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Status and perspectives of AISHa

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1 Status and perspectives of AISHa
(Advanced Ion Source for Hadrontherapy) L. Celona Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Laboratori Nazionali del Sud LNS User Committee - 09/05/2017

2 Advanced Ion Source for HAdrontherapy
AISHA motivations Advanced Ion Source for HAdrontherapy Allo stato dell’arte la prevalenza dei Centri clinici per Adroterapia, moderne tecniche di radioterapia non convenzionale, si basa su protoni, mentre le nuove frontiere mirano all’uso di fasci sempre più a pesanti: Carbonio , Litio, … Il progetto AISHa si è posto l’obiettivo di sviluppare una sorgente ECR in grado di offrire elevate prestazioni in termini di corrente e stato di carica prodotti per diverse specie ioniche, e relativa facilità d’uso. AISHa L. Celona Comitato utenti, 09/05/2017

3 POR – La Misura Area Tematica: Salute e Scienze della Vita Proponenti:
Regione Siciliana POR – La Misura In attuazione della linea di intervento del POR FESR Sicilia , il presente bando intende sostenere le attività di prevalente sviluppo sperimentale, ivi comprese le attività di ricerca industriale e, in misura marginale, anche di ricerca fondamentale se strettamente collegate al progetto, in connessione con filiere produttive, reti d’imprese, distretti tecnologici e produttivi, che sperimentino un elevato grado di integrazione tra PMI, Università o Enti di Ricerca e grandi imprese, nei settori/ambiti di potenziale eccellenza,individuati dalla Strategia Regionale dell’Innovazione 2007/2013 (nel prosieguo del bando “SRI”), ritenuti rilevanti per lo sviluppo dell’innovazione a livello regionale, indicati al successivo art. 3 del presente bando. Area Tematica: Salute e Scienze della Vita Proponenti: Laboratori Nazionale del Sud – INFN Hitec2000 srl C3SL srl Unico srl AISHa L. Celona Comitato utenti, 09/05/2017

4 Ion source produced by Pantechnik
PK-SUPERNANOGAN Measured performances Ion source produced by Pantechnik Significant improvements have been provided by INFN-LNS: frequency tuning effect, gas control, extractor reliability, etc. AISHa L. Celona Comitato utenti, 09/05/2017

Very simple source with just a few parameters to set, important for installation in hospital environment. Currents limited by the limited power sustainable and from the rigid magnetic field structure. Lack of space in extraction to further optimize the extraction system Metal beams not available AISHa L. Celona Comitato utenti, 09/05/2017

6 Advanced Ion Source for HAdrontherapy
AISHA Advanced Ion Source for HAdrontherapy AISHA is a hybrid ECRIS: the radial confining field is obtained by means of a permanent magnet hexapole, while the axial field is obtained with a Helium-free superconducting system. The operating frequency of 18 GHz will permit to maximize the plasma density by employing commercial microwave tubes meeting the needs of the installation in hospital environments. Radial field 1.3 T Axial field 2.7 T T T Operating frequencies 18 GHz – 21 GHz Operating power kW (max) Extraction voltage 40 kV (max) Chamber diameter / length Ø 92 mm / 360 mm LHe Free Warm bore diameter 274 mm Source weight 1400 kg AISHa L. Celona Comitato utenti, 09/05/2017

7 Advanced Ion Source for HAdrontherapy
AISHA Advanced Ion Source for HAdrontherapy The set of four superconducting coils independently energized realize a flexible magnetic trap, which is fundamental to test alternative heating schemes based on Bernstein waves excitation and heating in sub- harmonics. The use of a broadband microwave generator able to provide signal with complex spectrum content, will permit to efficiently tune the frequency increasing the electron density and therefore the performance in terms of current and average charge state produced. The chamber dimension and the injection system are designed in order to optimize the microwave coupling to the plasma chamber taking into account the need of space to house the oven for metallic ion beam production. An adequate study of the extraction system has been carried out taking into account the production of high current and high charge states. AISHa L. Celona Comitato utenti, 09/05/2017

8 Experimental setup AISHa L. Celona Consuntivo scientifico RDH

9 Experiental setup AISHa L. Celona Comitato utenti, 09/05/2017

10 Experimental setup AISHa L. Celona Comitato utenti, 09/05/2017

11 Ion source platform AISHa L. Celona Comitato utenti, 09/05/2017

12 Ion source platform AISHa L. Celona Comitato utenti, 09/05/2017

13 SC magnetic system assemby
AISHa L. Celona Comitato utenti, 09/05/2017

14 SC magnetic system assemby

15 Demagnetization issues
AISHa L. Celona Comitato utenti, 09/05/2017

16 Final hexapole configuration
Only 2 materials needed with the grain boundary diffusion (Tb) process!!! Green= VAC 745 HR Blue= VAC677 HR AISHa L. Celona Comitato utenti, 09/05/2017

17 Magnetic measurements
Axial magnetic field profile on chamber Radial magnetic field profile on chamber wall AISHa L. Celona Comitato utenti, 09/05/2017

18 HMI Fast Ethernet GROUND SYSTEM HV SYSTEM LEBT SYSTEM Analog & Digital I/O Serial Ethernet Analog & Digital I/O Serial Ethernet EtherCAT Analog & Digital I/O Serial Ethernet HV RF HV HV Oven High Vacuum Cryogenic System For Superconducting Coils High Vacuum Gas Dosing Valve Motion System For Beam Diag 18

19 AISHA Technical challenges
First LHe free compact high performance ECR ion source Compact source design with higher degree of freedom with respect to SERSE (4 solenoids) Forces minimization inside the cryostat. Compact permanent magnet hexapole with new VAC compounds permits to achieve 1.3 T at plasma chamber wall DEMAGNETIZATION issues: Fields generated by SC coils can cause a local demagnetization of the hexapole. Avoided with grain boundary diffusion process! Temperature of external part of plasma chamber MUST be kept low to avoid demagnetization AISHa L. Celona Comitato utenti, 09/05/2017

20 Ion beam production (eµA)
Expected currents Ion Supernanogan (14 GHz) AISHa (18 GHz + TFH) H+ 2000 4000 H2+ 1200 H3+ 1000 1500 3He+ 800 12C4+ 250 6Li2+ - 7Li2+ // 10B B3+ 600 18O6+ 400 21Ne7+ 120 500 36Ar12+ 20 150 Ion beam production (eµA) AISHa L. Celona Comitato utenti, 09/05/2017

21 AISHA Perspectives AISHa Crew First Beam 22 December 2016
Performance of competitors (e.g. 250uA C4+) reproduced in a couple of weeks of operation. Commissioning and optimization will take the entire year, significant performance improvements are expected using classical tricks such as: gas mixing, frequency tuning (on single and double frequency) and bias disk. Some of the devices developed in the framework of the initial UTOPIA programme and in the VESPRI experiment will be also tested on AISHa for performance enhancement (active microwave launching, X-ray diagnostics). Crew First Beam 22 December 2016 AISHa

22 AISHa – IRPT AISHa Crew First Beam 22 December 2017
He-free SC system already delivered Permanent magnet hexapole: delivery expected for Dec. 2017 Mechanics: cost effectiveness analysis in progress Crew First Beam 22 December 2017 AISHa L. Celona Comitato utenti, 09/05/2017

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