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Presentazione sul tema: "INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP"— Transcript della presentazione:

ISCRIZIONE E PARTECIPAZIONE AL WORKSHOP La partecipazione al Workshop è gratuita e darà diritto a crediti formativi. Iscrizione per gli ingegneri: Ai sensi del Regolamento per la formazione continua, agli ingegneri che parteciperanno all’intero convegno saranno riconosciuti 2 CFP. Le iscrizioni verranno accettate secondo l’ordine di arrivo e sino a limite di disponibilità dei posti e dovranno essere fatte sul sito: entro e non oltre il 9 Luglio 2018. Iscrizione per gli studenti: La partecipazione al Workshop e al Corso di 10 ore che verrà tenuto dal Dr. Pietro Milillo nei giorni 16/17/18/19 luglio da diritto a crediti formativi per gli studenti dei Corsi di Studio di Ingegneria Civile, Elettrica e Meccanica. I dettagli sul corso e le modalità di iscrizione per gli studenti sono riportati all’indirizzo: Università degli Studi di Cagliari INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP CIVIL STRUCTURES HEALTH MONITORING USING ADVANCED SATELLITE REMOTE SENSING TECHNIQUES Organization & Scientific Comitee Maria Cristina Porcu – DIMCM-UNICA,Italy Augusto Montisci – DIEE-UNICA, Italy Fabio Soccodato – DICAAR-UNICA, Italy Pietro Milillo – NASA JPL-CALTECH, USA Coordinator & Contact Person Maria Cristina Porcu Acknowledgements: The Visiting Professor Program of Regione Sardegna is acknowledged for supporting the visit of Dr. Milillo. Università degli Studi di Cagliari CAGLIARI 13 Luglio 2018 Aula Magna, Facoltà di Ingegneria e Arch.

2 Università degli Studi di Cagliari
OVERVIEW Several current and expected future synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellites missions are designed as constellations of SAR sensors. Relative to single satellite systems, such constellations can provide greater spatial coverage and temporal sampling, thereby enabling better control on interferometric decorrelation and lower latency data access. These improvements lead to more effective near real-time disaster monitoring, assessment and response, and a greater ability to constrain dynamically changing physical processes. The present Workshop aims to highlight the potential of the second generation of SAR system to enable advances not only in natural hazards prevention but also in the health monitoring of Civil Engineering structures /infrastructures and even in the early warning of the collapse risk due to foundation settlements or progressive loss of stability of buildings in urban areas. Interesting application examples will be given during the Workshop (building collapse, landscape zones, large urban areas, metro infrastructures). The case-study of the Mosul dam will be also presented while classical in- situ techniques for the health monitoring of dams will be discussed . The workshop is devoted to students and practitioners in Civil, Envinromental and Industrial Engineering. INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP CIVIL STRUCTURES HEALTH MONITORING USING ADVANCED SATELLITE REMOTE SENSING TECHNIQUES PROGRAM Registration 9:15-9:45 Welcome and opening Corrado Zoppi – President of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Cagliari Giacomo Cao - President of the Sardinia AeroSpace District –DASS ON THE SYNERGISTIC USE OF SYNTHETIC APERTURE RADAR CONSTELLATIONS’ DATA EXPLOITATION FOR STRUCTURAL HEALTH MONITORING Pietro Milillo – NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Tehcnology, Pasadena, USA INTERFEROMETRIC SAR TIME SERIES ANALYSIS AND NUMERICAL MODELING OF THE MOSUL DAM, IRAQ. Maria Cristina Porcu – DIMCM – University of Cagliari, ITALY COFFEE BREAK ACTUAL SITUATION AND PROPOSAL FOR IN-SITU MONITORING OF A PRECAST CONCRETE DAM Pedro Calderon – ICITECH,  University of Valencia, SPAIN SATELLITE DATA FOR THE EARLY WARNING IN URBAN AREAS. A NEURAL NETWORK-BASED APPROACH Augusto Montisci – DIEE – University of Cagliari, ITALY Discussion and Closure


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