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VA/DoD clinical practise guideline for management of post-traumatic stress 2010 “E' difficile categorizzare le differenti psicoterapie evidence based.

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Presentazione sul tema: "VA/DoD clinical practise guideline for management of post-traumatic stress 2010 “E' difficile categorizzare le differenti psicoterapie evidence based."— Transcript della presentazione:

1 VA/DoD clinical practise guideline for management of post-traumatic stress 2010
“E' difficile categorizzare le differenti psicoterapie evidence based per il PTS,considerata la mancanza di terminologia comune per descrivere le stesse componenti del trattamento e lo specifico modo in cui componenti simili sono manualizzate o assemblate. Nonostante queste difficoltà, esse sembrano includere esposizione, ristrutturazione cognitiva, psicoeducazionecombinate con gestione dell'ansia e abilità nella riduzione dello stress”

2 Le più importanti linee guida sul trattamento del PTSD ( simplex)
Nice guidelines for PTSD , Australian Guidelines for the treatment of ASD and PTSD 2013, Cochrane review of psychological therapies for chronic post-traumatic stress disorder 2013, VA/DoD clinical practise guideline for management of post-traumatic stress 2010,

3 Le più importanti linee guida sul trattamento del PTSD ( simplex)
Considerano come raccomandabili a livello a: TF-CBT EMDR

4 Modalità di valutazione dell’efficacia delle terapie secondo Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR)

5 1)      sintomi target chiaramente definiti 2)      misure affidabili e validate 3)      valutatori ciechi 4)      valutatore del training dei terapeuti 5)      specifici programmi di trattamento riproducibili e operazionalizzati 6)      trattamento randomizzato 7)      aderenza al trattamento (AHCPR)

6 Livello A Evidence is based upon randomized, well-controlled clinical trials ( RCT) for individuals with PTSD.

7 Level B Evidence is based upon well-designed clinical studies, without randomization or placebo comparison (no RCT) for individuals with PTSD.

8 Level C Evidence is based on service and naturalistic clinical studies, combined with clinical observations that are sufficiently compelling to warrant use of the treatment technique or follow the specific recommendation.

9 Level D Evidence is based on long-standing and widespread clinical practice that has not been subjected to empirical tests in PTSD.

10 Level E Evidence is based on long-standing practice by circumscribed groups of clinicians that has not been subjected to empirical tests in PTSD.

11 Level F Evidence is based on recently developed treatment that has not been subjected to clinical or empirical tests in PTSD.

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