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CdS 2017: embargo fino a TAUP2017
ma le cose raggiunte si potevano mostrare a questo livello Criogenia OK 7 mK!!!!
e adesso 5 anni di data taking….
Richieste economiche Cuore-Pd 2019
Anagrafica: Ric. 0,2/1 FTE: ML(non firmatario) Tecn. 0.55/1 FTE: LT si torna in dotz! Capitolo Descrizione Parziali Totale Richiesta SJ Richieste MISSIONI 1. Turni presso LNGS 1 FTE/firmatario 4.50 15.00 0.00 2. 1 meeting di collaborazione in Italia + riunioni PI 2.00 3. 3 visite alla Leiden Cryogenics per DU Spare 4.00 4. 1 meeting di collaborazione all'estero (USA) 2.50 5. conferenze e/o collaborazioni CONSUMO 1. Termometria, link termici e attuatori piezo per test in hallC 2.00 2.00 0.00 Non si richiede attività di servizio Totale richiesta 17 k€ Così sarebbe finita, ma lasciatemi fare un breve consuntivo dell’attività AB
The goal: Make the Optimum Trigger (OT) work for the online data-taking of CUORE: the OT algorithm is demanding in terms of computing resources, therefore it needed different improvements and tests (both offline and online) to meet the goal;
Analysis of data acquired during calibration with both OT and DT
Are we able to get the same events tagged by DT at high energy? from the comparison of the DT and OT energy spectrum, we can conclude that OT is performing very well; 239 keV 338 keV 583 keV 911 keV Derivative OT Single trigger required 969 keV 2615keV Since OT has lower thresholds, we recognize more pile-up, so there are less events in energy spectrum from OT
We are able to reconstruct the characteristic Te X-rays
How to check that OT is working at low energies? exploit characteristic Te X-rays that can follow a 𝛾 ray interaction in a crystal; they can escape the crystal and be detected in another close crystal; look at the M2 energy spectrum; We are able to reconstruct the characteristic Te X-rays Fit with an eight Gaussian line shape plus linear background: Relative intensities and positions of Ka2,3 fixed w.r.t. Ka1; Relative intensities and positions of Kb2,3,4,5 fixed w.r.t. Kb1; Same width for all gaussians;
Preliminary OT energy thresholds in CUORE:
energy threshold defined as the energy at which events are identified with 90% of efficiency; OT DT
Conclusions: OT is now implemented in CUORE for the online data-taking since May 2018; The trigger allows to lower the energy thresholds: analyses at low energy can be performed (Dark Matter, Axions, Supernova neutrino, low energy radioactivity); better rejection of background events in standard analyses like 0vBB;
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