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Presentazione sul tema: "PLACE PARTNER’S LOGO HERE"— Transcript della presentazione:

Brideconomies meeting Programma Attività e Collaborazione PLACE PARTNER’S LOGO HERE European Commission Enterprise and Industry

2 Consorzio Catania Ricerche
CCIAA Indutrie Locali Università di Catania CNR e INFN Consorzio Catania Ricerche Laboratorio Superfici ed Interfacce SUPERLAB c/o STMicrolectronics Centro per l’Innovazione c/o Università di Catania Centro Enterprise Europe Network Help Desk c/o Confapi Sicilia Membri CCR Università degli Studi di Catania Camera di Commercio di Catania (CCIAA) Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) AAT SPA SIFI SPA

STEP 1 VISITA AZIENDALE AUDIT TECNOLOGICO PPOMOZIONE INFORMAZIONI IDENTIFICAZIONE DEL PROFILO TECNOLOGICO AZIENDALE STEP 2 RICHIESTA DI TECNOLOGIA OFFERTA DI TECNOLOGIA RICERCA DI PARTNER EUROPEI STEP 3 ATTRAVERSO LA RETE EVENTI DI BROKERAGGIO ATTRAVERSO ATTRAVERSO COMPANY MISSION IRC Portal & IRC Local Public Websites IRCs Websites are the main location to inform client on IRC Services. The IRC Public Website on CORDIS should become the IRC Portal Both tools should be interconnected More IRCs involved in the Network Promotion on the Internet. Automatic Matching Tools Why is it useful for IRCs Both Central and Local tools Structured exchange of information between tools (XML) A better diffusion of the tool in the Network. A better knowledge of the IRCs client profiles Domain interest Reactivity Concentration on Added value services. A shared IRC Network client Database. Internal Management Tool A better follow-up of the IRC’s activities An easy tool to report the IRC activities to the commission The support to follow-up IRC interaction with the rest of the Network. Brokerage Event Management Tool Help the IRC in the preparation of Brokerage event For registration : on line Web form and event presentation Company profiles upload Event scheduler. ASSISTENZA e SUPPORTO STEP 4 CONSULENZA / SIGNPOSTING SU SERVIZI DI FINANZA INNOVATIVA CONSULENZA / SIGNPOSTING SU DIRITTI DI PROPRIETÀ INTELLETTUALE ASSISTENZA IN FASE DI NEGOZIATO E PER ACCORDI DI COOPERAZIONE INTERNAZIONALE STEP 5

4 Principali Servizi Servizi di informazione su iniziative, bandi ed opportunità relative alla ricerca e all’innovazione Sostegno alla partecipazione ai Programmi Quadro e alle iniziative dell’UE (7° PQ, CIP, Interreg...) Servizi di Innovazione, Trasferimento Tecnologico e Internazionalizzazione

5 EEN: Overall objectives
Bridgeconomies Meeting EEN: Overall objectives Development of international competitive companies Stimulation of Innovation Promoting of EU policies and programmes Building of a visible integrated network of excellence

6 Bridgeconomies Meeting
EEN: Activities Information, feedback, business cooperation and internationalisation services Services for innovation and for the transfer of both technology and knowledge Services encouraging the participation of SMEs in FPVII RTD Programme

7 EACI Document - Main Types of Activities
Bridgeconomies Meeting EACI Document - Main Types of Activities Promote Network Organize event Meet Companies Organise brokerage event and missions Partnership Services through networking tools Partnership Agreements

8 EACI Document – Main Outputs data items
Bridgeconomies Meeting EACI Document – Main Outputs data items Company meeting and technology/business review Organize event Clients participating in brokerage event/company mission Expression of Interests made/received connected to Partnership Proposal published Partnership Agreement (technological , research)

9 Bridgeconomies – First Period
Bridgeconomies Meeting Bridgeconomies – First Period FORZA EEN Brand Metodologia e Tools Presenza sul territorio DEBOLEZZA Partnership Proposal Brokerage events /company mission (clients participation) Partnership agreements Apparato produttivo debole Crisi economica MINACCE Risultati sotto la media della rete Riduzione budget nuovo contratto OPPORTUNITA’ Aiutare le imprese nel processo di superamento della crisi attraverso innovazione e internazionalizzazione Identificazione nuovi mercati Accordi di cooperazione internazionali

Contact Consorzio Catania Ricerche Piazza Università 16 – Catania Tel Website: Contatto: Maurizia Sorrentino - Enterprise Europe network Help Desk Piazza Falcone, Catania Tel Tel – Contatto: Dott. Francesco Cappello -


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