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I SESSIONE 1° Sessione - Moderatori: R. Nami (Siena) –

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Presentazione sul tema: "I SESSIONE 1° Sessione - Moderatori: R. Nami (Siena) –"— Transcript della presentazione:

1 I SESSIONE 1° Sessione - Moderatori: R. Nami (Siena) – V. Romano (Napoli) Indicazioni dalle nuove Linee Guida ESC/ESH sulla terapia in associazione dei farmaci antiipertensivi Renato Nami Prof. FR di Cardiologia Presidente Nazionale ANCE Cardiologia Italiana del Territorio




5 Classification of hypertension stages according to blood pressure levels, presence of cardiovascular risk factors, hypertension-mediated organ damage, or comorbidities.

6 Initiation of blood pressure-lowering treatment (lifestyle changes and medication) at different initial office blood pressure levels

7 ESC/ESH Guidelines 2018



10 Initiation of blood pressure-lowering treatment (lifestyle changes and medication) at different initial office blood pressure levels


12 Should guidelines also indicate a BP value
not to go below in order to avoid harm? 12

(CAD pts) ONTARGET (high risk pts, mainly with CAD) CV events (%) CV events (%) Adjusted HR 110 >110 to 120 >120 to 130 >130 to 140 >140 to 150 >150 to 160 >160 On-treatment SBP (mmHg) On-treatment SBP (mmHg) VALUE (High risk pts) TNT (CAD pts) Cardiac events (%) CV events (%) Adjusted HR < 120 >120 to 130 >130 to 140 >140 to 150 >150 to 160 >160 to 170 >170 to 180 ≥ 180 ≤ 60 61-70 71-80 81-90 91-100 > 100 On-treatment SBP (mmHg) On-treatment DBP (mmHg) 13

14 The idea «the lower, the better» has been discarded
ESC/ESH Guidelines 2013


16 Qualche incongruenza dalle Linee Guida ESC/ESH Guidelines 2018
Paziente >18 <65 anni con valori limite di PA > 140/90 mm Hg Trattamento: SI fino al target di PA 130/ mm Hg Paziente >18 <65 anni con valori limite di PA sistolica >131 < 139 mm Hg e PA diastolica > 81 < 89 mm Hg Trattamento: NO! Valori pressori target 130/ mm Hg: mai raggiunti!

17 Qualche incongruenza dalle Linee Guida ESC/ESH Guidelines 2018
Paziente > 80 anni con valori limite di PA sistolica > 160 mm Hg Trattamento: SI fino al target di PA sistolica mm Hg Paziente > 80 anni con valori limite di PA sistolica >140 e < 159 mm Hg Trattamento: NO! Valori pressori target mm Hg: mai raggiunti!

18 Distingue i valori limite della PA dai target pressori!
Fonte di confusione dalle Linee Guida ESC/ESH Guidelines 2018 Distingue i valori limite della PA dai target pressori! Valori limite PA = Target pressori!


20 Therapeutic Approach in Hypertension

21 Altri Agenti Antiipertensivi CA-Antagonisti
Diuretici Tiazidici Beta-Bloccanti Sartani Altri Agenti Antiipertensivi CA-Antagonisti ACE-Inibitori ESH/ESC Guidelines 2013

22 Core drug treatment strategy for uncomplicated hypertension

23 Prevalence of primary aldosteronism in patients with resistant hypertension

24 Spironolactone-induced BP reduction in resistant hypertension
Current Hypertension Reports, 2007

25 Drug treatment strategy for hypertension and coronary artery disease.
? ?


27 Individualized Blood Pressure Target !
ESH-ESC 2007

28 Drug treatment strategy for hypertension and chronic kidney disease

29 Drug treatment strategy for hypertension and heart failure with reduced ejection fraction

30 Drug treatment strategy for hypertension and atrial fibrillation


32 Improvement in blood pressure control in hypertension: drug adherence
There is growing evidence that poor adherence to treatment—in addition to physician inertia (i.e. lack of therapeutic action when the patient’s BP is uncontrolled)—is the most important cause of poor BP control. Non-adherence to antihypertensive therapy correlates with higher risk of CV events. Early discontinuation of treatment and suboptimal daily use of the prescribed regimens are the most common facets of poor adherence. Poor adherence is strongly and inversely correlated with the number of pills prescribed. A major emphasis of these Guidelines has been to simplify the treatment strategy to try and improve adherence to treatment and BP control, by prescribing a single pill to most patients with hypertension. ESC/ESH Guidelines 2018

33 Can a single pill prevent CVD in hypertension?

34 Copyright © 2015 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
From: Effect of a Pharmacy Care Program on Medication Adherence and Persistence, Blood Pressure, and Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol:  A Randomized Controlled Trial JAMA. 2014;296(21): doi: /jama joc60162 Figure Legend: The multidose adherence package enables clear packaging and labeling of multiple medications in a disposable, punch card format. The translucent blister facilitates visual verification of the card content. This medication packaging organizes the patients' pills according to the daily dosing time and prevents them from working with multiple medication bottles. Patients received combinations of morning, noon, evening, or bedtime blister packs according to their regimen. Patients took the numbered blister that matched the day of the month. Copyright © 2015 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

35 Tailored therapy ed ipertensione arteriosa: ogni paziente è diverso...

36 Therapeutic management of the «frail» hypertensive patient
Soft and gradually progressive «Tailored» Target BP not strict Signs and symptoms-limited Adverse events and side effects-conditioned Assess comorbidities and any interference between drugs Assess carefully the Risk –Benefit ratio Evaluate the clinical effect of the treatment(s) Nami R, It J Pract Cardiology, 2015

37 Conclusioni La gestione clinico-terapeutica del paziente iperteso complicato, al di là delle raccomandazioni generali e mai definitive delle LG, deve basarsi su: Caratteristiche cliniche individuali del paziente Presenza di danno d’organo o patologie cliniche associate Presenza di co-morbilità 3. Terapia antiipertensiva mirata (tailored) 4. Follow-up clinico con markers di danno d’organo affidabili ed a basso costo 5. Esperienza, prudenza e soprattutto buon senso clinico-pratico del medico curante


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