding of life God of light Satan Reasons for Cathars' popularity Support from political élites Distinction between “perfect” and ordinary believers, who can keep their goods Ability to combine religious and political hostility against the Catholic Church S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016

8 Cathars and Waldenses in Europe
S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016

9 Hereticals praising poverty
The clergy's wealth attracts increasing criticism religious movements rise against it Peter Abelard rejects the mediating role of Church authorities Arnold of Brescia stresses the missionary and spiritual vocation of the Church Peter Waldo and the Waldenses seek a non-mediated relationship with God Humiliati and beguines (living and praying together) are included within the Church S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016

10 Control upon people's minds
New instruments are introduced to control the believers' minds confession Inquisition To persecute and fight against religious and political heresy S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016

11 Confession Since 1215 believers are required to go to confession at least once per year Confessors turn into judges of the sinners' soul Confessors must observe confidentiality, except when sins threaten the social order S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016

12 The Inquisition The Inquisition is a court established in order to fight against heresy: it can use torture to make heretics confess their sins it receives and evaluates delations it confiscates the heretics' property it can sentence heretics to death This new instrument is used also by the political authorities: political disobedience is framed as a form of heresy S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016

13 The papacy of Innocent III
The Church's centralizing tendencies are further strengthened The Church allies with secular authorities to isolate heretics Pauperism movements are included within the Church; Franciscans and Dominicans are recognized S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016

14 The Franciscan order The Franciscan rule is recognized in 1223, it is based on helping the poors and living in poverty The Church formally recognizes the order in 1226, it is not necessary anymore to abandon one's property in order to enter it Franciscans split in two streams: “conventuals” and “spirituals”, who remain attached to the concept of poverty and are persecuted by the Church S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016

15 The Dominican order The order endorses pauperism, in order to counter the heretics' appeal on this point It is a highly educated order, specialized in doctrine; it becomes particularly strong in universities Dominicans have a vocation to fight heresies: they are the men behind Inquisition S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016

16 Time in the Middle Ages Counting years: the system is based
on Jesus's birth year Linear time Based on recurrent festivities and on the rythms of nature Circular time S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016 S. Luzzatto, Dalle storie alla Storia © Zanichelli editore 2016

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